[At Glasgow, on Wednesday, Sir William Bragg, the...]
The SpectatorAt Glasgow, on Wednesday, Sir William Ba. the great authority on the atonm, delivered the Presidential address to thc British Association. The subject was the L)lace of science...
[We learn with much regret that the death of Captain...]
The Spectatora Ic t. ht t' WRe learn wvithl mluch regrret that the dleathl or: C'aptainl Roald Amundsen mist lbe p)resumel. A Iloat from the scalplane in -wN-hich lhe an(l his companions...
[Last Saturday Ahmed Beg Zogu, the President of...]
The SpectatorLast Saturdav Alhmed Beg Zo(Tu, the President of Albania, assume(l the title of King. lie exchanged tonplimllenlts with Signor Mussolini, who, being the riotector, is also the...
[A serious epidemic, said to be dengue fever, which has...]
The SpectatorA serious epidemic, said to be dengue fever, which has h)eeii ravaging Greece has claimed M. V enizelos as one of its victims. It is satisfactory to learn from the latest...
[Certain changes are inevitable, and others are being...]
The Spectator(Crthiin { t-lzcmvQ nre inevitable. and others are being talked of, in the composition of the Government. Mr. l ridgeman has announced that he will not seek relection. He will...
[The Times correspondent says that Hu Han-ming has...]
The SpectatorThe Times correspondent says that Hu IHan-miing has a -rrvedl at :llanglai ana nas aeseriDCe Ils new attituue towvards Great Britain. Evidently his European tour has had its...
The Isles of the Western Sea
The SpectatorThe Isles of the Western Sea " HERE are no trees on the islands and the wind is "Tnever still." It was a Philistine who spoke these words in my ear, but I did not heed them....
[Enrico Caruso, as well as being a great singer, was a man...]
The SpectatorElnrico (artiso. as well as being a .Veat singer, was a man of vivid an(l interesting temperlament. His wife, with the hell) of her sister, has given an excellent portrait of...
[We commend once again that invaluable annual, The...]
The SpectatorWe comn-nend once again that invaluable annual, The Britis'h Year Book of International Low, of which the ninth issue, dated 1928, has just appeared (Oxford University Press,...
[Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Borderland (Thurnam, illus-...]
The SpectatorRonnic Princc Charlie and the Borderland (Thurnamn, illus- trated, 7s. 6(d.), by Ar. David Johnstone Beattie, is a book v'idll bv reason of its snippets of local information...
[Dr. Nutting has produced a beautiful and interesting book...]
The SpectatorDr. Nuttingl has produced a beautiful and interesting 1ook in Photogr(aphic Arts Secrets (Chapman and Hall, 12s. Cd.), which amateur photographers will enjoy why should lie...
[The Romance of London (Frederick Warne, 3s. 6d.) is a...]
The SpectatorThe Romance of London (Frederick Warne. 3s. Gd.) is a reprint of the late M1r. Tirnb's well-known work which never fails of its fascination.
[The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland-which will,...]
The SpectatorThe Public Record Office of Northern Ireland-which will, we trust, be spared the fate of the Dublin Record Office, destroyed in the Free State's civil war-has issued its first...
[An excellent little book of Selections from Swift has been...]
The SpectatorAn excellent little book of Selections from Swift has been edited by Mr. Hi. T. Williams and Mr. G. H. Vallins (Methuen, :3s. 6d.). Tue passages themselves are well chosen to...
[Matthew Paris, the thirteenth-century monk of St. Albans,...]
The SpectatorMore Books of the Week (Continued from page 300.) Alattliew Paris, the thirteenth-century monk of St. Albans, was the first competent English historian, as distinguished from...
THE RAMPANT AGE. By Robert S. Carr.
The SpectatorTIHE RAMIPANT AGE. By Robert S. ('alr. (I Icinetiann. 7s. 6d.)-This story by a very young American author is hardly a nov-el in the strict sense. It describes a series of...
THE MAYOR AND OTHER FOLK. By George Bickerstaff.
The SpectatorTIlE MAYOR AND OTHER FOLK. By George Bicker- staff. (Benn. 7s. 6d.)-This book of sketches has indeed an old-fashioned lhavour. (one seems to open a mia- .ictorian album, and...
ACID. By Sir Henry Imbert Terry, Bt.
