Intellectuals and the Tory party
The SpectatorIntellectuals and the Tory party PERSONAL COLUMN MAURICE COWLING Maurice Cowlinu is a Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, and author of 'Disrae!i, Gladslone and Revolution.' I...
The SpectatorSir: One has heard of treason and betrayal by ifs clercs but last week has seen them throw up a phenomenal display of steam and hot air. On the commonsense issue of whether...
The SpectatorSir: Mr Skeffington-Lodge (Letters, I March) seems to be very knowledgeable about the Prime Minister; perhaps he can tell us how long we shall have to wait to hear Mr Wilson...
International Boer
The SpectatorInternational Boer Sir: Professor Manning is quite correct in saying (Letters, 1 March) that the Charter of the United Nations had been prepared at Dumbarton Oaks in 1944. But...
Why I wouldn't become an MP
The SpectatorWhy I wouldn't become an MP Sir: Dr Peter Smith (1 March) is of course quite right-his suggestion for the reform of Parliament will receive little support, both because it is...
The Prime Minister
The SpectatorThe Prime Minister Sir: I am not unduly disturbed that Mr SkeffingtonLodge should term my letter as 'emotive and question-begging' (1 March). This is normal procedure for an...
The SpectatorSir: I subscribe to your journal to try to follow what one of the 'other sides' is thinking, and I cannot imagine that I could ever support your party. But I would like to...
The SpectatorSir: The effect of Peter J. Smith's proposals (I March) would be merely to consolidate the present system of pseudo-mandated obligarchy under which we suffer, since his...
The SpectatorSir: The law passed on I March relating to the admission of British citizens to their own country has made me ashamed, for the first time, to admit that I am British, was born,...
The SpectatorImmigration LETTERS Fronm C. Car-ter, F. David Roundlhwaiie, G. Reichardt, Dr Brian Holmes, the Rev David Lambourn, Ronald H. Hensman, W. Steeds, J. S. Wiggs, Stuart C....
Market report
The SpectatorMarket report CUSTOS The week's excitements have mostly come from outside the stock market-from bullion, money, and the foreign exchanges. The demand for gold in London, which...
The SpectatorSir: The recent legislation concerning Kenyan immigrants has brought great discredit to the Government of Great Britain. For the first time the British government finds itself...
Charles III part I
The SpectatorCharles III part I AFTERTHOUGHT JOHN WELLS Dermot Morrah is perhaps best known for being Arundel Herald Extraordinary;: but however extraordinary he may be as an Arundel...
Out of court
The SpectatorOut of court Sir: Tibor Szamuely (Letters. 23 February) insultingly apostrophises my stated sympathy for Gerald Brooke. I honestly question which of us serves him best. Mr...
The strategy of General Giap
The SpectatorThe strategy of General Giap Sir: I was extremely interested in your article giving extracts from General Giaps People's War, People's Army (16 February). I find it very hard...
The SpectatorUhlman Sir: I am anxious to locate any paintings of mine that were sold between 1938 and 1950. It may be necessary for some of these to be borrowed from collectors for a...
Dear Sir
The SpectatorDear Sir Sir: I am glad that in his column last week (I March) Mr Donald McLachlan congratulated the Daily Express, Sun and iTN reporters on uncovering the crass stupidity of...
Frustrations of a super-power
The SpectatorFrustrations of a super-power Sir: Mr E. F. G. Haig is, I think, the first to try to brazen out the Eisenhower misquotation (Letters, I March): previous offenders have at least...
The SpectatorSir: I find much of the English self-righteousness over Vietnam hypocritical and nauseating. The methods by which America helps us to preserve our affluence and way of life may...
On pornography and censorship
The SpectatorOn pornography and censorship Sir: Although I agree entirely with everything that Sir Denis Brogan says about censorship, and most of what he says about pornography in your...
The SpectatorSir: To be fair to the deputy editor of the Sun- day Times (Letters, 9 February), the main trouble seems to be that Mr Szamuely cannot imagine the ramifications of an...
Shady gossip
The SpectatorShady gossip THE PRESS DONALD McLACHLAN By the end of this year it should be possible to put together an interesting book consisting entirely of 'exposures' undertaken by...
Who's normal?
The SpectatorWho's normal? MEDICINE JOHN ROWAN WILSON My father Lubed to ha'c a crooked thumb. It had been broken . hecin he was a young man and had set II a curiOlli zigzag shape. When I...
Big fish
The SpectatorBig fish CONSUMING INTEREST LESLIE ADRIAN With the first of the presidential primaries only a few days off, my thoughts have been turning more and more to Governor Nelson...
Non-Human Thought
The SpectatorNon-Human Thought Busy thinkers AUBERON WAUGH Jacques Graven (Arling- ton Books 30s) Intellectuals Today T. R. Fyvel (Chatto and Windus 30s) It is often said that the...
