5 JULY 1884

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The Spectator

TOPICS OF THE DAY. jk. CADEMY D:nner, the 6.33 "Adams v. Coleridge" 1571 Address, the Coming Debate on the ... ... 144 Adullam, the New Cave of ... ... 40 Africa, the Invasion...

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LONDON: Printed by JOHN CAMPBELL, of No. 1 Wellington Street,

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in the Precinct of the Savoy, Strand, in the County of Middlesex, at 18 Exeter Street, Strand ; and Published by him at the " SPECTATOR" Office, No. 1 Wellington Street, Strand,...

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The Daily Telegraph published on Friday an extraordinary telegram from

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Cairo, dated the same day. The writer—their regular correspondent—declares that letters have been received, apparently by the native teachers in the University of El Azhar,...

Monday witnessed a strange scene. The Government, bound • in

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the withes of etiquette, and the leaders of Opposition, im- pelled by their furious followers, had reluctantly agreed to debate the French Agreement with Conference still...

The correspondent of the Daily News at Amman telegraphs on

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Tuesday that he has had a long conversation with Major Kitchener, the able officer who is organising the Arabs from Wady Haifa to the Red Sea. Major Kitchener is positive that...

It soon appeared that Mr. Goschen had but formulated the

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latent desire of the majority. The Liberal Whips " told " for the motion, and the Ministry, with almost needless loyalty, led the Opposition into the lobby ; but all other...

It is generally supposed that Mr. Goschen's action in moving

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the House to refuse the suspension of Standing Orders for which the head of the Government had moved, is without precedent. This, however, is not the case. A very exact...


The Spectator

F RANCE is at war with China. As we feared would be the case, the War Party in Pekin has won, apparently through the adhesion of General Tso, the officer who defeated, or rather...

* * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in

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any case.

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Speaking at Blyth last Saturday, Mr. John Morley (M.P. for

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Newcastle•on-Tyne), referred to the infatuation of the Lords as likely to bring on at last the question of the true relation of the House of Lords to the Constitution. He...

A very curious scene, illustrating the singular want of tact

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in the Tory Party, took place yesterday week in the House of Commons, when Mr. Pell, the Member for South Leicestershire, challenged the decision that the third reading of the...

The Lords followed the example of the Commons, and post-

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poned the debate of censure, though not without some bitter conversation. Lord Carnarvon made what in old days would have been called a "girding" speech against Mr. Gladstone,...

The Conservative Peers held their meeting on Tuesday, to deter-

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mine on their course as to the Franchise Bill. It is said that perfect unanimity prevailed, barring only that Lord Jersey disapproved of the simple rejection of the Franchise...

Lord Randolph Churchill's campaign in Birmingham has been cruelly interfered

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with by the resolve of the Lords to throw out the Franchise Bill. In writing to Birmingham to excuse - himself from making a speech there on Wednesday, Lord Ran- dolph alleges...

Nothing whatever has transpired about the proceedings in Conference, as

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the diplomatists, aware that thousands could be made of the smallest hint, feel bound to keep their secret. There are, as might be expected, endless rumours, all directed, be it...

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The outburst of cholera in Toulon has not yet been

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very severe. The highest rate of death has been fifteen, and this only for one day ; and on Thursday it was only six, while there were only 118 cases in hospital. A large...

At the anniversary dinner of the Cobden Club last Saturday

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Lord Carlingford delivered the speech of the day, and made an amusing attack on the " Fair-traders," especially Lord Dunraven and Lord Salisbury. Lord Dunraven says that he is...

On Thursday, the annual meeting of the Metropolitan Asso- ciation

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for Befriending Young Servants was held at Stafford House, under the presidency of Lord Hampden. The report explained how much the Association had effected during the last...

Miss Muller has allowed a writing-table and an escritoire to

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be carried away from Cadogan Place, by way of distraint, in place of the taxes which she refuses to pay until she is allowed a vote. She held a meeting on the occasion last...

On Thursday Mr. Chamberlain admitted very reluctantly that there was

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no hope of carrying his Merchant-Shipping Bill against the continued hostility of the Clyde and the North- Eastern shipowners, though many of the most powerful of the London and...

Bank Rate, 2 per cent.

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Consols were on Friday 99t to 99i.

Sir W. Harcourt, on Thursday, moved the second reading of

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the London Government Bill in a persuasive speech, the pith of which was that, although his opponents spoke of "local self- government" as a better alternative, they made no...

Mr. Henry Fowler (M.P. for Wolverhampton) also made an interesting

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speech on the real danger lest a certain section of the community should be bitten by Protectionism. He believed that a considerable section of the Tory Party is in favour of a...

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The Spectator

THE FOLLY OF THE LORDS. T HE country will hear with something of impatient dis- gust that the House of Lords is bent on forcing the subject of its own reform on the country as...

