26 MAY 1894

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Mr. Morley addressed his constituents at Newcastle-on- Tyne, on Monday,

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in a speech that was so bright and lively that it produced a very distinct effect on the spirits of his party, not only in Newcastle, but throughout England, and some of his...


The Spectator

T HE Government of M. Casimir-Perier, which seemed so strong last week, has fallen suddenly. The Minister of Public Works, M. Jonnart, was asked on Tuesday whether he had...

*5 The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Times appears to believe

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that a really formidable conspiracy to assassinate the Czar has recently been discovered. His Majesty is about to visit Smolensk to preside at some military mancenvres, and it...

Parliament reassembled on Monday, and set to work on the

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Estimates, the private Members and public bores wrangling over such congenial subjects as the sums paid for Post-Office buildings and the Ordnance Survey. On Tuesday the...

M. Casimir-Perier is supposed to have wished for defeat because

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he intends to be a candidate for the Presidency, but it is more probable that he was tired of perpetual revolts in his own party, only overcome by the menace of resignation. He...

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On Sunday Mr. Dillon spoke at a public demonstra- tion

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to protest against a case of landgrabbing, held at Ballybrood, a few miles from Limerick. "With regard to the ]andgrabbers," said Mr. Dillon, "what course did he and his...

Lord Rosebery's speech in Birmingham, on Wednesday, was a very

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elaborate attack on Mr. Chamberlain, with the general drift of which we have dealt sufficiently in another column. It was a clever speech but not an able one. What is the use of...

The absurd resolution of the House of Commons, passed on

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June 2nd, 1893, directing that the examinations for the Indian Civil Service should be held simultaneously in India and England, has been finally rejected by all the...

On Thursday, Lord Rosebery spoke at a breakfast at the

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Grand Hotel, and replied to an article in tha Birmingham Post which pointed out that in 1884 and 1885 the measures which the Newcastle Programme endorsed were not advocated as...

A letter has been published, or rather a summary of

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its - contents has been published, which Mr. Gladstone addressed to- Monsignor Faraladlini in answer to certain questions of his, one of them referring to his desire to give...

Mr. Mundella explained to a sympathetic House on Thurs- day

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his reason for not resigning at once when his name was first mentioned in connection with the New Zealand Loan Company. It was a very natural and creditable reason. His heart...

Mr. Bryce has been offered and has accepted the Presidency

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of the Board of Trade in succession to Mr. Mundella, and Lord Tweedmouth (who is to be an Earl), succeeds Mr. Bryce at the Duchy of Lancaster. By this arrangement the un- wieldy...

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Some valuable experiments were made on Wednesday in the Alhambra

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Theatre with Herr Dowe's bullet-proof breast- plate, in presence of the Commander-in-Chief and some three hundred spectators. The breastplate is 3 in. thick, and if 18 in. by 14...

Mr. Cecil Rhodes has triumphed as usual. By an agree-

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ment with the British South Africa Company, signed by Lord Ripon on May 9th, the administration of Matabeleland and Maahonaland is handed over to an Administrator and a Council...

On Monday the Queen, on her way North, stopped to

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open formally the Manchester Ship Canal, and to declare that the great inland city had become a sea-port. In going and coming from the Canal, the Queen drove through eight miles...

The cab-strike has continued throughout the week, but without any

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perceptible result, except a certain inconvenience at the railway stations. The associated cab-owners continue to declare that they cannot submit to the terms demanded, and the...

On Thursday night, a banquet was given at St. James's

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Hall to Rear-Admiral Erben, Captain Mahan, and the officers of the United States ship Chicago,' now lying in the Thames. Owing to the enthusiasm for Captain Mahan's writing felt...

Bank Rate, 2 per cent. New Consols (2D were on

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Friday, 101.

The situation in Servia, which had become intolerable, has ended

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in a coup d'6.tat, advised by the ex-King Milan, though nominally decreed by King Alexander. The Radical majority, consisting mainly of ignorant peasants, desire to abolish the...

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THE FALL OF M. CASIMIR-PRRIER. T HE dismissal of M. Casimir-Prier's Government by the French Chamber may prove a very serious affair. It shows in the first place that the...

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political breadth about Lord Rosebery. In his speech at Birmingham on Wednesday, he said a good deal about Mr. Chamberlain's "agility." But the last thing any candid opponent...

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THE DEBATE ON THE BUDGET. T HE debate of Thursday deepens

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our impression that the Unionist leaders would have been wiser to let the Budget pass. It is not a bad Budget, and the Liberal Unionists do not think it is ; while the...