The SpectatorACID. By Sir IHeniry Imbert Terry, Bt. (Skellinrtoii. 7s. 6d.)--A corpse, with the face not onlv stal)c(l but mutilated with acid, is found in a lonely housc bv the local...
THE LASLETT AFFAIR. By a Gentleman with a Duster.
The SpectatorTIHE LASLET'1' AFFAIR. 1B A (Aetlemani with a Duster. (mills and Boon. 7s. 6d.)--'T'his noveIl o()ICIs vita . pns it scenes in the boyhood and youth of two very (lifelernt...
The SpectatorTHE ABOLITION OF SLUMS [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,-A short time ago, the Spectator published a series of valuable articles, which led to correspondence, dealing with...
The SpectatorRURAL HOUSING IN SCOTLAND [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] St,-*-Ar. lDinwiddie clhalienges the accuracy of my statement that all over Scotland farm workers are living in...
The SpectatorTHE HORSES OF THE 1 1TH HUSSARS [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sill,-The news conveyed by cable of the passing from military service of the splendid horses of the 11th...
THE CAPTIVE KING; [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
The SpectatorTHE CAPTIVE KING [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,-It is our proud boast that no slave can exist upon. British soil, so it is disquieting to find that a monarch living on...
The SpectatorMusic NFUw WORKS AT TIM PROMENADES. AT the moment of writing, none of the novelties in the Promenade programmes has caused anything in the nature of a sensation, although we...
A LETTER FROM PEKING.; [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
The SpectatorCorrespondence A LETTER 1FR0M PEKING. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Smi,-Nominally the country is now governed by a com. mittee sitting in Nanking. Actually it remains in...
The SpectatorPoetry Success A RED rose In his hat Of rusty black, The street-cleaner Spears viciously At ends of paper, Fast-wedged In wire-meshed netting. Ilc misses, Thrusts and thrusts...
Planting for Next Spring
The SpectatorPlanting for Next Spring "Spring come to you at the farthest In the very end of harvest." C 'ERES' blessing in The Tempest may be adapted C into excellent advice to gardeners,...
The Children. By Edith Wharton. The Triumph of Youth. By Jacob Wasserman.
The Spectator- Fiction Children Errant The Children. By Edith Wharton. (D. Appleton and Co. 7s. Od.) The Triumph of Youth. By Jacob Wassennan. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.) Miis. EDITH...
[It should never be forgotten that the Chinese Customs...]
The SpectatorIt should never be forgotten that the Chinese Custoll" Service is not run for the benefit of foreigners, but is a purely Chinese service manned by foreigners. Becal'sc the...
[The one good sign in China is that the moderates are...]
The SpectatorThe one good siga in China is that the moderates are - still in control at Nanking. They are said to have patched up their internal disputes and to have appointed Chiang...
[We merely indicate this sort of naval controversy in...]
The SpectatorWe imnerely indicate this sort of naval controversy in - advance in order to forestall and deprecate it. Suell arguments lead nowhere. WNe firmly believe that the - British...
[We publish elsewhere an article on the proceedings of...]
The SpectatorWe publish elsewhere an article on the proceedings of the League, but we may mention here some interesting and important articles on the Secretariat by Professor S. de...
[The Washington correspondent of the Times says that...]
The SpectatorThe Washington corresponldlent of the Times says that when Congress reassembles in December, probably all the influence of the Navy Department will be bent upon trying to...
[The general effect of the discussions is that the move-...]
The SpectatorThe general effect of the discussions is that the move- ment towards co-operation in industry has been not only sanctioned but handsomely approved. We are confident that Lord...
[They would say, as the Times correspondent points...]
The SpectatorThey wvould say, as the Tiniuws correspondent points out, that in the casc of Great Britain and France small craft which havc cnough naval bases at their dislposal really...
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
The Spectator[To the Editor of the Sr':."'rA'on.] Sin, --Not long ago a book was rather precipitately withdrawn from publication as a result of action by the Home Secretary. The author "on...
The SpectatorTHE CENSORSHIP OF THE MIND [To the Editor of the SPIECTATOIR.] Smi,-IIaving determined not to publish a review of The W ell of Loneliness, you tell us now that Mr. James...
"A MINE OF WEALTH"; [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
The SpectatorLetters to the Editor "A MINE OF WEALTH " [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,-In common with many others, I have been deeply interested in Sir W. Beach Thomas's admirable...
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
The Spectator[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,-From the title of the two articles in your issues of August 18th and 25th some new and useful information might reasonably have been...