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M R. OOSCHEN on Monday made a great stride in the estimation of the public, and revealed a quality— fearlessness of responsibility—for which he had not previously received...


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I T is the custom in England, whenever Lords and Commons are at variance upon an important question, to assume that the result must, if the deadlock continues, be some change in...

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T HERE are two points in the internal condition of Egypt to which, we trust, the attention of the Ministry, and, if possible, of Mr. Gladstone himself, will immediately be...

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S LR WILLIAM HARCOURT did not speak with half the ironic bitterness which all genuine politicians must feel, when he pleasantly remarked, on Thursday, on the perfection of those...

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T HE trial at Bar of Mr. Bradlaugh before three Judges of the Queen's Bench Division and a Special Jury is one of those incidents in English life which will be viewed in...

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A NOTHER victim has been done to death by a Railway Company at a level-crossing, and another unhappy family are being dragged by the Company through the Courts in pursuit of...

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The Spectator

C HARLES DICKENS knew London life very well, but he made a horrid blunder in this scene :- "' I see there's a notice up this morning about Boger,' observed Mr. Simmery. ' Poor...


The Spectator

I N Mr. MacColl's paper, published in the Fortnightly for July, on the Princess Alice,—the depth of pathos in whose letters, by the way, he brings out with singular success,— he...

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The Spectator

THE HOUSE OF LORDS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sta,—When you point out that Lord Salisbury will not admit the Dissolution of 1880 to have elicited any authoritative...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR, — In the interesting article on " Co-operative Production" in the Spectator of the 14th inst., reference is made to Mr. Sedley Taylor's...

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The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." I SIE, — As it is not unlikely that a long time may yet elapse before the very interesting debate in the House of Commons on this subject is...


The Spectator

A LOST MORNING. On, foolish world ! The writer's necromancy At times is powerless on the restive pen ; And the blank page reflects the lagging fancy, Which has no message...


The Spectator

ITo THE EDITOR OF THE "SrFcrATOR."1 SIR,—The date of Aaron Monceca's visit to London is pretty well fixed by an extract which he sends to Isaac Onis from the Historical and...

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Do not awaken her, whom gentle sleep Holds in its sweet, unjealous, calm caress ; In silence view the silent loveliness, And fond desire in awed subjection keep. Dare not too...


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NOTES AT AN INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION.* IT is difficult to believe that an exhibition such as the present, which numbers more than two thousand works of art, of which the...

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THE BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH'S SERMONS.* The Bishop of Peterborough, like most great orators, is never -adequately represented by reports. Probably few reports give his sermons...

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THCRIGH pauperism and poverty are in one sense closely allied, they are very far from being identical. The one is absolute, the other relative. An English duke or an American...


The Spectator

GRATIFYING tokens of a much-needed and long-desired revolu- tion in the method of publishing novels are becoming numerous. We may yet survive the three-volume-novel system...

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Tim present volume on the laws of literary property is the Yorke Prize Essay of the University of Cambridge for 1882„ revised and extended. Mr. Stratton has undoubtedly been...

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THIS is a very pretty story, and one well suited to the capacities of girls of sixteen or seventeen years old,—a class of readers which it is often difficult to supply with...

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THE Magazines are not striking this month, though, of course, there are good papers scattered here and there. The best, perhaps, are in the Contemporary, where M. Gabriel Monod...

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that we would speak) as one who is thoroughly hostile,

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but who believes in the reality of the phenomena which it claims to have the power of exhibiting. He brings much learning to bear upon the subject, and he tells us many curious...

POETRY.—The Morning Song : a Ninefold Praise of Love. By

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John Watkins Pitchford. (Elliot Stock.)—Mr. Pitchford's verse has a certain stately march which does not ilL befit the lofty themes on which he discourses. For the subject of...

St. Mark's Gospel, by Professor Lindsay, D.D. (T. and T.

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Clark), is one of the valuable series of " Handbooks for Bible Classes and Private Students" which is being edited by Dr. Marcus Dods and Dr. Alexander White. It is a careful...

The Works of John Keats. Edited by Harry Buxton Forman.

The Spectator

(Reeves and Turner.)—" The text and arrangement of the present edition of Keats' poetry," writes Mr. Forman in his preface, "are those of the library edition which has recently...


The Spectator

Sussex Folk and Sussex Ways. By the Rev. J. Coker Egerton, M.A., Rector of Burwash. (Sussex Advertiser Office, Lewes ; Trlibner and Co., London.)—There is, perhaps, no county...

The Canterbury Tales. By Frank Pitt Taylor. (Chapman and Hall).—Mr.

The Spectator

Pitt Taylor has modernised here twelve of the Canterbury Tales, acting on the principle of making as little change as possible, and differing, therefore, very widely from the...