2 MARCH 1872

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The ceremony of Tuesday passed off brilliantly. The day, though

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unusually cold, was generally bright, and the sun shone out on a great part of the procession. Calculating very roughly, there may have been probably a million or a million and...

The Archbishop's sermon was, as Dr. Tait's sermons and addresses

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always are, remarkable for its perfect and terse din- plieity. There was not an ambitious touch in it. Taking for his text "Everyone members one of another," he insisted on the...


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A N alarm was spread through London on Thursday evening, principally by excited newsboys, who lied at the top of their voices and with a profound air of conviction, that the...

The Comte de Chambord has been holding levees at Antwerp,

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attended by great numbers of Frenchmen, and has been interviewed by correspondents of the Times and Telegraph. He answered their questions with some vagueness ; but the latter...

The incident has apparently no political meaning. The boy was

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not a Fenian, or a Catholic, but a Protestant lad of fair hn--e-fer. and a habit of reading rubbishy romances. So little -e-tlize the meaning of his own act, that he told the...

The illumination at night was very imperfect,—the people evidently having

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regarded the occasion as a religions one, and hardly suitable for illumination. The chief interest was concen- trated on St. Paul's, and it is possible that for those who scaled...

411 * * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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The rumours that the Pope intends to leave Rome and

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to sum- mon a Council either in Malta, or at Salzburg, Austria, are again gaining credence. We do not believe either of them. The diffi- culty of quitting Rome, with its vast...

The Ballot debate went on again on Thursday, but was

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only remarkable for the exhibition of suspiciousness by Mr. Fawcett and his friends, who evidently imagine that the Government want to pass the Ballot Bill without the Corrupt...

Mr. Dixon is to move on Tuesday a series of

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resolutions condem- natory of the Education Act, though not covering anything like the ground of the Birmingham League or the Manchester Conference, —for Mr. Dixon does not...

There was a great debate on Monday over the business

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of the House, and final conclusion was postponed ; but Mr. Lowe carried his resolution that on going into Committee of Supply on Mondays the House should begin work at once, and...

Mr. T. Hare writes to the Times to state that

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his scheme of pro- portional election has been adopted in the State of Wisconsin, and in the cities of Pennsylvania, and is supported by the Committee of Seventy for New York,...

Mr. Forster, the Vice-President of the Council, received a de-

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putation on Wednesday from the Birmingham Labour League on the subject of the Ballot Bill, their chief object being to obtain an extension of the hours of polling beyond four...

The two Mr. Bentincks, perhaps the most adroit obstructionists in

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the House, managed after the debate to move that the House itself should vote by ballot, Mr. Bentinck alleging that there was more corruption, bribery, and intimidation in the...

Monday night was marked in the Commons—the Lords appear to

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have "gone under," as the Americans say—by Mr. Glyn's maiden speech. The new member, however, was not shy. Mr. G. Ben- tinck had complained that no member not on the Whips' list...

These receptions, however, have strengthened M. Thiess' deter- mination to

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support the Republic. His private secretary, M. Barthelemy St. Hilaire, an intimate personal friend, has addressed a letter to the President of the Council-General of the...

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A form of nitroglycerine has been discovered,—it is called lithofracteur,—which

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is perfectly safe for all purposes of carry- ing or even firing,—yielding no explosion whether it is sub- jected to a violent shock like a heavy fall or the fall of a heavy body...

There seem to be mistaken ideas current about the value

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of the Viceroyalty of India as an appointment. For a rich man it is probably the most valuable in the world, as it enables him to save, as a rule, £12,000 a year out of his...

Consols were on Friday 92.} to 921.

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Sir Charles Wingfield brought forward the case of the Nuwab

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of Tonk on Friday week, asking that he should be allowed an appeal to the Privy Council, but was defeated by 120 to 81. We have argued the case elsewhere, but must mention here...

We have discussed elsewhere the motive of Prince Bismarck's -firmness

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on the School Inspectors' Bill. That motive certainly is not any indifference to religious instruction or any sympathy with the Secularists. Indeed, if we may trust a telegram...

Mr. Stansfeld's new Sanitary Bill, which we omitted to notice

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last week, is a Bill made to pass, but unambitious as it is, it is a step forward in the right direction. It defines the authority responsible for sanitary measures. In towns...

We greatly regret to record the death of Dr. Macleod

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Campbell, —one of the divines formerly extruded from the Church of Scot- land for heresy, and author of a book on the Atonement which discusses, in a style often much more...

The rhetoric of hatred is disappearing from amongst us,—and we

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are not sure whether, in such a world as the present. it is a good or bad sign, for hearty hatred and hearty love are very closely allied, and are apt to appear and disappear...

