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Over the Greek Border

The Spectator

" The threat to the political independence and territorial integrity of Greece still exists, and comes now chiefly from Bulgaria." This judgement is extracted from the third...

A dispute between the London Master Printers' Association and the

The Spectator

London Society of Compositors has this week reached a stage at which the normal production of the Spectator is not possible. The dis- pute, in which the Spectator is not a party...


The Spectator

German Security Debate about " German rearmament " seems to be settling down into more common-sense channels, and it is now apparent that what is under discussion is not the...

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The Spectator

F ROM the very first day of the war in Korea and until this hour the mainstay of the defence of the non-Communist , world against open military aggression has been the prompt...

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I suppose the most remarkable thing about the delegation of

The Spectator

Israeli , journalists now touring this country is that it exists at all. Little more than two years ago there was no Israel to send delegations ; a year ago relations between...

There were two letters in Monday's Times, one emanating from

The Spectator

The Palace, Chichester, the other from the Deanery, Chichester, the letter embodying some restrained but crisp criti- cism of an earlier letter from the Palace, Chichester. And...

It is astonishing that through all the years that the

The Spectator

Northern Railway has been in existence (I remember when it was the Hampstead Tube that ran only from Hampstead to the Strand, crossing what was then , the Twopenny Tube at...

I note that the organist of Birmingham Cathedral has been

The Spectator

expressing the view that Psalm-singing in most churches is just hocus-pocus. Since I fail to comprehend what that means, I refrain from making comment on it. But I have often...


The Spectator

P OPULAR sentiment regarding the Festival of Britain is very difficult to gauge. The general impression is of something that is being imposed on the nation rather than desired...

This Spectator's Notebook, produced by a confederacy of Janus with

The Spectator

certain others, is subscribed, with due conspiratorial

" Zbe ippettator," guguSt 31st, 1850

The Spectator

THE RAILWAY STRIKE W HETHER it take effect or not, the general strike threat- ened by railway drivers and firemen ought to be a warning to the public. The Directors of the...

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Exercise Cupola

The Spectator

By E. COLSTON SHEPHERD W ESTERN Europe's air defence can be considered as launched by last week-end's exercise. It has still to be equipped, especially with communications....

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The Korea of Mr. Wu

The Spectator

By A. D. C. PETERSON T HE K.N.A.L.U. (Korean National Army Liaison Unit) was one of the queerest of the many queer detachments that took part in the Burma War. Its effect on our...

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The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON S OME years ago, upon this page, I wrote an article in dispraise of Cicero's De Oratore. I said that it was a dull and futile book. This brought angry letters...

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The Spectator

Why should a reservist pretend to a courage and endurance that - are beyond him ? I maintained a bridgehead in the stalls of the Ambassadors for two acts out of three, succoured...


The Spectator

MUSIC VICTORIA DE LOS ANGELES has sung twice at the Proms. in the last week and has delighted her audiences again by the firm- ness and purity of her tone and the unusual...

It is difficult in Britain where the Council of Europe

The Spectator

is con- sidered an auxiliary institution, to realise the desperate hopes attached to it by millions. of Germans, Frenchmen and Italians who looked towards it as a body to...

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Life in Turkey

The Spectator

Portrait of a Turkish Family. By Irfan Orga. (Gollancz. Os.) There is always fascination in the details of everyday life in a foreign country, and to the Englishman what...

Reviews of the Week

The Spectator

Fiction It is proper occasionally to state the criterion by which one is making judgements, and this week I must admit that mine is enjoyment. Your review is being written...