From Anthony G. Brown Sir: I hesitate to detract in
any way from Mark Steyn's fighting the good fight, but here in Texas the short and sharp method he supposes we would apply to unruly Muslim youth ('reach in his glove box and blow your head oft') would likely be as illegal as it would be unwise. Although it's true that in our fair state 'gun control' mostly means being sure not to wobble in your aim, the carrying of a loaded pistol on the street or in a car is, for almost all citizens, in almost all places, at almost all times, a crime. Actually using such an illegally carried weapon is what we call 'big trouble'. Those few civilians licensed by state law to carry a pistol in public — just over 1 per cent of the population — must undergo courses in conflict avoidance, as well as in basic gun safety: statistically, the permit-holders tend to be exceptionally law-abiding before they get their pistol permit, and even more so afterwards. Indeed, many non-Texans are surprised by the restrictive nature of our state constitution on these matters, viz. 'Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms in the lawful defense of himself or the State; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the bearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime.'
Anthony G. Brown
Dallas, Texas, USA