15 JULY 1966

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The Crisis Deepens

The Spectator

Is there no way out of the economic mess? In fact there are three. The first is devaluation, the classic method envisaged by Keynes and embodied in the articles of the...

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On Playwrights and Critics

The Spectator

In simpler days Men went to plays To see if they would like them; And, if they wanted to, they'd pay, And, if they didn't, stay away, As it might chance to-strike them. But in...

Blaming the People

The Spectator

POLITICAL COMMENTARY By ALAN WATKINS the sonz goes, third—or is it the h e r f e o u w r e t h e s a t e g r a l i i n ng a c t h crisis s is ;since October 1964. In his...

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A Fig-Leaf for Mr Wilson

The Spectator

THE MOSCOW VISIT From DEV MURARKA MOSCOW M R. WILSON'S Visit to the British Industrial Exhibition in Moscow this weekend will have the result of distracting attraction from...

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The Pope and the Pill

The Spectator

THE VATICAN From OSBERT HASTINGS • ROME P R some days now the summer residence at Castelgandolfo has been ready for the Pope's arrival. He is not a man much given to pro-....

Black Power in Harlem

The Spectator

AMERICA From MURRAY KEMPTON NEW YORK W E are having a brutal summer even by New York standards, and Harlem's young men lack the energy even to continue that refinement of...

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Dealing with the Pirates

The Spectator

BROADCASTING By STUART HOOD There are nine pirates in all, strategically placed, making no attempt at public service but beaming their programmes and commercials at the...

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Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

T nom the horrors of the Vietnam war won't 'cause that elusive entity 'world opinion' to for- get the plight of the Nagas, still unsolved after a decade and more punctuated by...

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Selling Politics

The Spectator

PROPAGANDA By GEORGE HUTCHINSON F OR understatement, Lord Windlesham's opening sentence would be hard to beat. 'The ability to communicate,' he observes, `has always been a...

The Abortion Bill MEDICINE TODAY

The Spectator

By JOHN ROWAN WILSON M R DAVID STEEL . s Medical Termination of Pregnancy Bill, which he plans to put before the House of Commons in Private Mem- bers' time, has now been...

tbe Zpectator July 14. 1866 Only one member of the

The Spectator

new Government has as yet been beaten on the hustings. Mr. Patton. the Scotch Advocate-General, who has lost Bridgwater to a Mr. Vanderbyl. an Australian. we believe, of Dutch...

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The Hot Line

The Spectator

THE PRESS • By DAVID FROST I T has been a week of poetic justice, not just in the case of Dr Emil Savundra, who single- handed seems to have drawn more Sunday news- paper...

Golden Calves

The Spectator

AFTERTHOUGHT By JOHN WELLS THERE are various places on earth where the con- sciousness, either by in- stinct or by long prepara- tion, is heightened to a point where it is...

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SIR,—One grows a little tired sometimes of the way in

The Spectator

which abortionists are prepared to drag in any morsel of information, however inaccurate, that they believe will support their brutal cause. see that the figure of 100,000...

Thv Catholic Marxists

The Spectator

Ste.--After Marx had been converted by Feuerbach to a truly dynamic atheism he said that to get rid of the Holy Family superstition it would be necessary to destroy the human...

Objectives in Vietnam

The Spectator

11:E11EA5 7'n U N L j g From : Tom Stacey, Dr D. L. Simms. Quentin de la Bedoyere, Cohn Brogan. John A. Dryden and Monica M. Lawlor, Patric4 limber, Chris- topher Hampton,...

Lucky Dip Abortions

The Spectator

SIR.- Professor !McLaren says (Letters. July 8) that suicide caused by pregnancy is comparatively rare. though infanticide followed by the mother's suicide is more common. This...

SIR,—The members of the Newman Association, the bulk of whom

The Spectator

are graduates, share only two things in common: their Roman Catholic faith and their willingness to take seriously the intellectual commit- ment which this involves. If the...

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$112,—One of the more interesting features of the re- views

The Spectator

of my play, When Did You Last See My Mother?, has been the addition (usually by way of an extra sexual relationship or two) to the plot of various hitherto unsuspected elements....

A BEAstly Journey

The Spectator

SIR,—Your correspondents Mr Cyril Ray and Mr Goodsir Smith seem to be irrevocably committed to (even fixated on) air travel. I suppose this must be either for status reasons, or...

Churchill the Historian

The Spectator

SIR,—Perhaps Sir Winston had not a super intelli- gence of the type deemed essential in a member of our emerging, arrogant meritocracy. Perhaps, however, it is because he was...

A Woman's Place

The Spectator

SIR,—Jacky Gillott, in her article 'A Woman's Place,' finds it 'extraordinary that only one in every three married women works outside the home. She finds thchome 'not a place...

These Our Critics

The Spectator

Sm,—The London dramatic critics are a fine body of men. But when they are seated in the stalls can they actually see the stage? On Monday last week a play called When Did You...

