The SpectatorLORD LONDONDERRY'S NORTHERN TOUR. THESK are very amusing volumes, from their subject and their character. They treat of those things vhich interest most people; and as they...
The SpectatorMR. WILSON THE SINGER. I " Not the least vaiuable of the extports to New York, by the Great Western, which sails from Bristol on Saturdlay, i4 Wilson, the admirable tenor...
The SpectatorMAJOR MITCHELLS AUSTRALIAN EXPEDtTloS. e IN novelty and varietv of scenery, character, anti incideqt, tbme volumes recall the idea of the older travellers, before rvivellijO...
The SpectatorTO THE QUEEN'S CHAPLAIN. O HIS PUBLISHING Hlls SERMON IN HIS OWN VINDICATION. We never blamed you, Doctor HooK, Before to-day, for word or look, Nor said your dutty you...
[Should there be a vacancy for the Tower Hamelts, the Radicals will...]
The SpectatorShould there be a vacancy for the Tower IHamlets, the Radicals vill not be without a candidate. The persevering Colonel THoNipsoN is in the field, and has commenced a canvass....
[Among the sights which philosophers ought to see, and little boys,...]
The SpectatorIA A;nonF the sights which p)hilosophers ought to see, and little beys, ii the(! exhilition at Astley's, which nightly introduces Mr. AMBURGHER and his vild beasts. 'T'he...
[We believe we are the first to announce (and it is an instance in...]
The SpectatorWe believe we are the first to announce (and it is an instance in I 'which the fact of our forestalling our contemporaries becomes a source of deep regret, instead of...
The SpectatorPOSTSCRt PT. SATURDAY. Madrid letters and papers to the 30th ultimo were received this morning. It appears that on the 29th there was a performance at one of the theatres, for...
[PLANCHE is to be manager of the Olympic in the absence of VES-...]
The SpectatorI Pr.ANCIIr is to be manager of the Olvynmic in the absence of VES. TRISa; and he has engagead Mrs. NiSBrE to supply her place on the stage i\Irs. O(RGER, F1AIRUN, and KEE-I1Y,...
The SpectatorTHE THEATRES. I | BUCKSTONe'S "new original "h comedy, A Lesson for Ladies. iem a I are strangely mistaken, a translation, and a very indifferent orne 'ir the French : indeed...
[BARNES, who played Pantaloon to GRIMALDI'S Clown, and was...]
The SpectatorI BAIINES, wVhio played Pantaloon to GRIMALDI'S Clown, and wu I equully excellent in his rble, now really feels the age and infirmities be so humorously counterfeited; and has,...
[YATES, it seems, has secured the Bayaderes, as we expected:]
The SpectatorI X'ATES, it seems, hoas secured the Bayaderes, as we expected: Be I despatched a special messenger to France immediately on the news of their landing at Mlarseilles,...
[The packet Reindeer, from the West Indies, arrived at Fal-...]
The SpectatorThe packet Reindeer, from the West Indies, arrived at Fal- I mouth on Wednesday. She does not bring much news. The Legislature of Demerara had finally resolved to emancipate...
[It was mentioned last week, that General ORAA had retreated...]
The SpectatorIt was mentioned last week. that General ORAA had retreated I from Morella, having been repulsed by CABRERA. It is now said that he conducted the enterprise in a very bungling...
The Metropolis.
The SpectatorOfr IetropaU%. I The death of Sir John Nicholl, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, has given rise to a report of the promotion of Dr. Lushinigton to the seat on the bench...
[At the Middlesex Sessions on Wednesday, Ann Gosling pleaded...]
The SpectatorI At the Middlesex Sessions on Wednesdav. Ann Gosling pleaded " guilty" to a charge of assault on Emily Bjnner, a parish apprenticet from the Strand Union. The Guardians...
The Court.
The Spectator9bt Cours. I THE Queen continues to enjoy excellent health at Windsor. Her Majestyattended divine service in St. George's Chapel on Sunday; where the crowd was so great that...
[An adjourned meeting of the Irish Waste Land Company was held...]
