3 AUGUST 1991

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The Spectator

T he European Court of Justice over- turned British law and allowed foreign- owned vessels to fish in British waters and use British quotas. Fears were voiced over the future...

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The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL Telephone: 071-405

The Spectator

1706; Telex 27124; Fax 071-242 0603 GLASS HOUSES IN SOUTH AFRICA T he expressions of pious outrage which greeted the admission by the South African government that it passed...


The Spectator

SUBSCRIBE TODAY - RATES 12 Months 6 Months UK 0 £71.00 0 £35.50 Europe (airmail) 0 £82.00 0 £41.00 USA Airspeed 0 US$110 0 US$55.00 Rest of Airmail 0 £98.00 0 £49.00 World...

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The Spectator

Tiptoeing over the threshold of the Common European Home NOEL MALCOLM U ntil Monday evening of this week, Her Majesty's Government had a policy on European defence. It was...

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The Spectator

I have become rather tired of the postur- ing of Imperial Chemical Industries, which has been going on for some months now, since Hanson had the temerity to purchase 2 per cent...

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The Spectator

Watch out for Mr Heseltine's green shirt brigade AUBERON WAUGH With these documents also came a leaflet gloating over the new Antarctic Treaty (which apparently binds its...

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The Spectator

European pornography is being beamed into used to keep out Japanese competition IT IS SAID that Mrs Thatcher was basical- ly worried about three imports from Europe: foreign...

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The Spectator

Stephen Handelman on the great nation of Ukraine and its urge for independence Kiev PRESIDENT George Bush's brief visit to Kiev on the way home from this week's Moscow summit...

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The Spectator

Dennis Deletant returns to a welcome from the much changed Moldavia `AND vat do you zink of Ceausescu's fan- tastic erections?' The question was fired at me in booming tones...

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THE OUTLAW Michael Heath

The Spectator

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The Spectator

John Simpson meets Yasser Arafat twelve months after his friend invaded Kuwait Tunis . THE HEAT in the hotel room wrapped round me like an unwelcome blanket, but shortly...

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The Spectator

Sandra Barwick on the declining numbers of children in the richer nations MY paternal grandmother, who married before the first world war, produced six children, of whom four...

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The Spectator

Gavin Stamp wonders if Jocelyn Stevens is the right man to head English Heritage THE NEWS that Jocelyn Stevens, Rector of the Royal College of Art, may be Lord Montagu's...

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The Spectator

Janine Di Giovanni investigates the Jesus Army, which is taking over businesses and souls in Northamptonshire THREE dead bodies turned up in rural vil- lages near Northampton...

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The Spectator

Wilfred De'Ath found that the months he spent awaiting trial were not quite what he expected ON 7 October 1990 I was arrested without explanation in a hotel room in Southsea...

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If symptoms persist. . .

The Spectator

The prison hospital trusty, a pleasant and polite murderer, knocked on my door last week. 'Coffee, doctor, sir?' he asked. `Yes please,' I said. 'Black, no arsenic.' Still,...

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The Spectator

the latest invasion of privacy THE ABSENCE of a privacy law in this country has many sad consequences. Among the worst is the way in which it allows the media to wreck the...

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BCCI — losers weepers

The Spectator

THIS was the week when the affair of the Bank of Credit and Commerce Interna- tional began to slide into farce. In New York, the district attorney conjured head- lines from the...

. . . money down the drain

The Spectator

I HAD not thought of Mapp and Lucia as a handbook of municipal finance, but I now see where councils like Western Isles learned to borrow money in the market and re-lend it to...


The Spectator

Recovery but, this time, there's no going back into debt CHRISTOPHER FILDES R ecovery? The City assumes it, the Chancellor proclaims it, the Confederation of British Industry...


The Spectator

CAN it be that John Major, the best public relations man the Standard Chartered Bank ever had, is giving his old firm a helping plug? There it was, plain to see, at the news...

Money off the screen .

The Spectator

I AM sad that Channel 4 cannot afford to keep Business Daily on the air. It was my cue for opining on Fridays — looming out of your television screen to call the Abbey National...

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Brighter British

The Spectator

Sir: How thankful the people of Gibraltar must be that the United Kingdom Govern- ment has a greater regard for the Declara- tion of Human Rights than have the writers who...

Twelve-tone letter

The Spectator

Sir: In 'Down with dodecaphony' (Music, 6 July) Herbert Lomas aimed at producing some sort of evidence for what has been presented as a 'natural' rejection of dode- caphony,...

A place in heaven

The Spectator

Sir: I am very sorry that Monsignor Gilbey has misread or misunderstood my inter- view with him (Letters, 20 July). He did have an opportunity of reading it and correcting it...


The Spectator

. Indulging the Old Lady Sir: Though I share his nostalgia for the waning power of the raised gubernatorial, eyebrow, I think Christopher Fildes (`Tumbling the Old Lady' 27...

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The Spectator

Shiva Naipaul was one of the most gifted and accomplished writers of our time. After his death in August 1985 at the age of 40, The Spectator set up a fund to establish an...

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Hurrah for Aunt Mary

The Spectator

Sir: At long last I am delighted to see that you have got rid of that tiresome bore Wallace Arnold. For some time now this self-styled wit has been writing one and the same...

Whatever next?

The Spectator

Sir: In the 17th century, a Highland Scot defined his 'country' as the land within the horizon of the surrounding hills, inhabited by people whom he knew by name and lineage and...

