28 FEBRUARY 1874

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With Mr. Gladstone giving up the leadership of Opposition, we

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have not so many tried and able statesmen, that we can afford to have those who do remain to us unfairly depreciated, and we must protest against the gross attack made the other...

It seems pretty certain that Mr. Gladstone is really determined

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to give up the leadership of the Liberal party for the present, though not, apparently, to absent himself from the House. Yet it will be hardly possible, with Mr. Gladstone...

We have commented elsewhere on the Members selected to fill

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places outside the Cabinet, and on the principle which seems to have governed Mr. Disraeli's choice. He has obviously tried to appoint administrators instead of debaters, and...

The late Government, we perceive, has raised the head of

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the Grosvenors to the first rank in the Peerage, the Marquis still deriving his title from Westminster, the principal source of his swollen rent-roll. There is no possible...


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ONDON was startled on Wednesday evening altogether out of its propriety by a telegram announcing that Sir Garnet Wolseley had fought a great battle outside Coomassie, had lost...

An " Ex-M.P." writes to the Times, telling how Colonel

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Hill, now Governor of Newfoundland, in 1853, finding that 20,000 Ashantees had invaded British territory, raised an army of 150 whites and 20,000 Fantees, and proposed to attack...

"I': The Editors cannot undertake . to return Manuscript in any

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Nine Members of the Left Centre, including four who were

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Ministers under M. Thiers, dined with Marshal MacMahon on Thursday. This is held to portend the adhesion of the Left Centre to the Constitutional Laws. The incident is rather a...

The Viceroy, in his latest telegram (February 27), says :-

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" Sir R. Temple reports completion of transport arrangements, mostly by contract, in North Behar and Bhagulpore. Amount to be transported, 234,000 tons-70,000 carts, 140,000...

The King of- Prussia has written to Lord Russell to

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thank him for communicating the resolution of the Exeter - Half meeting, which expressed sympathy with his Government in its struggle with the Roman Churoh. The King writes in...

The religious Dissenters are, we are happy to see, plucking

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up. courage at last to assert their conscientious conviction that, in the education of neglected children, religion cannot and ought not to be omitted, against the political...

The people of Alsace-Lorraine are naturally much offended with the

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Bishop of Strasburg, Monsignor Riiss, for declaring in the German Reichstag at Bbrlin, whither he was sent as a represen- tative, that the Roman Catholics of these countries...

Prince Napoleon —he is not Prince Imperial, even by courtesy,

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as he rejects the title, which would involve his assuming that of Emperor in a few days—comes of age on the 16th . March. A statement has been published which, whether emanating...

The address - with which the retiring Solicitor-General for Ireland, Mr.

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Law, bade farewell last Saturday, on behalf of the Irish Bar, to the retiring Lord Chancellor, Lord O'Hagan, and the enthusiasm with which it was apparently received by the...

The reports of the Bengal Famine are still bad. By

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the latest telegram in the Times children are dying in Saran, and Sir R. Temple declares that he is marching from black to blacker confines. Tirhoot alone will want half the...

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Lord Granville is not sensitive about the political fame of

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the late Administration, but he is jealous of its repute in the hunting- field. At a dinner given on Tuesday to the Earl of Guildford, the Master of the East Kent Foxhounds, at...

The deaths of two Cardinals have been reported this week.

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The first, Cardinal Barnabo, was to us the most important person in the Conclave, as he was head of the Propaganda, and final authority under the Pope on all Catholic religious...

English capitalists are beginning to understand that the rental of

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London is pretty fair security for a moderate loan. Hitherto the Metropolitan Board of Works have found it a little difficult to place their loans, but it appears, from a report...

We regret to notice the death of Mr. Shirley Brooks,

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for some years past the Editor of Punch. He is a man who will probably be forgotten speedily, for the English world remembers no journalist; and his three novels, "Aspen Court,"...

Mr. 'Macdonald, the working-class Member for Stafford, in a speech

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at Glasgow on Tuesday, advised the Miners' delegates to limit the output to the utmost, and so keep up the price of coal, and with it miners' wages. He argued that manufacturers...

Sir Charles Reed, the Chairman of the London School Board,

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'has intimated his intention of not again offering himself for elec- tion at Hackney, should the return be invalidated,—as we suspect it must be,—by the mess about the polling...

Consols were on Friday 921 to 921.

