12 JUNE 1964

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The Spectator

the right sort of change? JUN 2 91964 MURRAY KEMPTON : The Goldwater Rush CHRISTOPHER BOOKER: The Gower Street Conspiracy SIMON RAVEN : Waugh's Private Wars

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Mr. Smith Goes to Town

The Spectator

I s there nothing more to be done to avert tragedy in Southern Rhodesia? The Com- monwealth Prime Ministers (almost unanimously) have decided that Mr. Ian Smith shall not be...

Portrait of the Week

The Spectator

BLUE STREAK WAS FIRED at last, with a nine-minute flight from Woomera, after four false starts, the first positive result of £100 million of work. Other- wise this was a week of...


The Spectator

No. 7094 Established 1828 FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1964

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Two Foreign Policies

The Spectator

TAYA ZINKIN writes from Ahmedabad : Pakistan's foreign policy is divided in two: the rest of the world and India. When dealing with the rest of the world, Pakistan is pragmatic....

The Beaver

The Spectator

U NDERSTANDABLY enough, a faintly baffled note has recurred in the obituaries of Lord Beaverbrook. For all his love of self-publicity he remained a paradox and a puzzle. The...

Landed Interests

The Spectator

XCHANGES between Government and Oppo- sition in recent days on the rising cost of building land are a foretaste of what promises to be one of the more bitter themes at the...

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Political Commentary

The Spectator

Danger—Capitalists at Work By DAVID WATT T o us night-club photographers of politics the past week has been a great relief. What with a languid statesmanship and pre-election...

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The Goldwater Rush

The Spectator

From MURRAY KEMPTON WASHINGTON A A ND now there would appear to be no lions 1,,.visible in Senator Goldwater's path to the Republican nomination and only a pride would serve....

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The Right Sort of Change?

The Spectator

1 THE SOCIAL SERVICES `Benefits for all are . the enemy of care for the few' By J. ENOCH POWELL, MP rr HE social services today reflect the legislation I of twenty years ago...

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The Spectator

W.I The lass with the lager is my wife Enid. She's just had her hair done. The day I was ordered to drink beer by FREDDIE TRUEMAN D URING THE cricket season I can't get home...

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Down a Peg

The Spectator

By STRIX TN my own interests, I suppose, I ought to keep the episode as dark as possible. There would be nothing furtive in doing so, it is not a question of hushing something...

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Switch Off

The Spectator

• A dramatic list of the splendid achievements Of the BBC given in the Sunday Telegraph ends thus: . . It has put on pure mathematics at peak time. What does the Spectator...

Out of the Ashes

The Spectator

Others will have commented on the verdict of the Rivonia trial. The Spectator has its own tailpiece in continuing the story of what is hap- pening to Randolph Vigne, the former...

Tailpiece Not the least puzzling part of Mr. Harold Wilson's

The Spectator

aimless journey to Moscow is why he took with him Mr. Michael Stewart, Shadow to the Minister of Housing and Local Govern- ment. Does either of them think the Soviet methods of...


The Spectator

Happenings is what they weren't in the Deni- son Hall at the beginning of the week, these much-heralded free theatrical events brought over from Paris to throw the...

Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

But when I expose the frequently inadequate knowledge and defective reasoning of burn- ingly sincere do-gooders, anxious to exterminate all vestiges of colour privileges or...


The Spectator

1. The most interesting two-year-old in the Free Handicap isn't mentioned in it. And, of course, it is Irish - trained. J. M. Rogers thinks Santa Claus is the best horse he has...

Stratford Centenary

The Spectator

By CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS Tradesmen in Stratford are complaining that the Centenary Celebrations have brought fewer tourists to the town than had been expected.-At the same dine,...

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The Surmising Forum

The Spectator

From BERTRAND DE JOUVENEL PARIS C mu are contemporary changes in the a functions of government that they must in- evitably bring profound changes in the struc- ture of public...

Discounting Personality

The Spectator

FAIRLIE By HENRY S ENATOR GOLDWATER is, I suppose, something of an inconvenience; no one, certainly, has managed to persuade me that he is anything more, or that he will be...

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Open Letter to the Governor of Ford Prison

The Spectator

By JAMES ROBINSON D EAR GOVERNOR, — You may not remember me: I was one of the 1,000-odd men con- fined at your prison during 1963, spending seven months in your charge between...

