9 NOVEMBER 1850, Page 7

The world' of letters will_ sympathize with Mr. Hallam, the

historian of the Middle Ages, on_ the loss of his only surviving son, very recently, at. Sienna, after tt. short visit paid by the family to Rome. The 7Vmes, Liz announcing the death,. adds " It will be remembered by the large class of friends and. admirers to whom Mr. Hallam is justly endeared, that a. similar misfortune, almost identical in some of its circumstances, bereaved him several years ago of an eldest son, whose. genius and whose virtues hadmingularly endeared him to all his contemporaries. So sudden and so painful an affliction has seldom fallen twice upon the same family ; and it is increased by the premature close of another life rich in every promise of personal excellence, and professional distinction."