27 JUNE 1868

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Lord Kimberley replied to Lord Derby, efficiently as regards logic

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and repartee, but with scarcely sufficient weight of thought, or of that style which marks a man saturated with conviction. He exposed ably the perfect hollowness of the...

Lord Derby spoke with great brilliance, though pleading ill- health.

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He insisted chiefly,—as a great peer and landowner, we suppose, should,—on the " danger to property" in the proposed change. He said the Roman Catholics of Ireland had perfect...


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T HE debate in the Lords on the second reading of the Suspensory Bill was commenced by Lord Granville in a speech full of his usual easy strength. Besides all the usual...

Mr. Disraeli's reply to Mr. Grant Duff was of course

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entirely beside the mark, and of course also caustic. He called Mr. Grant Duff's speech "the exhibition to which we have just listened," said the report of his criticism on the...

Mr. Cardwell is the first Minister of the Liberal Cabinet

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who has issued an address. It is, like Mr. Cardwell, clear, discreet, and too much in the old style. He is in favour, of course, of dis- establishment in Ireland, but wants also...

Earl Grey followed, in a speech in which he declared

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that for forty years he had considered the position of the Church in Ireland an injustice to that country, one which, "by the fierce disputes it occasions, and the violent...

Mr. Grant Duff on Thursday attacked Mr. Disraeli in a

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speech full of biting hits, but marked by his usual want of intellectual suavity. He has endless light, but, in speeches, no sweetness. He asked if Mr. Disraeli really had said...

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It will be remembered that at the last election for

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Bristol, for the seat vacated by Sir Morton Peto, Mr. J. W. Miles, a Con- servative, was returned, a fact quoted as proof of the approach- iug reaction. On Thursday, however,...

The Bill for amalgamating the South-Eastern Railways, and placing our

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railway communication with the Continent in the hands of a gigantic monopoly, has been withdrawn. The Com- panies pretend that their object was to serve the public, but on the...

A good many men of weight and influence met at

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the rooms of the Society of Arts on Monday, to consider what could be done for the unemployed poor of our great cities (London especially), that would have the effect of...

The stirring part of the scene, however, was caused by

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an outbreak from Lord Redesdale, who declared that the prayer of the petition was, in effect, to commit an act of " sin " and " sacri- lege,"—to take away what was devoted " to...

The petition from Liberal clergymen which we mentioned a fortnight

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ago, which characterizes the present Established Church in Ireland as "an injustice which legitimately offends the majority of the Irish people," was presented to the House of...

Sir John Lubbock has put out a very good letter

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to Mr. Savory, the chairman of his University of London Committee, stating his intention to retire from the University contest, in order to fight West Kent in the Liberal...

A working man, Mr. Airey, has appeared as a candidate

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for Worcester, and has issued a very clear address. He is in favour of manhood suffrage and the ballot, of a Permissive Bill with a Maine Law to follow, of abolishing the...

Baron von Beust has addressed a letter to the Austrian

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Ambas- sador in London defending the coupon tax on Austrian Consols, intended avowedly for the benefit of London, "that great barometer of the monetary fluctuations of the...

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We should like to know what the Indian Secretary has

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done with Sir R. Napier's despatch of the 14th April ? It was directed to him, but he has never published it, though Sir S. Fitzgerald has given it to the press. It is a better...

The Quakers, we see from their annual return, now number

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only 13,185 in Great Britain, and 2,898 in Ireland, or little more than -5,000 families in all.

Sir Richard Mayne appears to be under that very dismal

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illusion that " the dog days " are days when dogs are likely to go mad.. As a matter of fact, heat has nothing on earth do with hydro- phobia, as many dogs going mad in winter...

We showed in our article of last week how strongly

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the opinions -of the Schools' Inquiry Commissioners are opposed to Mr. Lowe's -notion that " it is the privilege and prerogative of the parents of England to direct the...

The sales of Money Stock having considerably exceeded the purchases,

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Home Securities have been very flat during the week, at somewhat depressed quotations. On Monday, Consols, for money, were done at 94k, 95. Yesterday they marked 94i, for...

The Windsor Review of Saturday went off very badly indeed.

