1 MARCH 1968

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It is true that these provisions were written into the

The Spectator

1963 Bill with the 30,000 Kenya white settlers chiefly in mind. Mau Mau ter-, rorism had not so long before stalked the land, and a second Congo after independence was a...

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No alternative

The Spectator

Wednesday's split down the middle of the trade union movement over the TUC's propo- sals for a voluntary incomes policy, although not unexpected, will doubtless be taken by the...

Portrait of the week

The Spectator

Is your passport Black or White?' read the banners in London on Sunday as large-scale demonstrations protested against the Government's emergency immigration Bill; on Tuesday...

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Kubla Khan't

The Spectator

CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS In Cloudcuckoo a Business Man Would State Commission Rule install, Where Alf, the Sacred Chairman. can, Quite undeterred by Aberfan, Be Premier after all....

The victory of autochthonous racism

The Spectator

POLITICAL COMMENTARY AUBERON WAUGH `Trouble is, man, you can't afford a bloody Conscience about this,' said a left-wing Labour MP out of the corner of his mouth. All Monday and...

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A hundred years ago

The Spectator

From the 'Spectator,' 29 February 1868—Lord Derby resigned on Monday. . .. Mr. Disraeli thus attains the object towards which he has been work- ing for thirty-one long years. It...

`Down your dollar? Up your franc!'

The Spectator

FRANCO-AMERICAN ATTITUDES MARC ULLMANN Paris—America is deeply anxious about Viet- nam. She is threatened, too, with a summer of unprecedented urban violence. Yet in spite of...

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Now we know who backs the colonels

The Spectator

GREECE HELEN VLACHOS At 8.30 on the morning of 15 February, Admiral Valdemar Lambert, commander of the Carrier Division of the us Sixth Fleet, and Mr Philip. Talbot, American...

The Spectator

Pearson to the rescue

The Spectator

CANADA DILLON O'LEARY Ottawa—Canada's Liberal party has held power for thirty-five of the past fifty years and believes it has a presumptive right to rule. Perhaps it has, if...

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In reply to Iain Macleod

The Spectator

IMMIGRATION DUNCAN SANDYS, MP Dear lain, In your open letter to me in last week's SPECTATOR you urged me to drop my Private Member's Bill on immigration and adopt 'a...

Crossword no. 1315

The Spectator

Across 1 What a relief it is to change! (7) 5 Where to find an angry swimmer (4, 3) 9 Beautiful dear monsieur, worn round the neck (7) 10 Have a little dinner, sponsors (5,...

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Why I wouldn't become an MP

The Spectator

PERSONAL COLUMN PETER J. SMITII Dr Smith is a young English scientist now working in the United States. From time to time, well-wishers, and others of more questionable...

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The Spectator

J. W. M. THOMPSON I wonder if the back-bench MPs who have been made to look silly by the Government's somersault over London's third airport will learn their lesson? It's not...

Dear sir

The Spectator

THE PRESS DONALD McLACHLAN Most vulnerable, and therefore most anony- mous, of figures in the old Printing . House Square was the correspondence editor, also known as the...

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Asthma's revenge

The Spectator

MEDICINE JOHN ROWAN WILSON One of the most facile ways in which hostility to science expresses itself is in the attack on statistics. Whenever an unpalatable piece of...

Public monopolies

The Spectator

CONSUMING INTEREST LESLIE ADRIAN Bernard Shaw complained that if all economists were laid end to end they would not reach a conclusion. This was witty but wide of the mark....

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On pornography and censorship

The Spectator

TABLE TALK DENIS BROGAN Princeton, NJ—Reading, as I seldom do, the entertainment pages of the local prints, I have discovered that a 'B' movie is being prepared called The...

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The Englishman's Chekhov BOOKS

The Spectator

STUART HOOD When the Russian classics first came to be translated in Western Eitrope it was their German readers who were best served. The German versions read well. The...

