1 OCTOBER 1881

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Abdurrahman Khan defeated his rival, Ayoub, before Can- dahar, on

The Spectator

September 22nd. By a bold movement the Ameer placed his troops between Candahar and Herat, and so forced Ayoub to come out and give him battle. Ayoub had with him about 15,000...

The French Government is still forwarding immense numbers of men

The Spectator

to Tunis and Algiers. On Monday, 2,600—not 26,000, as reported—set sail from Toulon for Tunis, and during the week 10,000 were despatched from Marseilles. The Generals in...

The French are about, it is believed, to embark in

The Spectator

an enter- prise which may turn oat as difficult as the conquest of Tunis. Reinforcements are being sent to Cochin China, and it is expected that the King of Anam will be...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


The French Chamber will, it is believed, though it is

The Spectator

not quite settled, meet on the 17th October, when the Ministry,. in order to leave the President free, will tender their resigna- tions. It is thought probable that M. Grevy,...


The Spectator

NEWS OF THE WEEK A TELEGRAM was received in London on Monday, an- nouncing that the Volksraad of the Transvaal had rejected the British Convention, and in subsequent tele-...

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An international conference of Free-thinkers has been held this week

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in London, in the City Road. It was attended by about eighty delegates from France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, and America, who represented, it was said, some...

Mr. Parnell has been greatly hurt by the frankness of

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Mr. Ferguson, the Glasgow Home-ruler, upon the subject of the salaries paid to prominent Land Leaguers. He assumes quite accurately that the public, reading that speech, will...

It is difficult, almost impossible, to keep one's temper with

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the Irish Land-leaguers, but let us be just even to them. Exces- sive irritation is felt in England at the conduct of the released "suspects," who take every opportunity...

In a speech delivered at Maryborongh last Monday, Mr. Parnell

The Spectator

described more explicitly than he has hitherto done the policy of the Land League towards the Land Act. The Court will be anxious, he said at the outset, to create a favourable...

The Daily News states that a Secret Society has been

The Spectator

formed in Russia, having for its object the suppression of the Nihilists, or rather, of the Russian Revolutionary Committee, by all and every means, assassination included. At...

Mr. Parnell's avowed determination to discredit the working of the

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Land Act from the first, has provoked an immediate and weighty rejoinder from the Catholic Bishops of Ireland. They met on Wednesday at Maynooth, and passed a series of reso-...

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Some further correspondence between the Archbishop of York and the

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Rev. S. F. Green appears in the papers, but it adds little to the information before the public. Mr. Green, being in prison, is irritable, and scolds the Archbishop for not...

Mr. Baxter made his annual speech to his constituents at

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Montrose on Thursday, and spoke very plainly indeed. He would like to see a reform of Parliamentary procedure take precedence of all other business, and, indeed, of the Ad-...

A correspondent of the Times, to whose view that journal

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evidently attaches importance, bids England at once increase the number of her enemies. He affirms that Austria is steadily adva,ncing down the Balkan peninsula, that she will,...

Mr. Baxter then attacked the Fair-trade delusion, and well as

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the subject has been threshed out, he produced some new facts. After quoting the figures which show that the United Kingdom has within the decade increased vastly in population,...

The full narratives of the loss of the 'Teuton' which

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have reached London reveal an unexpected danger in naval construc- tion. When the ship struck, two of the six water-tight com- partments were stove in, but Captain Manning, an...

Consols were on Friday 99-: T to 991.

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Earl Spencer on Tuesday delivered a speech of some import-

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ance to the Northamptonshire Agricultural Society on agricul- ture. He maintained that the first want of the farmers was fine weather, the cycle of wet not only having caused...

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EGYPT. T HE darkest cloud in the political horizon is the condition of Egypt. The military movement has been stopped for the moment, its promoters being alarmed at the outburst...

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T4 ORD DERBY has thrown a heavy splash of cold water on the Irish Land Act. In an article in the Nineteenth Century for October, written with quite extraordinary skill and...