The SpectatorAn adjourned meeting of the Irish Waste Land Company was beld In. Tlm.-A-v i.n nlA 1r-A C--.. 1 J D L± on l bursday, in Old Broad Street; Colonel Robinson in the chai The...
[The affair between the French Government and the Swiss...]
The SpectatorThe affair between the French Government and the Swiss I Cantons, relative to Louis BONAPARTE, had not been brought to a close. Much indignation had been excited by a...
The SpectatorWHEN SHOULD A MINISTER RESIGN? THE Globe on Monday honoured the Spectator with a whole leading article, settling the controversy of the DURHAM Ordinances,* and winding up with...
The SpectatorCLAIMS OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND TO ORTHODOXY AND INDEPENDENCE. DR. CHALMERS, Eve perceive, is actively employed in stimulating and organizing the Church party in the West of...
[A letter from Mr. O'Connell appears in the Glasgow Arqus, in reply...]
The Spectator\ I A ttvr f-oain \I r. O'Connel appears in theC (Glasqow A rous. in reily t twxo aitic les in that pancr aiijinadverting oil' .r. ()0 ConnDil's alhience from the division on...
The SpectatorSCOTlAND. The Edinbutrgy Adu'rtiser charges the 'Mid Lothiain Wluigs with rt attempt to Inul'rturtet f gut %'otcs on a large scale, and givcs the fo'lowillg list of (1 110im...
[There is an article in the Dublin Pilot on the Melbourne Ministry,...]
The SpectatorThere is an article in the Dublian Pilot on the lldbotrne Ifinistrv. I wbich is rather amusing, when it is remembered t1hat the Pilut is MirI OConehll's paper, anrd that Mr....
[We have good reason to believe that Colonel Henry White has re-...]
The SpectatorWe have goo;! reason to believe that Colonel HIIL? \lhite has re- SOIVC(l Upon V3(watiig, his seat for Longford. We tru't that the Coi.elvativcs wvill tilke the hint and he...
The SpectatorASTONISHING SOCIAL HARMONIES OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. IT is the most gratifying thing in the world to observe the inter communications and grateful reciprocations of the...
The SpectatorTOPICS OF THE DAY. STATE OF THE UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE QUESTION. I IN describing the movement of the working classes for Universal Suffrage, the Spectator has sought to put the...
[The Earl of Derby was seized with an attack of paralysis a few...]
The SpectatorThe Earl of Derby was seized with an attack of paralysis a few I days ago, when %walking in bis grounds at Nnowsley. It was alleged In a neswspaper paragrap)b, that his...
[Much damage was done in Yorkshire and other parts of the North of...]
The SpectatorI Much damage was done in Yorkshire and other parts of the Northof I England, on T'Iuesday week, by a violent thunder-storm. Several persons were injured by the lightning, and...
[The progress of the harvest in the Southern part of the island...]
The SpectatorThe progress of the harvest in the Soutbern part of the island L.. I been very rapid during the last few days. The accounts of the pro duce are generally favourable as to...
[At a recent meeting of the parishioners of St. Nicholas, in the...]
The SpectatorAt -recent meeting of the parishioners of St. Nicholas, in the I I *1 Uathedral-crowned city" of Dturham, a church-rate wovas refused, by a . nmjority of three to one. The...
The SpectatorIRELAND. - . - - j I I -- - - Mr. Anthony Blake, Chief Remembrancer, Dr. Stolck, JIMnge VI the Admiralty Court, and the Archdeacon of Armagh, havy beel appointed Commissioners...
The SpectatorFINE ARTS. COLOURED DECORATIONS IN HOUSES. THE want of colour in oer architectural decorations is as notable a characteristic of this country as its foggy atmosphere: dirt and...
[The most interesting fact recorded in the French newspapers...]
The SpectatorI The most interesting fact recorded in the French newspapers is, that the National Guards of Paris have adopted a petition complaining of the restricted state of the elective...
[There is an attempt on the part of the Ministerial press to...]
The Spectator. There is an attempt on the part of the Ministerial press to I aliert the attention of the working classes from political changes, to the overthrow of the Corn-laws. It is...
[The "new agitation" in Ireland, we apprehend, is almost ex-...]