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The politician of Blackwood's Magazine is in a condition of

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extasy over the political successes of the Conservatives and the grinding of Mr. Gladstone to powder, which may, we fear, operate on his mind something as bhang does on the...

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THE CAPTURE OF C00111ASSEE. T HE Ashantee War has ended in a brilliant feat of arms. In spite of all the statements brought to the camp by Missionaries, who seem to have been...

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m it. DISRAELI has given a guarantee to the party of genuine Conservatives, the party which does not regard " a Conservative Government as an organised hypocrisy," in the...

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T HE central idea in Mr. Disraeli's mind, in the formation of his Government, begins to be sufficiently clear. He has desired, first, to retain his hold over both Houses, so...

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THE TORY PROSPECT OF CALM. T HE safe course for the

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Tories to follow, now that they are in full possession of power, is, we should think, patent to the meanest understanding. It is to do just as little as they can in legislation,...

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V ON MOLTKE'S speech of last Monday week in the Reichstag was the speech of a considerable politician, as well as a great soldier. He surveys the political situation in Europe...

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T HE death of the great Dissenting Bishop, as he has sometimes been called, the weightiest and most popular of the old- school Independents, on Tuesday last, certainly marks an...

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O NE hardly knows whether to cry or laugh over the latest development of Woman's Rights in Ohio,—to admire the movement there as a crusade againit vice, or detest it as an ex-...

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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:'] SIR,—.1 am one of those Liberals who think that Mr. Gladstone's attempted coup d'etat deserved to fail. I wish to point out that in the only...


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BARON MEYER DE ROTHSCHILD. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPEOFATOR."] Sin,—As one who knows something of the Rothschild family (though entirely unconnected with them), and of the...

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WHEN Death from some fair face Is stealing life away, All weep, save she, the grace That earth shall lose to-day. When Time from some fair face Steals beauty year by year, For...


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SONNET. ALAS ! sweet Life, that thou must fly so fast ! Is there no breathing-space for thee and me ? So much we have to say, and learn, and see, So late it seems since...


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JOHN PYE AND CHIAROSCURO. IT is not enough to say of the late Mr. John Pye that he was the most complete engraver of Turner's paintings, and therefore the most complete...


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[To THE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin, —Your correspondent, Mr. B. G. Jenkins, states that " within the historical period the southern part of what we now know as Northern...

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COLONEL CHESNEY'S ESSAYS.* AMONG modern essayists, Colonel Charles Chesney is entitled to a high rank, because he not only possesses a power of clear state- ment, but, what...

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to having lived in some trepidation lest the second volume of Mr. Lewes's " Problems" should appear before we had mastered the first. Dr. Johnson once assured Mrs. Thrale, in...

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WITHOUT remarkable power of any special kind or exhibited in any particular direction, Mrs. Parr has, at least, such genius as must belong to those who can and do always write...

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IN selecting Axel og Valborg out of the long series of Oehlen- schlager's tragedies for translation, Mr. Freeland has, we think, been guided more by popular taste than by the...

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THERE is a vast amount of careful and patient research displayed in this very interesting book ; it is popularly written, and will be welcomed by all who wish to understand...

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The Works of Horace Rendered into English Prose. By James Lonsdale, MA., and S. Lee, M.A. (Macmillan.)—That this is a most useful volume there can be no doubt whatever. The...

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A General Sketch of the History of Persia. By Clements

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It. Mark- ham. (Longmans.)—The visit of the Shah naturally suggested a big volume about Persia, and it was necessary, of course, that the writer of such a volume should make it...

History of the Church under the Roman Empire, A.D. 30 - 476.

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By the Rev. A. D. Crake. (Riiington.)—Mr. Crake describes his volume as "the result of an attempt to render the history of the early Church interesting to the general reader,...

The Heir of Reddesmont. 3 vols. (S. Tinsley.)—It is only

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too clear that the verdict of the jury will not put an end to the Tichborne Case. We shall be always having it served up again by the unhappy persons who, it seems, cannot sleep...

Too Late. By Mrs. Newman. (Henry S. King and Co.)—The

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materials of this tale deserved better of Mrs. Nowman's hands than to be made into an overdone hash. The idea of King Cophetua and the beggar-maid reappears, but in a new form,...

Little Lady Lorraine. By Courteney Grant. (Bentley.)—"Lady Lorraine" is one

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of the varieties of the femme incomprise. She has a Platonic affection for Walter Carew, which, when she has married some- one else, she discovers to be a serious passion, and...