Vive la cuisine francaise

The Spectator

Sir: I have great respect for the British and their ways. However, I really could not let A. N. Matthews's well argued but erroneous defence of Britain's food in comparison to...

Handsome dog

The Spectator

Sir: Why does John Charmley use the word `revolting' to describe my bulldog, Bosun, who adorns the jacket of Phillippe Daudy's book Les Anglais (Books, 13 July). Mon- sieur...

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BOOKS T he Mountbattens occupy an exception- al niche in 20th-century

The Spectator

history, receiving the same kind of treatment accorded to royalty or superstars: public adulation, pri- vate denigration. Scandal swirled just below the surface of their lives,...

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`the brighter visions brought music . . . Ivor Gurney

The Spectator

Lapwings in display salute the earth they're swishing to with a three quarter roll list as a fencer's wrist; and it's in that image your song takes me - above all, the cadence....

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Old-fashioned and full of charm

The Spectator

Anita Brookner LETTERS FROM CONSTANCE by Mary Hocking Chatto & Windus, .£13.99, pp.215 hen women were virtuous, women wrote novels like this. I realise that this statement...

Books are no compensation

The Spectator

David Nokes N o paradox in Swift's long career as preacher and polemicist, satirist and hoax- er, is more teasing than his assumption of the role of 'Hibernian patriot'. In...

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Trying too hard

The Spectator

Beryl Gray GEORGE ELIOT: COLLECTED POEMS edited by Lucien Jenkins Skoob Books, f9.95, pp.481 o n 1 January 1865 — that is, a little under halfway through her career as a writ-...

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Benefiting from a military point of view

The Spectator

Jasper Griffin THE PUNIC WARS by Nigel Bagnall Hutchinson, £19.99, pp. 355 I t is a mark of a civilised society when its military men read books; much more so when they write...

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Awe in the presence of ordinary things

The Spectator

A.N. Wilson BOUND UPON A COURSE: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY by John Stewart Collis The Alastair Press, £12.95, pp.217 J ohn Stewart Collis died on 2 March 1984, the age of the century. A...

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The Ginger

The Spectator

A quart of ginger-beer in a 'stone' jar (A salt-glaze jar) with a glassy black screw top, Red rubber ring, shoved in a saddle-bag Then ridden bumpily up a hill in Montgomery....

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The Spectator

0 ne of the more unlikely places in which I might have imagined writing this week's article is Heathfield Hospital at Ayr in Scotland. I was on a brief working holi- day in the...

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The Proms

The Spectator

Home and away Peter Phillips T he planning department at the Proms has launched this year's series with a suc- cession of 'home and away' concerts. This well-worn formula...

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The Spectator

Papal pageantry Roderick Conway Morris I taly's prime minister, Giulio Andreotti, had to appeal to his defence minister last month for the loan of 2,500 conscripts, not to...

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The Spectator

The Boys From Syracuse (Open Air Theatre, Regent's Park) The Manchurian Candidate (Lyric Hammersmith) Twin delights Christopher Edwards T his production of The Boys From...


The Spectator

The Rocketeer (PG', Warner West End) Edward Scissorhands (PG', selected cinemas) Shear entertainment Harriet Waugh T he holiday season continues with another parent-and-child...

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The Spectator

Windsor soap John Diamond t's summer and the earnest documen- tarists and the gay young things from Light Ents are all, respectively, in Tuscany and Ibiza, leaving the field...

High life

The Spectator

Out west Taki T he only town I missed during my Odysseus-like peregrinations of last month was Ithaca, New York, where a noodle- brain I plan to give a knuckle sandwich to...

Martyn Harris is on holiday.

The Spectator

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New life

The Spectator

Saved by the gong Zenga Longmore A the reader may or may not remem- ber from last week, we left Uncle Bisi gloating over the contents of my Jamaican friend Mrs Starman's...

Low life

The Spectator

Down by the riverside Jeffrey Bernard am writing to you from the eighth floor of a block of flats halfway between the House of Commons and the Tate Gallery. I can even see...

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Sweetness and light

The Spectator

AUGUST, a very fine month for feasts. St Alphonsus Mary de Liguori, a great preacher; St Eusebius of Vercelli, starved to death in his own home by the wicked Arian emperor...

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The Spectator

12 YEAR OLD SCOTCH WHISKY COMPETITION Discoveries Tom Castro I n Competition No. 1687 you were in- vited to give a description, tinged with disapproval, by a historical or...


The Spectator

T he Sicilian Defence is Black's most aggressive, ambitious and popular counter against 1 e4. Conventional wisdom used to hold that if Black Could survive the White attack he...

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The Spectator

A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word `Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions...

Solution to 1017: Outlandish Four unclued ights, like 41 +

The Spectator

27, are countries, and the other unclued lights, like 28 + 15, are anagrams of these countries. Winners: Dr A. G. Cox, Kingston upon Thames (U0); Mark Hennes- sy, Dover...

No. 1690: Logodaedaly

The Spectator

You are invited to write a poem (maximum 15 lines) with a lavish use of rare words (e.g `fulvous', 'cleasil', 'magma' etc), enti- tled either 'Sunset' or 'Accident'. Entries to...

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The Spectator

At Leeds, in the first Test match, Pringle made a defiant 27 in over two-and-a-half hours; at Lord's in the second his 35 took an hour and 50 minutes; at Trent Bridge he was...


The Spectator

Q. I have never been able to bear any kind of whistling, be it tuneless or tuneful. I now find that in my new job I am sitting virtually next to someone who whistles. It is...