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The Press

The Spectator

Mr. Berry's Ramillies By RANDOLPH S. CHURCHILL The Sunday Telegraph sells 66,000 copies less than the Observer but the Daily .Telegraph sells 585,000 more than the Observer...

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The Spectator

SIR,—I have been' most interested to sec the article 'The Two Worlds' by Charles Longbottom, MP, in your May 22 issue as well as the letters from Ritchie Calder, Sir Herbert...

VACANCY ON THE TUMBRIL SIR,—Quoodle might demolish Hatfield.

The Spectator

26 Queens Garden, W2 DAVID COOPER


The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. Randolph Churchill has tried a double- barrelled defence of Christopher Booker's attack on the Guardian and especially on its editor, Alastair Hetherington. Neither...


The Spectator

SIR,—Since it is of course true, as Sir Cyril Osborne says, that Mr. Thomas and Mr. MacDonald were not responsible for their illegitimacy (and I presume he would hold the same...

%w in Letters The Halfpenny Culture A. C. H. Smith Churchill

The Spectator

on Satire Sir Linton Andrews Lord Attlee on .1. H. Thomas A. S. B. Glover Vacancy on the Tumbril David Cooper The Two Worlds Charles H. Weitz A Few Plain Words Dr. A. J. Hawes A...

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The Spectator

SIR,—One million, seven hundred thousand elderly people have confessed to being lonely, says a recent government survey. No recommendations, however, were made about a remedy....


The Spectator

SIR,—Quoodle might have added to his catalogue of 'Little Did I Know' that while Quoodle was DAQMG of the 50th Division the present member for Bosworth was DAQMG of the 3rd...

SHOWS AND CHAOS Sia,—Before the Chelsea Flower Show moves I

The Spectator

suggeit Olympia and Earls Court move. Kensington High Street is packed solid nearly every time there is an exhibition at Olympia. Quoodle should see the stationary - Traffic...


The Spectator

SIR,—In his article 'For "Freedom" Read "Privacy"' (Spectator, June 5) Mr. Fairlie seems to confuse two themes. His point that our modern social system displays a growing...


The Spectator

SIR,—Under the above heading Quoodle aspires to plain talk, but I still find him too nice in his ex- pression to be useful. 'Personal hygiene' does not mean rinsing one's hands...

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The Spectator

SIR, —No doubt you will have discovered by this time that your sneer at the Church of Scotland in 'Portrait of the Week' was unjustified, but what disturbs me is the ignorance...

The Gower Street Conspiracy

The Spectator

By CHRISTOPHER BOOKER WELL, is the BBC doing a grand job, or isn't it? The important if largely super- fluous discussion over the future of local radio, coupled with the...

SIR,—I am a 'floating voter,' inclined to be Con- servative,

The Spectator

but being neither a politician nor a politician's hack, both of whom find it difficult not to be ambiguous most of the time, I can afford to be self-complacently honest. Would...


The Spectator

SIR, — Little do you know that you are unpopular with me. . . ! I don't mind being called a simple soul, but I resent being called an old woman, back- ing horses in the name...


The Spectator

SIR,—I do not wish to appear pedantic, but as the Person responsible for the English adaptation of The Cherry Orchard at the Aldwych, I would like to question Mr. Prycc-Jones's...

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Menotti's Lie

The Spectator

Martin's Lie, whose world premiere in- augurated the Bath reluctant to accept the proffered honour: Canterbury Cathedral, for which it had been commissioned, turned it down and...

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Two Cities

The Spectator

IT would be hard to imagine two ballet com- panies so different as those of Copenhagen and Stutt- gart. To see them both within the same week makes the contrast as re- vealing...

Little Body

The Spectator

Henry V. (Stratford-on- Avon and Open Air Theatre, Regent's Park.) ry — A Thousand Clowns. (Comedy.) THE Stratford Henry V, coming out of sequence at the end of the cycle, is...

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That Side of Paradise

The Spectator

By ISABEL QUIGLY Les Enfants du Paradis. (Academy, 'A' certifi- cate.) — The Passenger. (Academy Cinema Club.) —A Time to Live and a Time to Die. (Cameo- Poly, 'X'...

