19 MAY 1883

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*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

The Spectator



The Spectator

• T HE Tories are in a high state of delight. They all think that what Mr. Lowther calls the disastrous blunder of 1880 is about to be repaired. Even Mr. Gibson, who is a...

We have received, from a correspondent who has access to

The Spectator

good sources of information, the following version of the proceedings consequent upon Archbishop Croke's summons to appear at the Vatican :—" Archbishop Croke arrived in Rome on...

The existence in Dublin of sympathy with the murderers of

The Spectator

Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Burke may be considered proved, but it is difficult to gauge its depth and extent. On the one hand, among the classes summoned on juries the...

An unexpected and severe blow has fallen upon the Parnell-

The Spectator

Res. Archbishop Croke, always a violent defender of the party, recently solicited subscriptions to the Parnell Testimonial Fund, which does not flourish much in Ireland. He was...

The effect of this letter, which in language and in

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drift is un- usually clear, cannot as yet be ascertained. Its first result has been to induce Mr. F. H. O'Donnell, a Catholic, to assume once more his favourite attitude of Ajax...

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South Africa is still in unrest. The Basutos have broken

The Spectator

out again, and are fighting each other, and President Brand has appealed to the Queen's Government to carry out the Treaty of Aliwal. Under this agreement, the British pledged...

The more moderate of the Farmers' representatives appear to be

The Spectator

better pleased with the Government Agricultural Holdings Bill than we thought they would be. Mr. W. C. Borlase, Member for East Cornwall, and President of the Farmers' Alliance,...

A great fuss is being made in the papers over

The Spectator

an incident which we believe to be quite trivial. Mr. Justice Norris, of the Calcutta High Court, in the course of a trial, and on good Hindoo advice, ordered an idol to be...

It is difficult for Englishmen to estimate the extent of

The Spectator

the Czar's danger during the forty-eight hours that his coronation practically lasts, but it is probably quite real. No care will guard a life which another man would give his...

In a letter to Mr. Chesson, Cardinal Newman defines his

The Spectator

mental attitude towards the Affirmation Bill. He " cannot consider" that it "involves a religious principle; for, as I had occasion to observe in print more than thirty years...

The Northbrook Indian Club, formed to promote inter- course between

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Indian and English gentlemen, has excited much interest in India, and £12,000 has been subscribed there to obtain a more central site for the Club in London. This Club, which...

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The Spectator

The French Chamber, on Tuesday, voted the conquest of .Anam by 358 to 50. This amazing majority, so entirely at variance with the recent temper of the Chamber, was secured by...

The suspicion that Prince Bismarck intends Austria to acquire provinces

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in the Balkan has received this week a noteworthy - though small confirmation. A Bulgarian paper, not known -to be inspired, but possibly in relations with Prince Alexander,...

The Spectator

The Debafe states that the Suez Canal Company have resolved

The Spectator

to meet the demands of the British shipowners, which are creat- ing an extraordinary amount of ill-feeling in France, by a grand concession. They will themselves cut a second...

The International Exhibition of Fisheries was opened on Saturday by

The Spectator

the Prince of Wales, in full regal state, with a prayer from the Archbishop of Canterbury, who, by a happy inspiration, alluded to Christ's direct sanction of the catching of...

The grand result of the lowering of the Italian franchise

The Spectator

has been, it is said, to re-form parties into two great divisions, which we may call the Whig and the Radical. S. Minghetti, the leader of the Right, has announced that he and...

The Special Correspondent of the Standard, who has been sent

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to Madagascar, reports that the whole island is determined upon resistance to the French. The majority of the Sakalavas, who were supposed to be in the French interest, have...

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The Spectator

THE PARTIES. HITSTJNTIDE is always a good time for taking stock V V of the position of the two great Parties, and this year it is a better time than usual. The holiday has...

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The Spectator

T HIS Pope strikes straight. In language of most unusual clearness, language intended to be understood by com- mon people, the Pope, as Head of the Catholic Church, has formally...

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T HE recent meeting of the Bar, and the resolutions which it is understood to have adopted in favour of a more permanent and effective organisation of the Profession, have given...

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The Spectator

T HERE is a tendency just now to exaggerate the badness of all news from South Africa. Many of the colonists are very sore at the absence of high-handedness in Liberal policy,...

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The Spectator

I T is often said, and generally believed, that the enormous Standing Armies which in these days Continental States deem it expedient to maintain tend to render wars more...

THE CO-OPERAirivE CONGRESS. T HE figures given in the Report presented

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to the Fifteenth Co-operative Congress are not very clearly set out, and they are not quite identical with those quoted by Mr. Baxter in his opening address. But even with these...

