Tuesda 's Gazette notified that the Queen has granted unto Sir Robert. Mousey ltolfe4 late Baron of the Exchequer, the office of a. Vice-Chemcolor of the Court of Charicpry in F.rigl and.
The Presidency of the East India Company's Educational Establishment at Addiscombe, now vacant, with 15001. a year, exclusive of a. residenee and other pecuniary advantages, will, it is reported, be given by the Court of Directors to one of the last chosen members of their own body, viz. Colonel 011ivant. —Daily News.
A. list of questions having been circulated in an Oxford. paper as emanating from the University Commission, we may state that no questions whatever have yet been issued by the Commissioners. It is, however, known that a considerable number of gentlemen connected with the Univemity„ of the highest consideration, have expressed their readiness to give evidence when summoned, and to promote the objects of the Coramission.—Glebe.
The gentlemen of the English bar are about to present an address to her Majesty on the subject of the recent Papal usurpation. Withal twenty-four hours, the address has been signed by a. great majority of the Queen's counsel and leaders of the profession; and several members of the Roman Catholic communion have expressed their approbation of its object, although declining to be a party to its form of expression.—Morning Chronicle, Nov. 8.
Mr. Sergeant Allen, of the Oxford Circuit,. and Mr. Sergeant Wilkins,, of the Northern Circuit, have received patents of precedency. Mr. Miller, of the Midland Circuit, will receive the coif. The vacancies occasioned by the elevation.of Mr. Martin, and the retirement. from circuit practice of Mr. Whitehurst, have led to several applications to the Lord Chancellor for silk ; but at present. no determination has been madons to which, if any, gentlemen will be called within, the bar.—Globs.
Lord Denman is the only Chief Justice, and MT. Justice Erskine the only Puisne Judge in England, now enjoying. a retiring pension. There is at present no Judge from the Common Law Cburts in Ireland receiving a retired allowance. In. Scotland, the Lord President. of the Court of Session and two other judges have at present retiring pensions ; and there are no less than five Ex-Chancellors at this moment in the reedit of the retired allowance—viz. Lord Brougham, Lord, Lyndhuest, and Lord Cottenham in England, and Sir Edward Sheen and Lent Plunkett in Ireland—Globe.
Lord Cottenhem. left'Marseilles on the 28th, on board. the Medusa, for Malta, whither he has gone for.his health.