12 FEBRUARY 1870

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Sir C. Dilke was immediately followed by Mr. Disraeli, who

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was apparently in some alarm lest his followers should stumble on fallible views of their own. He limited himself entirely to the subject of Ireland, and his line was, on the...


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P ARLIAMENT was opened by Commission on Tuesday, and the Queen's Speech read to a small knot of Peers and a - - ,boxfull of Members from the Lower House. The Speech appears to...

The debate on the Address in the Lords was languid,

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though' Lord Cairns made some points. The Marquis of Huntly, who moved the Address, was fluent, but stuck very closely to the Speech, including a paragraph about America, which...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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Mr. Bright has broken down just at the commencement of

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the Session, and is ordered to abstain absolutely from all mental labour for at least a month, nor do some of his friends conceal their fear that a longer rest and retirement...

The debate on the Address was moved in the Commons

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by the Hon. Captain Egerton (M.P. for South Derbyshire), more of a sailor than of a speaker, who blurted out pretty plainly, in a short speech which contained no other...

Lord Granville in reply congratulated Lord Cairns on his return

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to the leadership of the House, but denied the responsibility of Government for the state of Ireland, his real point, a Most important one, being this : the difficulty of...

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Mr. Gladstone was very effective in his reply, though, as

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it was delivered during the dinner-hour, it was addressed to an unusually thin House. He declined all vestige of responsibility for Mr. Heron and Sir John Gray, and pointed out...

Dr. Temple has decided that his essay iu " Essays

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and Reviews" shall not be republished in any future edition of that work, and his resolve was made known in the Lower House of Convocation on Wednesday. We had written frankly...

The great measure of the Session, the Irish Land Bill,

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is to be introduced on Tuesday (15th) in the House of Commons by the Prime Minister, and Mr. Forster is to introduce his Bill to provide for the public elementary education of...

On Thursday night Mr. Gladstone moved "That Jeremiah O'Donovan [Roasts],

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returned as knight of the shire for the county of Tipperary, having been adjudged guilty of felony and sentenced to penal servitude for life, and being so imprisoned under such...

Dr. Ullathorne (the Catholic Bishop of Birmingham) has written to

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the Times to deny his being a " Gallivan,"—to deny his having joined any party among the Roman Bishops,—or signed any docu- ment " drawn up by any person or party...

There is hardly any news this week of the great

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Council worth telling. 1Vhat there is, seems to be as much in favour of the defi- nition of the dogma of Papal infallibility as ever. That the Pope himself expects it, and is...

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What a thorough failure of justice there appears to have

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been in this Godrich case. Mrs. Godrich brought an action of divorce against her husband for adultery and cruelty, whereupon he charged her also with adultery with a Mr. Forder...

Mr. Lowe is all alive. 1Vhi1e peeparing a budget which

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would suffice for most Chancellors of the Exchequer, he has found time to frame a scheme for terminable annuities, another for converting all British State debts, the 2j• and 5...

Count von Bismarck apparently cannot get on with his House

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of Lords. That body has never reconciled itself to the aunexa- tions, and strongly resisted a Government motiou to adjourn the Diet, so as to allow of the meeting of the...

A controversy has been raging all the week between Mr.

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Gresham, High Bailiff of Southwark, and Mr. Odger, candidate for that borough, the pith of which appears to be this :—Mr. Gresham is responsible for the expense of...

Besides, Mr. Lowe has brought in two bills reducing expendi-

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ture, one of them very wise, one rather foolish. By the first he appoints the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the time being Master of the Mint, thus abolishing that office and...

Barricades have been erected once more in Paris. The Govern-

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ment decided on Monday to arrest M. Rochefort, and on Monday lie was seized as he was entering a public meeting in Belleville. He submitted quietly, and recommended his...

Mr. Gladstone has declared publicly against the indelibility of Orders,—i.e.,

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of course, against any legal disability to practise other trades or professions, or to abandon absolutely the clerical profession at the clergymau's own spontaneous choice. Of...