Crisis in the Civil Service
The SpectatorCrisis in the Civil Service Beat the machine F. A. BISHOP edited by Hugh Thomas (Blond 30s) It would be uncharitable to assume that the publication of this random collection...
Upright men
The SpectatorUpright men ART BRYAN ROBERTSON Bernard Gay should get a medal for assembling at the Camden Art Centre a collection of photographs, documents, models, furniture and paintings...
The last Olympics?
The SpectatorThe last Olympics? Russia has now joined some two score other countries which threaten to boycott the forthcoming Olympic Games unless the decision to allow South Africa to...
Laws, not men
The SpectatorLaws, not men As Mr Anthony Lewis writes on page 290 of this issue, 'the Commonwealth Immigrants Act is likely to renew discussion of the idea that Britain should now have a...
The SpectatorManhood NEW NOVELS-1 Great powers MARTIN SEYMOUR-SMITH Michel Leiris translated by Richard Howard (Cape hardback 25s paperback 10s 6d) Krane's Cafe Cora Sandel translated by...
A case of blind man's bluff
The SpectatorA' e;ase of b 4 e Avepts thethe W baye done $ttle diminish the possiblliies of a sutisfto rutibn of the' RlSdesian: jprobomJtbtt fis tiylcause the lilihod of sac & sett4n`...
Still life after Romney
The SpectatorStill life after Romney AMERICA MURRAY KEMPTON New York-The chief long-term beneficiary of Governor Romney's self-immolation would seem to be President Johnson. Mr Nixon had...
When de facto becomes de jure
The SpectatorWhen de facto becomes de jure THE LAW R. A. CLINE The unreality of the legal situation in Rhodesia has been heightened by the decisions the Rhodesian appeal court have handed...
Big Victory, Great Task
The SpectatorBig Victor', Great Task Jungle Giap EDGAR P. YOUNG Vo Nguyen Giap (Pall Mall Press 31 s 6d) Seven years ago General Giap wrote a book, People's War, People's Armny, based on...
Shorter notices
The SpectatorShorter notices Rationalism and Nationalism in Russian Nineteenth-Century Political Thought Leonard Schapiro (Yale University Press 37s 6d). Professor Schapiro describes-as...
The case for a written constitution
The SpectatorThe case for a written constitution STATE & CITIZEN ANTHONY LEWIS Anthony Lewis is chief London correspondent of the New York Times, and an authority on the us Supreme...
Don Pacifico unhorsed
The SpectatorDon Pacifico unhorsed TABLE- TALK DENIS BROGAN Princeton, NJ-Here in the revolted colonies where the decline of the Empire began, I follow home news with difficulty. But I...
Lights out
The SpectatorLights out PORTFOLIO JOHN BULL After a set of dull figures for 1967 I had hoped that the English Electric annual report would provide reassurance. I am sorry to say that I...
Asian schizophrenia
The SpectatorAsian schizophrenia VIETNAM DICK WILSON One of President Johnson's best ,rgunienk % hen it comes to rebutting criticism of his Vietnam policy is that virtually every he:td of...
A hundred years ago
The SpectatorA hundred years ago From the 'Speclator', 7 Alarch 1868-Louis, the exKing of Bavaria, died on 29th February at Nice. He is remembered in England chiefly as the King whose fancy...
The Tower of Babel Morris
The SpectatorThe Tower of Babel Morris NEW NOVELS-2 West seller CLEMENT FREUD West (Heinc- mann 30s) There is a certain similarity between Morris West books and Perry Mason television...
The SpectatorCITY DIARY CHRISTOPHER FILDES Red faces and sleepless nights at ici's Mond Division. the great complex at Runcorn, have been caused partly by the flame and roar of the new...
Tough nut
The SpectatorTough nut BALLET CLEMENT CRISP What's to be done with The Nutcrackerexcept leave it alone? Cursed with a plot of ineffable silliness that collapses halfway through, with...
The SpectatorSPECTATOR'S NOTEBOOK J. WV. M. THOMPSON It's hard now to believe that in the 1930s the customary assu1ption made by demographliC experts wias that the population of this...
Rule by consensus
The SpectatorRule by consensus CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS Come unto thces yellows Sandys And there shake hands. When both parties break their %Nord Rebel murmurs are absurd. Foot may flitter here...
Stumbling into Powellism
The SpectatorStumbling into Powellism POLITICAL COMMENTARY AUBERON WAUGH List Thursday, N~hile everyone's attention was focused on the Commonwealth Immigrants Bill, an event of the first...
Brave new Broadway
The SpectatorBrave new Broadway ARTS HILARY SPURLING Imagine a fairly routine situation which tends to crop up, if not often in life, at any rate towards the end of most American...