23 AUGUST 1873

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Dr. Kenealy has done his speech, perhaps in consequence of

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a hint from the Chief Justice that the Bench could grant or refuse one more day to listen to him, and has brought forward his first witness. The delight of the human race at...

We have remarked elsewhere upon the speech delivered by Mr.

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Gladstone at Mold as President of the Eisteddfod. It was one of his less happy speeches, where he appears as scholar rather than statesman, and allows the sympathies of the...


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THERE is a decided lull in politics, from the total inability of men of all shades of opinion to understand whether the Govern- ment will or will not arrive at a compromise on...

The bad or mad Duke of Brunswick, Duke Charles, died

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at Geneva on Monday, and is to be buried with great pomp. Ex- pelled by his subjects in 1830 as unendurable, the German Diet confirmed his expulsion, declared him " unfit to...

It would seem to be almost certain that no hint

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of the pro- gramme of the Government will be given until October, when Mr. Bright will seek his re-election. Ministers need rest and time and the opportunity of discovering what...

Lord Kimberley has more official nerve than we gave him

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credit for. He has received despatches showing the dangerous character of our position on the West Coast of Africa, and has decided, with the approval of the Cabinet, on the...

V' The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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There has been a long controversy in. the Times as

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to whether milk can be poisoned by feeding.cows on grass improved by liquid sewage. Mr. Ray Smee says it can, and all interested in sewage farms say it cannot. We leave the...

"Will Colonel Anson permit us to observe that he utterly

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mis- takes the position of the Spectator with regard to military organi- sation generally? On that subject this journal has never been democratic, but anti-democratic, to a...

The Canadian Ministers implicated in the recent scandal have, we

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perceive, denied the charges brought against them in the most absolute manner. They are not only not guilty of personal corruption—which nobody suspected—but they took no pecu-...

Colonel Anson has again forwarded us a letter, which we

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print as the best argument possible against Purchase. When officers talk about their property-right in their commissions in that tone, we are not far from the old evil of Rome,...

The Fusion is getting confused again, probably because John Lemoinne,

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the able publicist, who, though often on the right, is never on the winning side, has predicted its, success. The Comte de Chambord, it is said, adheres to his White Flag, which...

Duke Charles being dead, and Duke William an old and

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child- Teas man, there will probably be a grand scene of intrigue for the right of succession to the Duchy, and we venture on the precliction that either a Hohenzollern or our...

There is little news from Spain this week, except that

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the Cortes have resolved to suspend the Constitutional guarantees and themselves within the next few days, and that a General has been found to shoot mutinous soldiers. This is...

A very curious incident is reported from Alcoy. It will

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be remembered that the Socialists got the upper hand in this little town, and committed atrocities which, even though exaggerated, must have been bad enough. These atrocities...

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Mr. Disraeli has often been laughed at for his statement

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that a very considerable number of Jews all over the world, unable to endure persecution, conceal their faith not only for years, but for generations. He particularly instances...

The Times' correspondent states that the persecution of the Catholic

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priesthood in Germany is proceeding vigorously. All the Bishops have refused to submit the plans for their semi- naries to Government, and the State has accordingly begun to...

Mr. Gladstone's speech at Hawarden seems to have been entirely

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intended for the locality, his object being, as only one- fifth of the children were nnprovided, for, to secure a Committee which would educate the remainder. He appears,...

A Chinese official Provincial Treasurer of Hupei has issued an

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edict forbidding the drowning of female children, which he says takes place to the number of 80 per cent. He regularly argues with his people, tells them they can send their...

The Indian Government appears to be perplexed, for about the

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twentieth time, with the problem of keeping arms out of India. It does not do, it is said, to prohibit the importation of muskets or other arms, for the hunters and other people...

Prince, Bismarck clearly intends to keep North Schleswig, though the

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Treaty of Prague contains a clause binding him to take a plebiscite there before final annexation. He told Deputy Kryger, who represents North Schleswig, that he could hold him...