SOLUTION 10 CROSSWORD No. 1229 ACROSS.-1 Tabloid. 5 Sceptic. 9

The Spectator

Blaster. so Relievo. it Out of print. 12 Lees. 13 Lea. 54 Tape-measure. 17 Sancho Prawn. s9 Ph. 20 Seed. 22 Greenhouse. 26 Retrial. 27 Blended. 28 Warship. 29 Yielder. DOWN.--1...


The Spectator

ACROSS i. A chance at length perhaps? (zz) 9. Caesarian wear for a dark and stormy occasion (9) to. The flower-girl (5) is. Instructions for the supply of insignia (6) 12....

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The Spectator

Brown Study Bread and Butter. (Jeannetta Cochrane Theatre.), F IRST snap: bride and groom choosing their home. The groom looks doubtful, the bride - grim, rusty paper peels off...

Mervyn Peake

The Spectator

&MT'S a\IUSEhlaifl ART By HENRY TUBE M ERVYN PEAKE is perhaps chiefly known as the author of three extraordinary 'Gothic' novels, Titus Groan and Gormenghast, pub- lished in...

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Fly's Eye View

The Spectator

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Curzon, 'X' certificate.)—He and She. (Academy One, '1,1' ceitificate.) M ARRIAGE and its upheavals—eastern style and western. In He and She,...

The Lorgnette Approach

The Spectator

MUSIC p ETER HALL'S and John Bury's Magic Flute at Covent Garden has all the tricks and a lot of express lifts. The ground opens, casts people up, swallows them alive. There...

Mr Tony Richardson

The Spectator

In our report from Cannes on May 20 we pub- lished a review of the film Mademoiselle directed by Tony Richardson. While our reviewer Ian Cameron holds by his own personal...

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Shakespeare as Executioner

The Spectator

1300N2 By C. B. COX S HAKESPEARE as Punch and Judy showman, homosexual and hangman—it's not surpris- ing that Wyndham Lewis's The Lion and the Fox, first published in 1927,...

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In Eastern Seas

The Spectator

Comma spent only a few months in the East during the mid-1880s and yet he later referred to 'that part of the Eastern seas from which have carried away into my writing life the...

Ends of the Earth

The Spectator

TIM history . of Panama as described in Mr David Howarth's The Golden Isthmus (Collins, 36s.) is a multi - decker saga of raids, massacres and disasters. There has always seemed...

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Sinister Street

The Spectator

A Helping Hand. By Celia Dale. (Macmillan, 21s.) Shadow Dance. By Angela Carter. (Heinemann, 21s.) The Surprise Party Complex. By Ramona Stewart. (Heinemann. 21s.) Once a...

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The Spectator

Petals on a fall wind, girls stream Across the campus.—Now, don't start thinking Of 'petals' as just a romantic Property, the old dream-and-gleam Of a delicate white or pink...

The Pride of China

The Spectator

Imperial China. By Michael Loewe. (Allen and Unwin, 45s.) I Stayed in China. By W. G. Sewell. (Allen and Unwin, 25s.) Formosa: A Study in Chinese History. By W. G Goddard....

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NEW PAPERBACKS: Stephen Hero. By James Joyce. (New English Library.

The Spectator

5s.) The Glass Key. By Dashiell Hammett. (Penguin. 3s. 6d.) The Girls of Slender Means. By Muriel Spark. (Penguin. 3s. 6d.) Cat and Mouse. By ()linter Grass. (Penguin, 35. 6d.)...

The Journal of Beatrix Potter from 1881 to 1897.

The Spectator

Benjamin Bunny and Friends Transcribed from her code writing by Leslie Linder. (Warne, 63s.) WHAT made the quiet young Beatrix Potter into the woman she was later to become-a...

Love Song

The Spectator

The love that's scrawled on bathroom walls and subway tiles is out of style. Good-bye to spleen and spite that chalk the night's obscenities. Such heats are not for me. My...

CHESS by Philidor

The Spectator

No. 291. D. BOOTH (2nd Prize, Good Companions, 1915) WHITE to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 290 (Weng) : Kt-K 2, threat Q-K 5. I. B-B 5 ; 2 Kt-...

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Market Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS A FIER a universally pessimistic weekend press 11,--with even the Observer recommending devaluation—the Stock Exchange opened ner- vously this week and suffered a...

Bank Rate and the Crisis

The Spectator

- EOBHONIf 111-1E gOr By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT B Y the time these words are in print Bank rate may have been pushed up from 6 to 7 per cent or even 8 per cent. Any madness is...

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Motor Marriage

The Spectator

By JOHN BULL T HE British Motor Corporation bid for Jaguar focuses attention on an important trend in the world motor industry. The companies concerned are getting larger and...

Masks and Glasses

The Spectator

CONSUMING INTEREST By LESLIE ADRIAN SUMMER time, and the drowning is easy. At least, it is not made more cult by the kind of under- some rubber, a piece of ordinary glass and...

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Aunt Helen

The Spectator

DPIADEN By LORD EGREMONT - ' SAMUEL PEPYS wrote in ) a his diary about the funeral . of his brother, to whom he 7‘.....- ■ .. 0 , was deeply attached, so all broke up, and...