The Bishops seem quite agreed that the English Bible ought

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to be revised, and its positive errors corrected. At least, the Upper House of Convocation agreed unanimously to a resolution for a Conur.ttee to inquire into the desirableness...

Consols were on Friday evening 92f to 92f.

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THE QUEEN'S SPEECH. T HE politicians who a few years ago dreaded or affected to dread that politics would soon become dull, that every question in dispute having been conceded...

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THE first debate of the Session has not been a recon- naissance in force, even if it has been so much as a sounding of the call to arms. Mr. Disraeli and Lord Cairns were alike...

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R EVOLUTION has again flashed in the pan. It is very easy, and may be very judicious, to make light of an imeute like that of Tuesday in Paris, but any political riot small or...

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W HAT with the brewing interest, the distilling interest, the publican interest, the beershop interest, the teetotallers, and the members who have given pledges to the advocates...

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A NY Englishman who has had the misfortune to be at once vehemently assailed and vehemently defended by the English Press, may feel very considerable doubt which of the two...

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I N considering whether the agitation that had been for some time on foot for a change in the manner of conducting Scotch affairs merited success, we ventured, on the 1st of...

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I N the Bankruptcy Court of History there has of late years been a disposition to' whitewash' rather freely individuals, of greater or less notoriety, long accused of default in...


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W HAT is Mr. Lowe going to do with the Coinage? lie has introduced a Bill about it, but it is not a Bill authorizing him to order the improvements which the public would like,...

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L AST year the scientific world hailed with interest the dis- covery that heat comes to us from beyond the infinite depths which separate our earth from the fixed stars,...

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[FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] Rome, February 5, 1870. Two rumours have been going about which I omitted to take notice of before, but now think it my duty to mention. The...

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THE APPOINTMENT OF BISHOPS BY THE STATE. [TO THE Eorroa OF THE "SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—I am quite sure that there must be a very large number of Churchmen who sympathize with the...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—Your article on pauperism on Saturday, the 29th ult., recalled a hint which you threw out some weeks ago, in criticizing the " Albert"...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Assenting as I do to much that your review sets forth on Sir Charles in your last number, you will allow a very old and ardent reader...

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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") SIR, —I trust you will grant me an opportunity of placing before your readers a few comments on the letter of " Austro-Anglian," in your last...


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PROFESSOR MAURICE ON SOCIAL MORALITY.* IF Mr. Maurice had called this book " Lectures on the Philosophy of History in Relation to Social Morals," it would, we conceive, have...

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MATERIALS for a picture of Faraday as a man and as a philoso- pher exist, but the picture itself has not yet been composed. Dr. Tyndall has, indeed, given us in a compact and...

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a man for his own fame. Had he confined his attention to the teaching duties of his chair, and published nothing, the world outside Oxford would hardly have known his name, and...

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LONG ODDS.* THIS is a disappointing book, in more respects

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than one. To begin with, the reader who is led to suppose from the antipodean aspect of the volume and the place of publication that he is about to enjoy a still unhackneyed...


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man responsible for the misfortunes that overwhelm him ? This is the somewhat wide question opened up by Mr. and • Travels in Central Africa and Explorations of the Western...

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The North British Review. January. (Edmonton and Douglas.)— To supply four times a year six or seven essays of permanent value and a complete review of contemporary literature...

Fair Harvard : a Story of American College Life. (New

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York, Putnam ; London, Sampson Low and Co.).—This tale of "American College Life " is very like the books on the same subject with which we have here been familiar, — books, it...

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neocritus Translated into English Verse. By C. S. Calverley. (Deighton

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and Bell, Bell and Daldy.)—We owe Mr. Calverley an apology for having left his very elegant volume of translations un- noticed so long, and for noticing it now in less detail...

The Poets of Greece. By Edwin Arnold, M.A. (Cassell and

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Co.)— To deal satisfactorily with sixty and more poets in about thrice as many loosely printed pages is indeed a task which exceeds mortal powers, and which therefore Mr. Arnold...