Stoke Newington, 7th November 1850. Srn—The important intelligence which has lately been communicated to the public that arrangements are likely to be made for opening a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, must, I think, naturally suggest to the commercial world, that a sister enterprise, the ship-canal across the Isthmus of Suez, has been too long delayed. In these days, surely, engineering difficulties cannot be admitted as sufficient reason for the neglect of such a scheme : as to political objections, a treaty similar to that negotiated by Sir Henry Bulwer would obviate them. The five Great Powers and the United States might be invited to join in a guarantee that the canal should be open to all nations ; and such guarantee would be the very best security Egypt could possibly desire for the permanent integrity of her territory. I am, Sir, your very obedient servant, G. W. FIELD.