3 JANUARY 1969

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The Old Boys' Club Next week Her Majesty's Government, stoutly

The Spectator

supported by Her Majesty's Opposi- tion, stands host at Marlborough House to twenty-three Commonwealth heads of Government and four substitutes. Most of the public discussion...

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The Spectator

An Israeli commando unit destroyed a dozen planes at Beirut's airport in reprisal for the El Al Boeing which was attacked by Arabs in Athens. The reprisal looked like costing...

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Feedback to Techbinn

The Spectator

POLITICAL COMMENTARY AUBERON WAUGH New Year is the time when 'the Past is like a funeral gone by, the Future comes like an, un- welcome guest,' to quote my cousin, Edmund...

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War by surprise

The Spectator

MIDDLE EAST LAURENCE MARTIN The novel Israeli reprisal at Beirut has many grave implications. From the military point of view it serves chiefly as an illustration of how the...

Sancho has doubts

The Spectator

FRANCE MARC ULL3IANN Paris—It could be said that for Americans the twentieth century lasted thirty-five years, from the Roosevelt inauguration in 1933 in the depth of the Great...

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Court memoirs

The Spectator

AMERICA MURRAY KEMPTON New York—Professor Eric Goldman, the Princeton historian, has started to publish recol- lections of his two years as President John- son's legate to...

Looking ahead

The Spectator

1969 ALEC DOUGLAS-HOME, MP As we look ahead and try to probe the secrets of 1969 the only certainty is that there is too much anger in human society for anyone to enjoy peace...

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The Spectator

NIGEL LAWSON I'm not surprised that Mr George Woodcock has told Mrs Barbara Castle that the Govern- ment's proposals for the reform of trade union law are 'unworkable.' It was,...

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A hundred years ago

The Spectator

From the 'Spectator', 2 January 1869—Sir Richard Mayne, Chief Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, died on Sunday, at the age of 73. When only 33 years old, and a rising...

Common sense about colour

The Spectator

PERSONAL COL UMN SIMON RAVEN In order to avoid loss of temper, let us base this discussion on propositions so simple and self-evident that nobody, whatever his back- ground or...

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New light on Eden—and Munich

The Spectator

1938 CABINET PAPERS ROBERT BLAKE Robert Blake is Provost of Queen's College, Oxford. One of the few good things that the present government has done (apart from belatedly...

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Reformer's itch

The Spectator

THE LAW R. A. CLINE About half way through the 'fifties, when this column sprang fully armed from the then editor's head, law reform was not the thing to write about. To...

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After the PIB

The Spectator

EDUCATION STUART MACLURE I cannot help feeling that the extremity of the universities' reaction to the NB report tells more about the nervous and edgy state the universities...

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Open letter

The Spectator

TELEVISION STUART HOOD Dear Huw, May I begin by saying how gratifying it is to see someone step into the most senior post . in BBC Television who is himself a professional,...

Songs of praise

The Spectator

THE PRESS BILL GRUNDY I want you all to sit up straight, pay attention, and try to answer this question. Why was last Sunday an important day for newspapers? That's right....

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Red revelations

The Spectator

CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS Hireling of counter-revolution, The neo-fascist Bernard Levin, Refused to use his concert ticket— Sin that for vengeance cries to Heaven. A fruitless...

Storm in academe

The Spectator

TABLE TALK DENIS BROGAN It is perhaps a sign of national torpor that the revolt of the senior half of the university popu- lation against Mr Aubrey Jones and the Prices and...

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Invitation to Baroque delights BOOKS

The Spectator

SACHEVERELL SITWELL The themes of these three books,* the first of them Sicilian, the second and third Bavarian, by and large, now receive serious treatment for the first time...

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Pitiless patriots

The Spectator

THOMAS BRAUN if History of Sparta 950-192 W. G. Forrest (Hutchinson paper 1 Is 6d, cloth 25s) States that deny political freedom to their citizens normally let them keep their...

Balm in Gilliatt

The Spectator

AUBERON WAUGH What's It Like Out? and Other Stories Penelope Gilliatt (Seeker and Warburg 30s) Surely no mise-en-scene has ever been more conducive to boredom, or productive...

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Echoes of Jutland

The Spectator

OLIVER WARNER The Private War of Seaman Stumpf edited by Daniel Horn (Frewin 42s) From a commentator's point of view, Jutland was a fruitful battle. Tactically, it was full of...

The Third Department P. S. Squire (cur 70s)

The Spectator

Smooth work RONALD HINGLEY The Russian political police made a fittingly bizarre debut in the sixteenth century with the establishment by Ivan the Terrible of his notorious...

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Cycle of Cathay

The Spectator

DENNIS J. DUNCANSON China in Crisis edited by Ping-ti Ho and Tang Tsou (University of Chicago Press 3 vols 90s each) China Readings edited by Franz Schurmann and Orville Schell...

Naked truths

The Spectator

JOHN KELLY The Greek Patristic View of Nature D. S. Wallace-Hadrill (Manchester University Press 35s) There is a muddled idea, which is nevertheless widely accepted, that...

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A hanging matter ARTS

The Spectator

ROY STRONG Sadly this year's Winter Exhibition, 200 Years of the Royal Academy, will go down in history as a great opportunity missed. If it is remem- bered at all in the...

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Robertson the Whitechapel

The Spectator

BRIDGET RILEY Bryan Robertson, who left the Whitechapel Gallery this week, became its -director in 1952. One cannot help feeling that this is the end of an era, and one must...

Is this a record?