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Some twenty-seven thousand men appeared on the ground, and went through their evolutions creditably enough, but there were no arrangements for commissariat, or—says the...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading Foreign Bonds left

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off at the annexed quotations :— Brazilian, 1865... Egyptian ... Italian Mexican Russian Spanish, 1867 Turkish, 1858 ... 1862 „,„ • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • . •...

It is stated that the Dictator of Paraguay has raised

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an army -of 4,000 women, with " Brigadier-General Eliza Lynch,"—an Eng- lishwoman and Queen of Paraguay,—at their head. The Brazil- ians, of course, accuse Lopez of collecting...

What a very tremendous person is Mr. George Francis Train

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We do not ever remember an incident so grand as his appeal from a Dublin bankruptcy judge " to the Army and Navy of the United States of America." We once heard of a small...

The Irish Catholic Bishops complain very justly that Lord Mayo

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chose to think their last letter on the University question final. There was nothing at all in the letter which produced on our minds the impression that the terms asked for...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading British Railways left

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off at the annexed quotations :- Great Eastern._ Great Northern ... Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire ... London and Brighton ... London and North-Western Loudon and...

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THE DEBATE IN THE LORDS. " But they smile, they find a music centred in a doleful song, Seaming up, a lamentation, and an ancient tale of wrong, Like a tale of little meaning,...

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T HE Tories appear disposed, if we may judge by the meeting of Monday in the Guildhall, to make this a violent elec- tion, one of a kind not often witnessed of late years, in...

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L ORD REDESD ALE is usually thought a sensible man, and is undoubtedly an able man of business ; but his short speech in the House of Lords on Monday, on the sin' of...

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C OUNT VON MOLTKE'S speech on the "Ironclad Loan," made to the North German Parliament a few days since, deserves even more attention than it has received. The Govern- ment of...

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I T would be difficult to imagine an event which would more completely justify the Liberal faith in the progress of man- kind than the nomination of Mr. Chase as the candidate...

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T HE recent Gunnery experiments at Shoeburyness present a satisfactory contrast to the famous experiments of last winter with the " Gibraltar Shield." The contrast is...

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T HE Record, which has long been really stupid,—without any sign of either good or evil passions,—has warmed up into quite a wholesome rage with ourselves for presuming to think...

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S EVERAL of the daily journals have alluded of late to the unexpected and unwelcome revival of a literature sup- posed to have expired with the taxes on knowledge, the litera-...

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LXVIII.—BEDFORDSHIRE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, AND HUNTING- DONSHIRE :-THE TOWNS. B ESIDES Huntingdon there are four other market towns in. Huntingdonshire, viz., Kimbolton, Ramsey, St....

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"SPECTATOR."] am tempted to trespass on you with some questions which at this crisis agitate my mind and the minds of a daily increasing number of Liberals, who are anxious to...

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Sra,—In the notice of my Philological Essays there is an inaccurate statement of facts which it may be perhaps well to correct. I refer to the passage beginning, " Professor Key...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—From a perusal of your article on the States of the River Plate, I suppose that there is quite a large class of people to whom some...


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MR. KINGLAKE'S CRIMEAN WAR.* [SECOND NOTICE.] REGARDED from a military point of view, Mr. Kinglake's two additional volumes are very unsatisfactory. The narrative of the...

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MR. CRAWLEY seems to be a clever man, and to have taken pains; yet his satire on our modern poets will not be much read, and will yet, probably, be more read than it deserves....

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ESSAYS ON CHURCH POLICY.* Tats volume of essays on Church

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policy expresses so ably, with .so much reflection and so much practical knowledge, the general convictions which we have attempted to enforce for many years, Mac ••Essay an. s...

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THE CURL D'ARS.* How much of this biography is true,

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how much is legend, and how much invention, we have no means of determining. The discrepancies and inconsistencies in the narrative itself impress ua with some sense of...

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Bertram Pelham Pane. 2 vole. By Walter Brand. (Saunders and

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Otley.)—Mr. Fans, who tells his own story, is a well born young gentle- man, of good property, good looks (though he is properly modest in letting us know this), and of moat...


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The Gentleman's Magazine. June. (Bradbury and Evans.)—This is the first number of an "entirely new series." The external appearance of the magazine is entirely different from...