9 MAY 1857, Page 8



The market for English Securities has assumed quite a different character the last day or two : the dividend of lf per cent on Consols being nearly due, has brought several operators for the rise into the market; and the consequence is, that the Funds, which opened on Monday with a firmer appearance than had been witnessed for some time past, have since continued gradually to improve. The first price was 921 for the 7th May Account; but before the settling yesterday the price had reached 931, buyers, and 94 f for June. Stocks opened firm in the morning, and a great deal of business was transacted at 94; when a sudden fall of f per cent took place, owing to a most unexpected announcement that the Bank of England refused to continue advances on Government Securities. Later in the day, however, this fact was not looked upon in so unfavourable a light, and Consols rallied 1 per cent. The market today has worn a still more favourable aspect, and Consols, from opening at 931 1, close at 941 1. The purchase of a considerable amount in Exchequer Bills by the Government Broker first gave tone to the markets all round. The business of the week has been moderate. The Contango on Consols was f f, without variation, till the last hour, when was freely given in several quarters. Foreign Stocks have fluctuated about 1 per cent throughout the week, and they close at an average advance of f. Turkish Six per Cents have been in greater demand,the last price is 94 ; Ditto Four per Cent Guaranteed, 1001 I. Russian Five per Cents, 104 6. Peru Four-and-a-half, 77 8; Ditto Three per Cents, 54 5 ; Buenos Ayres, 857. Mexican has been steady at 23 1. Venezuela, 37 38. An average business has been doing, and chid!y speculative. Railway Shares have been active all the week, and, after falling about 158. per share, have recovered 10s, upon the closing quotations of Saturday. The improved state of the Funds, and the greater ease in the money-market, contributed to give a firmer tone in Railway Stocks and Shares; but upon the whole there has been little business doing. Great Western leave off at 661 67; Midland, 8213; London and North-Western, 10.5 ; Caledonian, 331 f ; Brighton, 110 111; South-Eastern, 221 1. The market closes firm.

Business has been rather brisk in the French market, and prices close this afternoon fully 20s. better. Paris and Lyons are now quoted at 59 1;

Central, 31 ; Northern of France, Uf 91 ; Namur and Liege, 8 ; Luxembourg, f I. Prices are telegraphed from Paris this afternoon somewhat lower. SATURDAY, Twxxxx o'Ctocx.

The return of the Bank stock of bullion for this week shows an increase of 35921. The Funds-opened this morning at the clotting quotations of yesterday—Consols 94k k ; the market is steady. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are without alteration.


Stocks have been very firm all the morning ; Consols have been 945-16, buyers ; a good deal of -business has oocurred. The Government Broker has made another purchase of 30,0001. Exchequer Bills at par. Money, however, has been in good demand. The Foreign Market is a shade better, but business has been extremely limited all round. The following are the latest Railway and Miscellaneous Stock transactions—Caledonion, 714; Great Northern, 974; Great Western, 66k; London and North-Western, 105; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 451; Midland, 824; North British, 43k ; North-Eastern—Berwick, 861; Ditto York, 651; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 31. Joint Stock Banks—Ottoman Bank, 144; Union -of Australia, 57.

RANA OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 2d day of nay 1867. 1.9DE DEPARTMENT.

Notes Issued £25,329,393 Government Debt £11,015,100

Other Securities 3.459,950 Gold Coin and Bullion 8,854,595 Silver Bullion £33,329,395 I £23,329,593


Proprietors' Capital £94,600,000 Government Securities Claris Rest 3,278,889 ding Dead Weight Annuity). £11,300,223 Public Deposita` 3,890,160 Other Securities 18,410,829 Other Deposita 9.491,244 Notes 3,563,365 'Seven Days and other Bills— 733,370 Gold and Silver Coin 704,232 E33,968,643 £33,968,543 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks,Commissionersof National Debt, & Dividend Accta.

The first general meeting of the proprietors of the Western Bank of London,—Mr. Roebuck in the chair,—was held on Wednesday. The financial year will terminate on the 30th June, when a statement of accounts for the year will be submitted to a meeting ; in the mean time, the accounts have 'been prepared to the 30th ApriL At that time the amount due to customers was 173,8121.; the gross profit, 12,6581.; the net profit, 5998/. The chairman alluded to the unfavourable period at which the bank began its operations; but in spite of obstacles it has progressed steadily and satisfactorily. In the management of its affairs, the Directors rigidly examine all transactions, and exercise great care that a safe business may be carried on. Unfortunately, the great sum of 1313001. has been expended for "preliminary expenses' ; 6000/. of which was paid to " promoters " when the Directors were inexperienced in such matters. The Directors recommended the election of two additional auditors from the body of proprietors, in addition to the two appointed under the deed of settlement. Two gentlemen were accordingly elected. With respect to a proposition to increase the qualification of directors from ten to twenty or fifty. shares, Mr. Roebuck said he should at once retire if such a change were made : he is not a rich man ; and he believes that the essentials of management are care and probity, not wealth. Votes of thanks to the Directors were passed.

The Assam Company have declared a dividend at the increased rate of 8 per cent. The report of the Directors was of a very satisfactory nature, showing that, spite of obstacles, the growth of tea yearly augments, and it fetches a good pride in England.

At the annual meeting of the London General Omnibus Company, held at Paris, a dividend equivalent to 52. per share was declared. f he report stated that the profits in the year 1856 were 121 per cent ; for the first three months of this year they are 15 per cent. Each omnibus earns on an average 2/. 16e. per day. The largest item in the last year's expenses was for "feeding horses "-171,840/., or 2e. lid. per day for each horse. The omnibuses employed averaged 450 per day ; and each vehicle ran 54 miles —in all, 24,300 miles a day. The company now possess 600 omnibuses and 5879 horses.

The "Great Barrier Land, Harbour, and Mining Company "—capital 50,0001.—is projected for the development of a land and copper-mining property fifty-five miles from Auckland in New Zealand.

CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday May 8th, including season-ticket-holders, 16,593.