The poor little State seems likely to lose another of

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its depen- dencies. The people of Iceland, who have long complained of Danish management of their affairs, alleging that their revenue is abstracted, now seem determined to...

The Times has published a most striking account of the

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recent doings at Carthagena. When the Almanza and Vittoria were taken into the harbour, Captain Werner—who, though since recalled, has been greatly promoted—ordered, with the...

Consols were on Friday 92} to 92g.

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MB. GLADSTONE AT MOLD. 1 T is impossible for Mr. Gladstone to deliver a bad speech, I_ —that is, a speech devoid of thought, or eloquence, or sincere feeling ; but of all his...

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T HE shadow of an international difficulty has passed this week across the political horizon, and though the darkest cloud has been dispelled, the sky is not yet by any means...

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T HE Government having at length selected a competent organising soldier to set matters straight on the Gold Coast, and supplied him with a lieutenant skilled in the art of...

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T HERE is a long time to elapse before 1875, when the next Presidential campaign formally opens in the United States ; but there is a class of politicians there who are always...


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W E do not know that we ever read a more curious or a more vexatious correspondence than that which passed in June last between the Committee of the Railway Companies'...

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T HERE is reason to believe that the Elections for the German and Prussian Diets will make little difference on the balance of parties in these assemblies. The Old Con- '...

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WORK. T HE evidence taken before the Parliamentary Committee on Coal appointed last March has just been issued. That Com- mittee was formed at a time when the Coal panic,...


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W HALING, in its details one of the most repulsive of hum ak industries, has associations incomparably fascinating tci- the imagination, apart from the terrible toil, the...

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P EOPLE who, as they profess, never wish to leave the soil of England—and such people there are—but who desire to know what a foreign town is like, may to a great extent gratify...

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COLONEL ANSON ON PURCHASE. [TO THE EDITOR OF MR "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —It seems to we that your leading article of last week is calculated to prejudice most unfairly the case of...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE"SPECTATOR. "] Siu,—In your last week's number, Mrs. Bright " trusts that I am incorrectly reported to have proposed in the House of Commons that adult...

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Mr. Chamberlain, in comparing

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the educational policy of the Government and the country with that of the Birmingham League, may undoubtedly, if it pleases him to do so, look upon " the Ministry and its...

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[TO MR EDITOR OF TIER "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—Mr. Davies, in his letter of last week, appears to justify the use of the Fourth Commandment as an authoritative document in the...


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[TO TER EDITOR OF TER "SPROTATOR.1 Siu,—In consequence of absence from home, I did not see the Spectator of the 9th until some days after publication. Mr. Gairdner wishes me to...


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MR. DRUMMOND'S " ERASMUS."* WE cannot say that Mr. Drummond makes a very skilful use of his materials, which are indeed uncommonly rich and abundant, but he has nevertheless...


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SIR,—In the notice of Mr. Stirling's translation of the "Sophisms Economiques " of Frtideric Bastiat, in your last number, you say you do not remember to have seen before a...

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SPRING brought with it again Mr. Dixon's periodical, and though it bears another name, and treats of scenes on a new soil, the contents remain, as before, unsatisfactory. He...

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MODERN HISTORY IN RUSSIA.* IT augurs well for the career

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of the future Sovereign of Russia, who has been sharing with so much interest and popularity in the public and social life of our country, that he is known to identify himself...

MR. THOMS ON HUMAN LONGEVITY.* THE book before us is

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the result of a number of inquiries conducted with great industry and patience on the part of Mr. Thoms him- self, though on behalf of his correspondents it must be added that...

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AMERICAN literature of travel is beating ours completely. Here is another work, exhaustive in its character, and profound without being dull in its treatment, written by an...

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The Conflict of Studies, and other Essays on Subjects Connected with Education. By Isaac Todhunter, M.A. (Macmillan.)—On his special subject—the study of mathematics—Mr....

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their relative sizes. Largest of all is tho pile of

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books relating to sub- jects which are known under the somewhat vague appellation of " English "; then comes, with almost equal bulk, the "Classics," and " Science," the latter,...