The SpectatorI The " now agitation" in Irelandr, we apprehend, is almost ex- tinct already. There have been meetings at Dublin and Cork for establishing the Precursor Society ; but nowhere...
[THE Revising Barristers' Courts will soon be opened througout...]
The SpectatorNEWS OF THE WEEK. Tal Revising Barristers' Courts vill soon be opened throughout I becountry ;and the proceedings therein vill deserve more attention than, in the present...
[The following correspondence relative to the Rutland-Wyatt job has...]
The SpectatorI The following correspondence relative to the Rutland. Wyattjob ha I been published this Aveek. @ TO LORDI MELBOURNE. " Park Place, Aunrst 8,1838 " Mv Lord--We, the...
The Spectatorlfi~tclalzou~. I The reported dismissal of DIr. Hook from his office of Chaplain to the Quecn has been the subject of much newspaper wrangling. The Doctor himself contradicted...
[Lord John Russell has taken a house at Kemp Town, Brighton.]
The Spectator| Lord John Russell has taken a house at Kemp Town, Brigbton- Dora anc Lady Lyndburst are gone to the Continent. A commission is about to be appointed to sit in London for the...
[Some jealous-pated, narrow-minded painter, who is very angry at...]
The SpectatorSome jealous pated, narrow-minded painter, who is verv anvrv nt I our praise of the ierman school, vented -his spleen in a letter to'tbe Times on Wednesday, under the signature...
[In the City article of yesterday's Times are some remarks on the...]
The SpectatorIn the City article of yesterday's Timnes are some remarks on the I great difference iii the rates of life-assurance charged by opposing comnpanies ; and a circumstance is...
[It is still too early to say any thing respecting the probable yield of...]
The Spectatorit is still too early to say any thing respecting the probable yield of I wheat; but from all the accounts we can collect, we are of opinion that our former estimate will not...
[The preparations at Milan for the ceremonial of crowning the Em-...]
The SpectatorThepreparations at Milan for the ceremonial of crowning the Em. I i--V us ziustria, and the festivities on the occasion, are described as extremely magnificent and extensive....
[A Papal bull for the formation of the bishopric of Algiers has been...]
The SpectatorA Papal bull for the formation of the bishopric of Algiers has been pubtlisled in the Bultain des Lois, in Latini and French. His Holiness commences with expressing his...
[The Morea is now in a shocking state; highway robberies are of...]
The SpectatorThe Mlorea is now in a shocking state; highway robberies are of daily occurrence, and travelling is extremely unsafe, so much so, that the French Vice-Consul who has been...
The SpectatorBOZ IN HUNTLEY. I by September number of Bentl3's Miscellany contains a pPer Iby Boz, entitled ' Full Repor of the Second Meeting of the -Xgdfog Association for the...
The SpectatorNEW PRINTS. I LARGE engravings of fine old pictures are of so rare occurrence, that we are predisposed to regard any tolerably faithful translation of one with the favour due...
The SpectatorSUBSTITUTE FOR TRANSPORTATION. IN considering the punishments to be substituted for Transportation, Sir WILLIAM M1OLESWORTH'S Committee have fallen into some errors and...
The SpectatorCORN AND) C OINYLAWS. THE atlOrerate averaIc of tIh I)I;(t of wheat for the six weeks entinz oii Saiturid laIt, wal ,2s. p Id. per qwarter; and the presentt duty otn tCoei-n...
The SpectatorTHE BYRON STATUE: DR. IRELAND AND THORWALDSEN. "I am asbamed: dloth not th, st one rebuke may For being more stone thtan it ? "-SHAICSPEARF.' Winter's Tale. TO THE VERY...
The Country.
The Spectator. ... tCbe sbCuntrp. I 11Will be recollected that Mr. Ashton Yates was formerly candie for Bolton. He received 482 unbought, independent Votes, and Vled only 10 votes fewer...
[Mr. Wilshere arrived in Yarmouth, from the Continent, on Tues-...]
The SpectatorMr. Wilshere arrived in Yarmouth, from the Continent, on Tues- day. He was escorted into the town by an immense procession, with music, flags, and banners. He spoke to the...