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M R. MORLEY told his constituents at Newcastle-on- Tyne on Monday that that day was both the first and the last of his Whitsun holidays, and he added, with what we were at first...

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THE LATEST COUP D'_ETAT. T HE coup d'etat struck on Monday

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in Servia does not, we imagine, increase the chances of war in any appreciable degree. It is quite true that the Radical party which has been struck down is more or less Russian...

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I T is to be hoped that the discussion of the Bill to amend and. improve the law in regard to the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Children, which took place last Wednesday, will do...

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speeches at the Eighty Club dinner on Thursday Tdefined with tolerable accuracy the relations between the Liberal party and the majority of the Labour Members. There is, of...

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C ERTAINLY the last charge that could be brought against our own day is that there is any sort of shy- ness in discussing religious convictions or in announcing the most...

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I T is hardly fair, or at least it is a little inartistic, to speak as we did last week of English "nearness," without a word on the opposite quality which is so distinctly...

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T HE few Christchurch salmon which last week found their way into the London shops were sold at 4s. per pound, or nearly double the price asked for those from more distant...

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DUTCH BOYS. The Hague. Sin,—Much may be said both for and against breaking ones- good resolutions, but no one, I should think, will deny the- merit of making them. Well, Sir,...

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THE CATHOLIC VIEW OF INSPIRATION. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] Sin,—The writer of the article in the Spectator of May 19th on *" The Roman Catholic View of Inspiration,"...


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To THZ EDITOR OF THE "8PECTATOR."1 SIR,—I entirely agree with your excellent article on the cab- strike in the Spectator of May 19th, that the public alone is to blame, but I...

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TWO EXHIBITIONS. I.—" FAIR WOMEN" AT THE GRA.FTON GALLERY. THE fair women range from the time of Holbein to the time of Boldini, but in effect the exhibition is of the great...


The Spectator

1To THE EDITOR OP THZ "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Having read with much interest your article on "The Increase of Suicide" in the Spectator of May 19th, may I be allowed to mention a...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sis,—Many years ago I had a similar experience to Mr. Frank Wright. A likeness of myself, head and shoulders, drawn in chalk from a...

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THE STORY OF DAVID GARRICK.* THE world seems never to tire of reading and hearing of a well-graced actor. Campbell compares him unfavourably in that respect with the painter or...


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This is a small exhibition of drawings and lithographs at the Dutch Gallery, 14 Brook Street, New Bond Street. The name of Mr. Charles Shannon is probably unfamiliar to most...

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RECENT NOVELS.* THERE is a good deal of pleasant vivacity,

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and, if the whole truth must be told, more than a touch of something very like absurdity in A Soldier of Fortune. If we had not for years known of Mrs. Meade as a trained and...

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IT is a good portly book that is before us, and a corpulent, such as the kindly and patriotic son of a not-too-famous locality loves to write concerning his own town. Nothing...

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THIS volume, written in America, is the production of an English journalist acquainted in very practical ways with the public life of England. He wishes his American friends to...

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This is absolutely the first edition that has ever been published in this country of the Dialogue. It has been once translated into English. With this exception, it has met with...

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THE love of men—not of Scotchmen merely—for Edinburgh, which almost passes the love of women for Florence, is inex- haustible. Certainly, and as these two delightful books show,...

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The Second Book of Kings, by F. W. Farrar, D.D.

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(Hodder and Stoughton), is one of the volumes in the "Expositor's Bible." It is characterised by the editor's various excellencies, which never show themselves to greater...


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The Story of James Gilmour and the Mongol Mission. By Mrs. Bryson, of Tientsin. (Religious Tract Society.)—This is a subject which well deserves inclusion in a "Splendid Lives'"...

Miss Parson's Adventure, and other Stories. By W. Clark Russell,

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and other Writers. (Chapman and Hall.)—Mr. Clark Russell's story is very much like what we have often had before from his pen. Only, instead of occupying three volumes, it...

The Prisoner of Zenda. By Anthony Hope. (Arrowsmith, Bristol.)—Mr. "Anthony

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Hope" has taken a new departure in this novel. We do not know that we like him better in this new style than we did in the old ; on the whole, we are inclined to think that we...

The Duties of the County Councils under the Local Government

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Act, 1894. By F. Rowley Parker. (Knight and Co.)—It shows how large and complicated the new legislation on Local Govern- ment is, that a volume has to be devoted, not to the new...