21 APRIL 1866

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The only great speech hitherto made on the side of

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the Govern- ment was Mr. John Stuart Mill's, yesterday week, too late for our last impression. It was a speech of great intellectual power and considerable ironic force. He...

The President of the United States has finally broken with

The Spectator

the Liberals of the North. In a long proclamation he has pro- claimed the insurrection in Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas,...

The detective police have been unusually swift and certain in

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the Cannon-Street murder. On Tuesday they arrested a man named William Smith, living at Eton, on the charge, and the evidence against him is very strong. It appears that a man...

The position of affairs in Germany continues almost unchanged. There

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are rumours that Count von Bismark is ill, that both powers are simultaneously to disarm, and that the King has given way, but the only facts certain are that Prussia has...

The Cambridge Committee have decided that the election of Mr.

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Forsyth, Q.C., is void, as he holds the appointment of Standing Counsel to the East India Department, which is now what it was not before 1860, a place " of profit under the...

The most satisfactory speech yet made on our side of

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the question is that of Sir E. Balwer Lytton, who, though a Tory, expressed his cordial desire to welcome operatives like those of Rochdale "by acclamation," and put life into...


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T HE debate on the Reform Bill has gone on all through the week, and though it is becoming very tedious, it cannot end till Tuesday, or possibly till Thursday next. The argument...

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Mr. Milner Gibson made a: tolling: party speech on Thursday

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night, but all the hire were mere,party hits, of no intrinsic interest, and the speech was mouthed in the old rhetorical.Parliamentary manner, Mr. Gibson's voice rising and...

Aseketeh has been pubtialie d in German)! of-a treaty said

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to existiletweeu Prussia andJibly.: eortling.tee this, Italy binds herself to attack Austria on the Mincio as soon as Prussia has declared war, to keep 80,000 men in the field,...

In the debate on-- Sir Fitzroy-Kelly's motion - for the reduction

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of the Malt'- Duty, Mt. J. S. mill - seconded Mr. Neate's amend= ment, that provision to pay of the National Debt should take precedence of such a step as the reduction of the...

Laboulaye, the Liberal candidate for the Bas-Rhin, has been defeated

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by the Govennment candidate, M..de- Bussieres, by 19,600 votes to some 10,000 less. M. Laboulaye's vote was 3,000 heavier than last year,. but M. de Bussieres had two great...

Lord Eleho on Thursday was amusing, but in a-. rough

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way, and with little genuine Liberalism. He allowed a dislike of feeling to any Reform Bill to crop out in spite of , denials whieh• areintellectually true,—praising, for...

Sir Fitzroy. Kelly•being i like most barristers, obstinate for his clients,

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insisted-on Tuesday on -his- right -to bore the Howse and the country with a motion for the repeal- of the Malt Tax. The debate was only remarkable for an amendment noted below,...

The two points made by -Sit Hugh,Cairna in his able

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but too extended • speech of- Monday •-were-that the. motive - power of. the British Constitution oughtto-rest, and was intended to rest., in the middle class, and that thia.end...

Serious riots have occurred in. Jassy, the capital of Moldavia.

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The party which desires the separation of the Principalities in. the Russian interest on the.14th inst.- raised a mob to petition against the election of. Prince Charles of...

Somebody, said to be a Russian noble ruined by emancipation,

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on the 16th inst. tried to assassinate Czar Alexander. He fired a pistorat him as he entered his carriage. s One Oasip Ivan.hof, said to be a peasant or sub-agent of pollee,...

Mr. W. E. Forster on Monday, and Mr. Hughes on

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Thursday, both madnahle and instructive speeches on Reform, but the member for Lambeth did not strengthen--the-hands, though- he-meant to• strengthen the hands, of the member...

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The Parliamentary Oaths' Amendment Bill was read a second' 'time

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in the House of Lords on Monday, without a division. Lord Bernell' made a rather prolix statement; and Lord Derby, who had every reason, political reasons especially; to welcome...

The. Yorthunberland,.. after many failures, was successfully launched. on. Tuesday,.

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amidst great enthusiasm.. Immense. floating, power • had_ been. gained. for her by attaching. to her smashers of. buoys. drawing only four. feet of water,. at a. depth. below...

The society itself above- referred: to wants' money . for further -

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work, and as it has already aided in the formation of 300 working . men's clubs, comprehending about 60,000 working men,. in three years' time, it has earned its right to public...

Of course the ifecord;nuable to endure to hear Mi' . Mill's praise,

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ihowever well deserved, seized the occasion .for a.stab at him. " If Mr. Mille new system of' religion and morality were. adopted," it wrote on Wednesday, "the: glory and., the...

The Spectator

It seems that French M.Prs, after- delivering - a great onutiom-

The Spectator

sit up after the debates, which end at seven, revising" " slips " of their speeches-as-fast as-thepiiiiter loan' send thern, and correcting' them•themselves for the Mimiteur. La...

One of the social meetings got up by the Working

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Men's Club and Institute Union at Exeter Hall, to further the free discussion of political and social subjects between the - different classes of society, - was held on...

The suspension. is announced.of Blanca Bankingeempany, at Liverpool, and banking,

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as well as financial companies' shares have in consequence ruled heavy, whilst in several instances their value haagiven way.

