9 NOVEMBER 1850, Page 6


The Eclintiurgh nem learns with regret "'front the friends of the Lord Advocate; that his health eontinues in a most precarious state; that little if any prospect exists of his speedy recovery ; and that, at all events, it is highly improbable that he will ever be enabled to resume his active duties." The Witness repeats as "notorious in certain circles," that Sir William Gilman Craig has been fixed upon as the proximate Lord Advocate.

Two of the County Police have been the victims of a cowardly outrageat Newmilton,.about seven miles from Edinburgh. A number of Irish nav-vies were employed there in forming water,-works ; on pay-day, last Saturday, they as usual drank deeply ; one misbehaved, and two Policemen took him into custody at his landlady's desire. While conveying him away, a number of men assailed the Pollee, beat them savagely, and left them insensible : both men are thought to bum danger.

A few. days ago, while an elderly lady, who resides in St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, was taking a pleasure-walk in that fashionable locality, a boy, apparently belonging to some shop, accosted her by holding up a letter, and requesting her to read the address and let him know where the owner lived, as he could not read the writing. This the lady frankly did, and. the apparent shop-boy proceeded on his course. Shortly afterwards, however, the lady, having occasion to feel for her money, to her astonishment discovered that this juvenile and plausible thief had actually robbed her of two pounds. —North British Mail.