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THE VIOLENCE TO THE QUEEN. The event should teach the nation not indeed that the Queen dreads such public ceremonials as she has recently gone through,—for we believe her...


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for himself or for the Government of which he is the head. He merely decrees that the Prince is unworthy, and that the next heir must take his place, with all his prerogatives...

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I T would be a strange thing if Mr. Cardwell saved this Government, but it is not at all impossible. The more his plan of Army Reform is studied the better will it be liked,...

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hardly realize in England the full meaning of the Education struggle in Prussia,—that Prince Bismarck's power as a Prussian Minister is really in the balance. We think of the...

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INVOLUNTARY ANNEXATIONS. tion between Britain and the Orange Free State,

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and was as reluctant as he could be ; but at last a consent of some kind was given, and British territory stretches from the Orange River over Griqualand, and fades away into...

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MHE Polish question in Austria has entered into a new phase which, in whatever light it is considered, promises to mark the inauguration of a new era in the history of Central...

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THE LONDONERS IN FESTIVITY. T HERE are many very just views

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which may be taken of the great festivity of Tuesday. It is quite true to say, as the Archbishop of Canterbury said, in his simple but very true and forcible sermon, that it...

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"B LACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE" of this month contains a curious illustration of the new form which political hatred is assuming in England, or rather of the new method through which...

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W HAT ought to be the attitude of candid and reasonable men towards the class of phenomena of what, adapting Madame de Steel's expression, we may call the "night-side of...

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NEW ZEALAND. [TO THE EDITOR. OF THE 'SPECTATOR.') Sin, —The accuracy of your information on the affairs of New Zealand, and the fairness with which you have invariably com-...

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[To THB EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sra,—There is a well-known story of an old lady who was singing at a missionary meeting with great enthusiasm,— " Love so amazing, so...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sia,—In your article on Mr. Cowper-Temple's Bill you reiterate a frequent complaint of high-class newspapers, to wit, that the pulpit is not...


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HORACE—ODES, IL, 3. r" EQUAll HEMENTO REBUS IN ARMS:1 STILL calm, 0 mortal son of earth In trouble keep thy soul, nor yet, When kinder Fortune smiles, forget To guard thee well...


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SP BOT AT011.1 SIR,—Referring to your " note " on the Collier division, I beg to say that Mr. Dixon, M.P., is a member of the Church of Eng- land, not a Nonconformist.—! am,...

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POOR MISS FINCH.* * THERE is really wonderful ingenuity and originality in the plot of Poor Miss Finch, and when we have said thus much, we have said all we can for it, for the...

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TERME who take any interest in the processes of growth an transformation which are continually at work in a living language will find abundance of good entertainment in this...

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MR. HEPWORTH DIXON ON THE SWISS.* 'ruts book has the

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usual merit of Mr. Hepworth Dixon's works, and it has also the usual defects. Few men are quicker to see that a subject is intrinsically interesting, few more certain to mar...

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CoNsinEniNG how little is known of the country visited by Mr. Shaw, it must be a matter of profound regret that he has not been able to do more to familiarize us with it....

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THIS is a really beautiful book, which will delight Mr. Mac- donald's great circle of admirers—we had almost said disciples— and by which those who profess a sterner and more...

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OF every new dictionary that comes into the market we have a right to ask the reason of its coining. "Are you better or handier than your predecessors, or merely put forth...


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Catena Classicorum : Demosthenes, with English Notes. Part I. De Corona. By the Rev. Arthur Holmes, M.A. (Rivington.)—Mr. Holmes has compressed into a convenient shape the...

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The First English Conquest of Canada. By Henry Kirke. (Bemrose.)

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—The second conquest of Canada, with .its central figure of Wolfe, most of us know something about ; the heroes of the first, among whom Kirke may be taken as standing first,...

Parttng Words to Boys Leaving School. Edited by Maurice C.

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Elms, M.A. (Dublin : Ponsonby. Longman.)—This little volume contains fifteen essays, written by various authors, and dealing with the questions and difficulties that encounter a...

Crud as the Grave. By the Countess von Bothmer. 3

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vols. (H. S. King.)—Readers who have a dislike for the melancholy in fiction—a dislike in which, as we have before taken occasion to say, we heartily sympathize—may rest assured...

Freemasonry and its Jurisprudence. By Brother Chalmers L. Paton. (Reeves

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and Turner.)—This book has had the misfortune to fall into the hands of what the " brotherhood " politely call "a profane." "Pro- fanes," it is needless to say, are in the eyes...

Sister Martha ; or, a Romance of the Franco-Prussian War.

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By Benjamin Wilson. (Newby.)—What we have to say about this book refers to the first sixty pages only; more we have not been able to read. Here is what Sister Martha's face...