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The Spectator

Waugh's Private Wars By SIMON RAVEN TN 1961, when the publication of Unconditional 'Surrender at long last completed Evelyn Waugh's trilogy about the Second World War, it...

Coming To

The Spectator

Because the relationship was at fault The room became at loggerheads With dropped ceiling and inclined walls, And the floor caved under lights that Dipped like spiralling...

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Critic's Critic

The Spectator

Poet in Exile : Ezra Pound. By Noel Stock. (Manchester University Press, 32s. 6d.) YET another commentary on the career of Ezra Pound: is this periplus really necessary? Does...

The Mandarins

The Spectator

THE right and duty of the literary intellectual to concern himself with public issues is a distin- guished tradition in France, from Voltaire and the Great Revolution, through...

The Alien

The Spectator

There's an empathy between the trees and me in England, an air between us that's constantly beneficent. With a look, the English transplant me elsewhere, though their civil...

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Nudes and Artists

The Spectator

IDIOSYNCRASY always adds interest to verse (save, perhaps, to truly great verse), and somewhat lessens that of criticism. That is why, among the various products of Donald...

Revolution in America

The Spectator

The Wm; for America, 1775-1783. By Piers Mackesy. (Longmans, 60s.) DURING George's illness in 1778 he asked in one of his periodic flashes of lucidity if Lord North had ever...

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Pick of the Paperbacks

The Spectator

THERE'S some fascinating reading among the new Penguin fiction. The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (4s. 6d.), by Mordecai Richter, a brilliant story of a Jewish family in...


The Spectator

ALTHOUGH this is Mr. Malamud's second collec- tion of short stories, there is a makeshift look about it. Perhaps this is because he has had to include work that goes back as...

Out of the Past

The Spectator

The Day the Call Came. By Thomas Hinde. (Hodder and Stoughton, 16s.) Smoke Island. By Antony Trew. (Collins, 18s.) 'THAT was the day the call came. It came without warning. For...

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On to Damascus

The Spectator

Armageddon 1918. By Cyril Falls. (Wcidenfeld and Nicolson, 27s. 6d.) Armageddon 1918, in the `Gicat Battles of History' series, is the story of the final campaign in Palestine...

The Economy

The Spectator

The Rootes Deal By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT Ir is always a shock to a socialist to be re- minded that capitalism is an international system— that there is nothing to prevent a...

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Company Notes

The Spectator

By LOTHBURY ' Sir the 'tone of Hawker Siddeley's chairman, 'Sir Roy Dobson, in his report to shareholders. He says: `The present year shows signs of being better than...

Investment Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS A PART from the shares which are involved in bids and rumours of bids the equity markets are still dull and the gilt-edged market positively nervous. There is a...

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The Spectator

By BARBARA GRIGGS In my university days, this q uestion of how the summer vacation could be g ainfully spent agitated us intermittently, I recall, throughout much of the summer...

Consuming • Interest

The Spectator

The Persuasive Voice By LESLIE ADRIAN JUST what is a misleading advertisement? I still don't know, in spite of the brave efforts of BBC-1's Choice last Friday ni g ht. After...

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The Spectator

By ALAN BRIEN LAST week in the Sunday Telegraph, the columnist Mandrake described a hand-made Italian mouse- trap, built from a Russian design, which was said to be able to...

SOLUTION TO CROSSWORD No. 1121 ACROSS.-1 Handgun. 5 Spinner. 9

The Spectator

Panto. 10 Agamemnon. I I Create. 12 Flat spin. 14 Tango. 15 Labyrinth. 18 Half-hardy. 20 Steam. 22 Distance. 24 Entail. 26 Telescope. 27 Briny. 28 Obelisk. 29 Avernus. DOWN.-1...


The Spectator

ACROSS 1. Opposition to the music is illegal (l0) 6. Scoundrel shows a sign of im- provement (4) 10. Adjusted with a fork, perhaps (5) 11. High wind on the bank? (9) 12. Pass...

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The Spectator

By PHIL1DOR No. 182. Specially contributed by (Luton) BLACK (9 men) WHITE (11 men) Ytr 1 do not know exactly when or where this week's game was played-sometime in the 1850s or...