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The Spectator

PETER FLEMING By-Line Ernest Hemingway (Collins 45s) This collection of Hemingway's writings as a journalist covers nearly forty years. The five- page introduction (entitled...

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The Spectator

Striking platitudes DAVID HALLIWELL The Ugupu Bird Slawomir Mrozek translated by Konrad Syrop (Macdonald 25s) Bring Larks and Heroes Thomas Keneally (Cassell Australia 30s) Is...

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Two in the bush

The Spectator

BARRY HUMPHRIES I was educated in Melbourne at the 'Harrow of the Southern Hemisphere,' as I have heard the institution modestly described. It was, in fact, a kind of ambitious...

0 Muse ! resound ...

The Spectator

JOHN HOLLOWAY The Iliad and The Odyssey of Homer, translated by Alexander Pope, edited by Maynard Mack and others (Twickenham Edition, Methuen, two volumes, 12 gns each) Poetry...

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Writer's dole

The Spectator

AUBERON WAUGH My Life and Times: Octave VII Compton Mackenzie (Chatto and Windus 42s) The long bibliography of Sir Compton Mac- kenzie's work includes espionage, travel, social...

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Pearlescent high-rise ARTS

The Spectator

BRYAN ROBERTSON Revisiting the West Coast after a decade is, like most return matches, a surprise, though the exhilaration and slangy independence of this latest, if endlessly...

The White Liars and Black Comedy (Lyric)

The Spectator

THEATRE Tattypegs HILARY SPURLING There is a foul rumour afoot that speed, agility, polish, sleight-of-hand, any kind of technical trick, may be all very well for comedians...

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Generous Czech

The Spectator

OPERA EDWARD BOYLE I have a particularly warm admiration for Janacek—his finest music is so movingly frank and compassionate, and no musician was ever more deeply 'committed'...


The Spectator

Knights' moves PENELOPE HOUSTON My Way Home (Academy Two, 'A') Miklos Jancso's The Round-Up was one of the most totally absorbing films ever to reach us from Eastern Europe....

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LBJ and gold

The Spectator

FINANCE-USA A Happening in Five Acts— With Two and a Half to Go WILLIAM JANEWAY The Johnson Administration has now reached mid-passage in its mismanagement of the...

The front is crumbling MONEY

The Spectator

NICHOLAS DAVENPORT In the autumn of our devaluation I referred in this column to 'the crumbling international monetary front' and was rebuked in certain solemn quarters for...

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Today's good deed

The Spectator

PORTFOLIO JOHN BULL I am impressed by the results recently pro- duced by Clarkson (Engineers). They stand out, like a good deed in a naughty world, from those recently...

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Who threw the stone?

The Spectator

BUSINESS VIEWPOINT JUSTIN KORNBERG Justin Kornberg is assistant managing director of Lister and Company, one of the few verti- cally and horizontally integrated textile con-...

Chess no. 376

The Spectator

PHILIDOR Black 5 men 10 men V. N. Ovchinnikov (1st prize, 64, 1928). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 375 (Ua Tane): K x P, threat K...

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The Spectator

CHRISTOPHER FILDES To my collection of helpful ministerial guidance for exporters I have added a speech by Lord Winterbottom. This noble is, as of course you realise,...

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ffolkes's business alphabet

The Spectator

Market report

The Spectator

CUSTOS The stock market's drift was checked by good results from 'blue chip' companies. The Finan- cial Times index had dipped under the 400 mark (29 points below its peak)...

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The Spectator

LETTERS From Professor P. T. Bauer, John Burns, Cran- ley Onslow, MP, Alex Rubner, T. C. Skeffing- ton-Lodge ; H. W. Gawthrop, E. F. G. Haig, Stuart Maclure, the Countess of...

Sir: I must confess to a sneaking admiration for Mr

The Spectator

Skeffington-Lodge in his dogged defence of Mr Wilson in the face of the campaign to discredit the latter (Letters, 16 February). For Mr Skeffington- Lodge is right. Such a...