The Spectator

MUSIC MICHAEL NYMAN My Christmas was spent, ears boggling, mind splitting, in the company of Deutsche Gramo- phon's celebratory six record set, Avant G til rte (104988-93,...

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Queen Passionella and the Sleeping Beauty (Saville)

The Spectator

THEATRE Desperate Dan HILARY SPURLING Queen Passionella and the Sleeping Beauty (Saville) The Young Visiters (Piccadilly) Among the many pleasures of what has been. in my...

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Prophets and prophecies MONEY

The Spectator

NICHOLAS DAVENPORT It is not my intention to make but to review some prophecies. The Stock Exchange tipsters had a field day in the Sunday press and on Monday the jobbers were...

Battle for savings

The Spectator

PORTFOLIO JOHN BULL My first task this New Year is to sell my holding of War Loan at a loss of about £100. I have attended every false dawn in the gilt- edged market since the...

ffolkes's tycoons-1

The Spectator

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The Spectator

Market report The financial press was largely responsible for Monday's stock market in the sense that share tips for 1969 attracted quite a lot of business. What are the...

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Sir: Everybody is 'oot o' step except oor Jock.' 'Oor

The Spectator

Jock' in this case is Auberon Waugh. This does not necessarily mean that Mr Waugh is wrong and those of us who see the much-publicised secession and rebellion as a cruel and...

Britain and Biafra

The Spectator

LETTERS From Michael Foot, MP, Ian R. Wilson, James Donaldson, Oji Umozurike, Quintin Hogg, MP. B. Topping, John Radcli f f, H. D. Sills, Gordon Evans, Dennis Ward. M. B....

Sir : The charter of the OAU has often been

The Spectator

quoted, even by politicians with a background of liberal democracy, to support a military solution to the complicated Biafran /Nigerian conflict. Indeed, the purposes of the OAU...

Sir : Does Mr Waugh (27 December) really feel that

The Spectator

Nigeria should accept all the blame for the war? lf, as Mr Waugh claims, . . everybody has the right to determine their own nation- hood' . . . then surely Wales or Scotland has...

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Sir: Patrick Cosgrave makes an assertion (if not an accusation)

The Spectator

that Mr Heath's speeches are lacking in moral concern for society. I listened to his Blackpool speech and to his address to the Kent Young Conservatives at Folkestone. In spite...

Sir: Congratulations to Patrick Cosgrave (20 December) for perceiving that

The Spectator

what the Tories need is not an intellectual dogma to contrast with that of the left, but a contrasting morality. Religion, I understand him to argue, has `so generally...

The stupid party

The Spectator

Sir: Patrick Cosgrave writes (20 December): 'Religion has so generally declined that its cen- trality can hardly any longer be asserted.' In other words, because people no...

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Towards a Bigamy Bill?

The Spectator

Sir: Are you not adopting not a Christian but a sectarian view of divorce in your leading article 'Towards a Bigamy Bill?' (20 December). Only a Roman Catholic could describe a...

Table talk

The Spectator

Sir: I should answer Sir Denis Brogan's questions to me in your issue of 13 December. He asks whether there have been any Ulster Cabinet ministers who were not members of the...

Official rebel

The Spectator

Sir: The recent attacks on Yevtushenko are worrying: first, because it is sad to see a good man slandered; secondly, because they show how frighteningly out of touch with Soviet...

Ends and means

The Spectator

Sir: Ian MacGregor states (in your issue of 20 December) that 'a university golden age' never existed. May I offer a few shreds of factual evidence? Disorderly conduct among...

Human non-rights year

The Spectator

Sir: Mr Tibor Szamuely makes it clear (13 December) that his stimulating contribution at the Year's outset when asked by his students for an article on the subject, was to...

Sir: Mr Cosgrave (20 December) indicts the Tory party for

The Spectator

lack of moral concern; he claims that 'it cannot be said that capitalism ever did anything for any nation,' and, alas, he maintains that 'there are no right policies, only right...

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Comfort me with apples

The Spectator

Sir : As a 'pomiferous' fellow living near Mr John Wells's constituency and having been con- nected with the fruit-growing industry for over twenty years, I would like to...

Elixir of youth

The Spectator

Sir: In a 'double-blind control experiment' (John Rowan Wilson, 27 December) it is not only the 'assessor who is ignorant as to which patient is which. The patients equally do...

Good old days

The Spectator

AFTERTHOUGHT JOHN WELLS From The Wilsonian Idyll, by Angus Windsor- Frost Junior, to be published in the early part of 2069 by Weidenfeld and Weidenfeld at Nf55. Looking back...

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No. 534: The word game

The Spectator

COMPETITION Competitors are invited to use the ten following words taken from the opening passages of a well-known work of literature, in the order given, to construct part of...

No. 532: The winners

The Spectator

Trevor Grove reports : In order to select the champion of champions for 1968, previous prizewinners (and only they) were invited either to compose a New Year's resolution, in...

Chess no. 420

The Spectator

PHILIDOR Black White 5 men 9 men C. Mansfield (British Chess Magazine, 1915). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 419 (Searley): K - K...

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Crossword no. 1359

The Spectator

Across 1 Challenged title-holder (8) 5 Here, classically, is a drink good for spasms (6) 9 'Fine words butter no ' (8) 10 Gently' does it, cook ! (6) 12 Job's disputant has...

Solution next week

The Spectator

Solution to Crossword no. 1358. Across: 1 Warbler 5 Malabar 9 Vandals 10 Railing 11 Signet-ring 12 Mere 13 Cod 14 Sweetbreads 17 Mis- guidedly 19 Tod 20 Asps 22 Tranquillp26...