Yesterday and on - Friday week the leading' Foreign' Securities left

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drat the annexed' quotations: Friday, Aprii.U. Friday. Acre! 20.i lifelican .. .. .. 201 •• 2 04t Spanish Passive .. El .. 254 Do. Certificates .. •• .. .. 16 - Turkish...

The Gonsol market has been firm, and a farther improvement

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has taken. place in the quotations. The price for money is now 87,1, ; and for, account, 871, On Saturday last the latest oficiaL prices were 86 to.-861 for money, and , 861,-i...

The:closing prices of the leading British Railways- yesterday

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and on Friday week were :— Friday, April 13. Friday: April 21. Great Eastern •• •• Great Northern Great' Western:. •• Do. West Midland; Cabe ••• •• 401 1211 so •• 401 122...

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OUR COURSE bN THE REFORM BILL. J OURNALISTS, like members, have constituents, and some of the most valued of ours seem nearly as much irritated by our course on the Reform Bill...

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T HE speeches which seem to us to have gone deepest, we will not say into the minor question of Earl Grosvenor's amendment, but into the ultimate objects and grander aims of the...

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TT is not 'wonderful that the establishment ad banks with A. foreign or colonial branches should be among the most tempting of speculations. The theory seems so very simple,...

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A N event of great importance has just occurred in - Rome, which, like most Roman events, has escaped attention in Great Britain. The Civilta Cattolica, the Jesuit newspaper,...

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T HERE are several symptoms of dissatisfaction with what Macaulay justly calls the most absurd, unreasonable, and inconvenient rule by which the holders of various offices under...

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L ADY GLENCORA PALLISER is said by Mr. Trollope to have displayed a profound unconcern as to the number of eggs consumed in Paris every morning, irreverently declaring to her...

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TRE abiding jealousy- felt in Englend towards- the United Staten has many causes; some- of them just, more perbaps unjust, but one of them very strong- and very' little noticed....

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THERE• is great uncertainty respecting the origin of this family. JOHN DE CHICHESTER, of RALEIGH, county Devon, was member of. Parliament for the borough of Met- combe-Regis,...

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[FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] New York, April 6, 1866. THERE was a very large meeting, a mass meeting of workmen, here last evening in Union Square. This square, which is...

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SPECTATOR."] SIR,—If I agreed with you less in some of your remarks on The Christian Year, and had a stronger sympathy than I have with the kind of religious thought and poetry...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sm,—Your comments on my speech at St. Martin's Hall seriously misrepresent my opinions. I expressed my belief that the question of recasting...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] April 6, 1866. Sin,—At a meeting of the Metrical Society held a fortnight ago in the lecture theatre of the Geological Society, Jermyn...

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MADAME THERESE.* &Dm% aside the great cleverness of the Erckmann-Chatrian books, we think there is a rare charm in their truthfulness. It seems to us impossible not to feel...

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This book is anonymous, but it appears, to be written by some one who has studied very carefully the mannerisms of the well known authoress.of the Chronielesof Carlingford,.and...

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THE DETERIORATION. OF RACE: 1 ' - 164ln true'end of political discussion the-discovery

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of truth; or is it the benefit of the species?' If the-latter, we cannot do better - than abuse the unhealthiness of cities, because if theirinhabitants are fairly'frightened...

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THERE is just now a large and increasing demand for "selections," and there seems little danger of any scarcity of supply. From Beauties of Shakespeare to Sentences from Pious...

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Miss Biddy Frobisher. A Salt Water Story. By the author

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of Mary Powell. (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.)—This dainty volume, which the publishers have turned out in a way that marks it as especially intended for young ladies, is not...


The Spectator

The Bible Word - Book. A Glossary of Old English Bible Words. By J. Eastwood, M.A., and W. Aldis Wright, M.A., Librarian, Trinity College, Cambridge. (Macmillan.)—The object of...

Hymns and Other Poems. By W. Bright, M.A., Fellow and

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Tutor of University College. (Rivingtons.)—In this little volume Mr. Bright's religious, ecclesiastical, and historical sympathies find vent in dignified but rather frigid...

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Berkey. By J. L. Farley. (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.)—We

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recommend this volume to all who wish to understand the Turkish question. Mr. Farley is thoroughly acquainted with his subject ; he goes fully into the statistics of the Turkish...

A Casual Acquaintance. A Novel founded on fact. By Mrs.

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Daus- Hardy. 2 vols. (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.)—The whole interest of this novel centres in a murder and the proceedings of a French de- tective who tracks the criminal....

Robinson Crusoe. Edited after the original editions by J. W.

The Spectator

Clark, MA., Fellow of Trinity - College, Cambridge. (Macmillan.)—Defoe was very angry with the • people who abridged his work. •" The second part," ho says, in - his original...

Harry Lawton's Adventures ; the Warrington Abroad (Seeley, Jackson, and

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Halliday.)—These two handsomely printed and hand- somely illustrated volumes have size and arrangement in common, and also this, that very common-place letterpress is set off by...

The History of the Pelopomwsian War. By Thucydides. Done into

The Spectator

English by Richard Crawley, University College, Oxford. Book I. (Parker.)—Mr. Crawley has made a creditable attempt to render into readable English the first book of Thucydides....

On the Cam. By W. Everett, MA., Trinity College, Cambridge.

The Spectator

(Beeton.)—It is impossible not to feel grateful to Mr. Everett for this volume. The son of an illustrious American, he completed his educa- tion amongst us, and at once...