Sir: The departure of the Asians from Kenya will cost

The Spectator

that country's economy dear. They have been a major factor in Kenya's economic development. Their income is much higher than that of the Africans for that very reason. When...

Transport Wilhelmina

The Spectator

Sir: It was very naughty of Auberon Waugh (Transport Wilhelmina,' 23 February) to say that only sentimental old people still pretend to take economists seriously. In addition,...

Sir: One may be a great admirer of Mr Macleod's

The Spectator

and yet feel that Asian immigration from Kenya raises two distinct problems. It is orie thing not to refuse the entry to Britain of individual holders of British passports in...

Public schools after Newsom

The Spectator

Sir: By a typing error I managed to describe Sir John Newsom in last week 's SPECTATOR as an ex- chief education o ffi cer for Huddersfield. It was, of course, in Hertfordshire...

Sir . : I read with interest Mr Maclure's suggestion (23 February)

The Spectator

of providing boarding hostels at ex- isting schools since this is just what I myself experi- ended right back in 1914! The Maynard School, Exeter, a high school for girls, with...

The Prime Minister

The Spectator

Sir: Mr Hensman (Letters, 23 February) uses some emotive and question-begging language. He refers to Mr Wilson's political attacks on Sir Alec Douglas-Home. The difference...

Frustrations of a super-power

The Spectator

Sir : Robert Conquest's charge that I 'substantially misquoted' Eisenhower (Letters, 23 February) is unfounded. My quotation was exact. To have con- tinued the extract with the...

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Heavy scent

The Spectator

Sir: In Mr Osbert Lancaster's witty but limited profile of the late Brian Howard (16 February) —I jib at calling it a review of my biography, Brian Howard--Portrait of a Failure...

The wars of the red roses

The Spectator

Sir: May I correct a number of inaccuracies con- cerning Viyella International in Christopher Fildes's article entitled 'The wars of the red roses' pub- lished on 16 February?...

Sir: One important point at least in Sir Robert Birley's

The Spectator

thoughtful review (23 February) of Sir Keith Hancock's second volume calls, I feel, for comment—the attribution to Smuts of responsi- bility for 'the introduction into the...

Jesuit plots and machinations

The Spectator

Sir: Surely Hadrian VU's imaginary speech to the Jesuit general, quoted by Mr Waugh in the SPECTATOR of 9 February, misses the point. Nobody can get on without a large majority...

International Boer

The Spectator

Sir: In his review of the second volume of Sir Keith Hancock's life of Field Marshal Smuts (23 February) Sir Robert Birley states a propos of Bantu education, 'The return to the...

My country, 'tis of thee

The Spectator

Sir: I have read carefully the whole of Toynbee's Study of History, but I cannot recollect any in- stance of a civilisation which talked itself into decline. No doubt we are...

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Polish polish

The Spectator

Sir: Penelope Houston's penetrating appreciations of the cinematic art in the SPECTATOR, Sight and Sound and elsewhere have always been fair and balanced. Her review of The...


The Spectator

Sir: Mr E. H. Campion (Letters, 16 February) is wrong. We do not owe his quotation to Boswell but to Samuel Johnson, and the third line should be "Tis a proof that he had...

A phoney war

The Spectator

AFTERTHOUGHT STRIX If a war cannot be prevented from breaking out, it is normally the aim of men of goodwill to stop it spreading and to bring it to an end as quickly as...

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No. 490: Octet

The Spectator

COMPETITION Competitors are invited to compose an eight- line poem or stanza of a poem on any one of the subjects given below, using four of the fol- lowing five pairs of words...

No. 488: The winners

The Spectator

Competitors were asked to compose an octet on one of the following subjects: a belated Valentine; a 'Buy British' entreaty to drink English beer instead of imported wines; tele-...