The President and Fellows of Sion College assembled on Thursday,
to receive the answer of the Bishop of London to their memorial of hut week, and to memorialize the Queen. One passage in the Bishop's letter accused . the Bishop of Rome of having done what is forbidden by tho laws of the Church over which he presides
" Hac eat moderna ecelesite discipline," says Van Espen, (' Ina Eccles. Univ.' I. p. 162) " sit et episcopatura et archiepiscopatura sive metropolem institutio sire ereotio non inisi auctoritate Papte interveniente, tames prin ciple conseneu, mime fere non nisi ad ejus postulationem fiat." The act of the Pope is virtually an interference with the government of England, and as such it must be denounced and resisted.
The assembled clergy expressed their thanks for the Bishop's reply. Lord John Ruesell's letter having been read, Dr. Croly declaimed on the subject of a general conspiracy afoot throughout Europe against Protestantism. Ile noticed as a pregnant sign of the times, that throe Romanista have been appointed by our Government to the highest diplomatic dignity of ambassador ; and the last of these appointments is that of Mr. Sheil to Tuscany, which has always been the secret conduit through which the British Government dealt with Rome. A committee was appointed, who drew up an address to the Queen, warning her Majesty against the tendency of the Papal. acts, to undermine the very foundation of her throne ; and the address was unanimously adapted.
The clergy of the Arehdeactonries of Middlesex have also published a protest against the Papal usurpation, and an invitation to the laity to cooperate in nullifying it.