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The Spectator

O NE'S first vague impression is that one has "been there," in a previous state of existence; and that impression settles down into a combined reminiscence of the Exhibition in...

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The Spectator

I N a remarkable article contributed to the current number of the Nineteenth Century, by Mr. Aubrey de Vere, on "The Subjective Difficulties in Religion," he discusses at some...

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A LITTLE more than ten years ago, having an interest in that curious and little-studied subject, the History of Property, we published allst, compiled from the Illustrated...

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The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR- " 1 SIR, —In yOur review of my work on "The Greek Philosophers," - for the generally complimentary tone of which I am much indebted to you,...


The Spectator

EPISCOPAL TIMIDITY. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—For some forty years I have held the Spectator in honour, as almost the only paper for which the maxim Audi...

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The Spectator

LTO THE XDITOR or THY " SPIICTATOR.1 Stn,—It is said that the only remaining question on this Uni- versities Bill is as to the Theological Chairs. The Established General...

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The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—May I make a few remarks from a colonial point of view on your able article on the Transvaal question, in the Spectator of March 17th...


The Spectator

THE ROYAL ACADEMY. [SECOND NOTICE.] IN this notice we intend to speak a little fully of some of the most important pictures, reserving our criticism on tlie. minor ones for...

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MODERN RESEARCHES INTO BUDDHISM.* THE second and third of the books whose names are appended to these remarks ought, according to usage, to have been noticed by us somewhat...

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ENGLAND.* [FIRST NOTICE.] "THE law of England, or even the criminal law, as a whole, can scarcely be said to have a history. There is no such series of continuous connected...

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A HISTORY OF NEW ZEALAND.* Exousu interest in New-Zealand history

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is centred in the record of the unequal struggle between the white settlers and the native race for the possession of the land, which seems likely to end in the extermination of...

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The Spectator

TOWARDS the close of the thirteenth century, the Emperor, despite Dante's frantic appeal, refused to bestride the saddle of the Cassars ; while the Pope, at a somewhat later...

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The Spectator

Tins book may be viewed in several lights. If the reader taker it to be a prospectus of new gold diggings on the West Coast of Africa, he would do well to skip the whole of the...

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A Child of the Menhir. By Austin Clare. 3 vols.

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(Tinsley Brothers.) —This is one of the few novels which we can recommend without re- serve to our readers. The scene is laid in Brittany, the time is the era of the French...

Ensilage in America. By James E. Thorold Rogers, M.P. (W.

The Spectator

Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—It is just possible that some of our readers may not know that "ensilage" is the practice of storing green fodder in pits—if that may be called a pit...

Of High Degree. By Charles Gibbon. 3 vols. (Matto and

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Windus.)—This is a remarkably well-constructed story. Few readers, we imagine, will be altogether satisfied with the conclusion of Mr. Gibbon's narrative; but none will deny...


The Spectator

Sunny Lands and Seas : a Voyage in the SS. Ceylon.' By Hugh Wilkinson. (John Murray.)—The yachts that circumnavigate the globe are doubtless among the luxuries of advanced...

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The Wonders of Nature. By Professor Rudolph, revised by Alex.

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Brown, LL.D. (A. Gardner.)—This little book, of American origin, is attractively written. It mainly treats of that popular subject, the wonders of astronomy ; but there is a...

Indian Snake Poisons. By A. J. Wall, M.D. (W. H.

The Spectator

Allen and Co.)—This is an interesting account of the action of snake poison, especially of the poison of the cobra. The practical conclusion is given in the sixth chapter, where...

Bid Me Discourse, and other Tales. By Mary Cecil Hay.

The Spectator

3 vols. (Hurst and Blackett.)—Miss Hay's powers do not appear to much advantage in the short tales collected in these three volamee. We can see that she knows how to contrive a...

My Heart and I. By Elinor Hume. (Bentley and Son.)—A

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heroine who tells her own story seldom tells it well. She is generally self-conscious, telling us, for instance, that she is very selfish, while she really thinks herself...

Unspotted from the World. By Mrs. Godfrey. (It. Bentley and

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Son.)—Mrs. Godfrey has worked up into this novel the situation which Mr. Barrett Browning so pathetically describes In "Bertha in the Lane." As this situation would of itself...

Facing the Footlights. By Florence Marryat (Mrs. Francis Lean). 3

The Spectator

vols. (F. V. White and Co.)—There is some better work in these three volumes than we have lately seen from " Florence Marryat's pen. All that concerns the heroine's training for...