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T HE discussion of this great question, hitherto excessively- vague and discursive, is rapidly becoming definite. The week has added greatly to the public information. No less...


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T HOSE Tories who judge a policy by its success or failure ought at once to accept the Liberal policy in Afghani- stan. Bad or good, weak or strong, it has, at all events,...

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T is singular that even among the educated classes so little interest should be felt in the way in which the Heads of the Oxford and Cambridge Colleges are appointed. If the...

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W ITHIN the last twenty-one years, three American Pre- sidents have attracted English attention to such a degree, that their histories, their characters, and their faces have...


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T HE murder of a constable by burglars, who evidently came to their work quite prepared to take life, if they were interfered with either by the police or by the owner of the...

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" F OR the heath, which was the third part of our plot, I wish it to be framed as much as may be to a natural -wildness." So writes Bacon, in his well-known essay. Mr. Francis...

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UNCONSCIOUS READING. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR, — A story which I have often heard from my father about his old college contemporary and intimate friend, Fearon...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SLR, — The Spectator is generally so just and so free from the vulgarity of taking up a cry against one class to please another, that I...

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The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."' SIR,—" Vixere fortes ante Agamemnona," and there were observing naturalists before Charles Darwin. The following extracts from the...


The Spectator

IDYLLS OF THE ILIAD.—III. RHESUS. "I, RHESUS, son of great Eioneus- By favour of Lord Ares, King of Thrace, Subject alone to Ares, and to me- _ Hither, at bidding of my...

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THE MUTILATION OF LITERATURE.* THE literary art of the day has taken a strange turn. Great authors, we are taught, have written too much, and small authors have undertaken to...

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Tins volume is a very interesting addition to our knowledge of Wyclif. It consists of twenty-eight of his English writings hitherto unprinted, from manuscripts in the Bodleian,...

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THE nine volumes which compose this Imperial Gazetteer not only contain a condensation of the information which Englishmen, official and non-official, have collected concern-...

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AMONG the countries of Europe, Holland, as far as England is concerned, is at once one of the most accessible, and one of the least frequented by travellers. Yet it is...

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THIS handsome and carefully-printed volume belongs to a class of literature which is rapidly becoming a nuisance. Hardly anything succeeds like a bright but light description of...

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The Clouds of Aristophanes. With Notes by W. W. Merry, M.A. (Clarendon Press.)—The Clouds, it is said, was in its author's opinion his very;best play, though he won only the...

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"romance of Russian life," as it is called, contains very

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little romance, and, considering that it is reckoned to be a masterpiece, not very much poetry. The hero is a young Russian of fortune, who plunges into the dissipations of St....

Dr. Gheist : an Autobiography from the Midlands. (E. and

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S. Livingstone, Edinburgh.)—" Dr. Gheist" professes to be a country doctor retired from practice ; "now a very old man," he says of himself, in his preface. One soon begins to...

Fra Bartolommeo. ("The Great Artists.") By Leader Scott. (Sampson Low,

The Spectator

Marston, and Co.)—Mr. Leader Scott's studies of Fra Bartolommeo and of Andrea del Sarto make one of the pleas- antest books of this series. Mr. Scott writes as one with some...

Studies in English Art. (Second Series.) By Frederick Wedmore. (R.

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Bentley and Bons.)—With one exception, these are essays on English artists, some of which have already appeared in magazines, others are quite fresh. By this time the portion...

Memories of a Month Among the Mere Irish, By W.

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H. Floredice. (C. Regan Paul and Co.)—The immediate neighbourhood of Doe Memories of a Month Among the Mere Irish, By W. H. Floredice. (C. Regan Paul and Co.)—The immediate...

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Three Women of the People, and other Poems. By Pakenham

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Beatty. (Newman and Co.)—When a volume of verses begins with a song of salutation to Victor Hugo, who is called "master," suspicion is aroused. When an address to Joseph...