England in Shakespeare's Day. By G. B. Harrison.
The SpectatorFine Patchwork England in Shakespeare's Day. By 0. B. Haniisoi. ( Me t III wnl. Tills anthology from Elizabethan and Jacobean poetry and prose, like a well-devised tray of...
The Skull and Portraits of Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, and their Bearing on the Tragedy of Mary Queen of Scots. By Karl Pearson.
The SpectatorDarnley's Skull The Skull and Portraits of Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, and their Bearing on the Tragedy of Mary _Queen of Scots. By Karl Pearson. In Biomretrika for July,...
The SpectatorTHE R.S.P.C.A. AND THE IMPORTATION OF ANTHROPOID APES [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] - _ _ _- _ . _ I_ _ _ _ I _ _ _ - . _ ____ _ SIR,--MiSS Mlitt-s letter movea me to...
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
The Spectator[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,-In your article, " The Future of the Railways," you say Thle main lines are so solidly built that the heaviest trains can run over them...
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
The Spectator[To the Editor of the SiATO't.1 Sin.- -Miss Pitt states in her letter that (On the one lhanl ' we find rej)orts of (lisorder at a R.S.P.1.A. ( necting: mid on the other liand "...
The SpectatorBROWNING AND THE PACT [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,--The last paragraph of your perspicacious leading article on " The Pact" in the preceding issue calls to mind...
The SpectatorPOINTS FROM LETTERS OUR MOTORING CORRESPONDENT WRITES: An instance of the efficiency of the British tyre was to be seen in the recent R.A.C. Tourist Trophy Race. The A'von -...
The SpectatorLighter Lyrics Maquillage LE-.T prigs and primitives delight (Though no one still supI)oses That prigs and primitives are right) In shiny cheeks and noses, For all the...
"A HAWAIIAN QUEEN"; [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
The Spectator" A HAWAIIAN QUEEN " [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR]. Sin,--The celebrations in the Hawaiian Islands which have just taken place to commemorate the death of Captain ('ook led...
The SpectatorFinancial Notes CHEERFUL MARKETS. DESPITE the uncertainties of the monetary outlook, the Stock Exchange appears to have made up its mind that markets will be active during the...
The SpectatorIMPERIAL AIRWAYS PROGRESS. It is always satisfactory to be able to record progress in any im)ortant British enterprise, and it is still more satisfactory when the progress is...
The Spectator* * * * W'AtRILE AN'D DAVE'lN POR'. - The annual report of Wardle and Davenport, one of t he oldest firms in the silk manufacturing trade, follows a rather disappointing...
The SpectatorTin, Pncil. OF CAPITAL. The firmness in nmoney stocks seems to indicate a faith in the development of more favourable monetary con(litionls at some future date, a most...
[Mr. E. F. Spanner's Gentlemen Prefer Aeroplanes (9 Billiter...]
The SpectatorMr. E. F. Spanner's Gentlemen Prefer Aeroplanes (9 Billiter Square, 35s.) is a sequel to This Air-ship Business, in which he sought to prove that the designs of the newBritish...
[Methodism last year claimed to have twelve million professed...]
The Spectator* * * * Mecthlodisml lust yecar claimled to havle twoelve msillion l)rofesse( adlllerents-two-thirds of them in the United States. Thus Mr. J. Ernest Rattenbury may well...
[The memoirs of reformers tend to be-shall we say, austere.]
The Spectator* * * * 'l'le nmemoirs of reformecrs tend to bc-shall wc .say, austere. But no one would apply that adjective to the delightful book byx Mr. E. C(. P. Laseelles, on Granmille...
[King Agathokles of Syracuse was poisoned by a tooth-pick.]
The SpectatorKing A-gathokles of Syracuse was poisoned by a tooth-pick. King Henry of Navarre paid twenty sous a month for these instruments, and the Duke of Burgundy in the fifteenth...
[The final answer to any series of questions is inevitably...]
The SpectatorThe final answer to any series of questions is inevitably -because tlme worki is so constructea. - L nataL uoes nUL prevent intelligent people asking " What is the Quantum...
[THE dearth of candidates for Holy Orders in our own...]
The SpectatorSome Books of the Week -- ----- T1lE dearth of candidates for Holy Orders in our own country is as notorious as it is lamentable. How then are clergy to be found to staff the...
[In Out of a Clear Sky (Methuen, 3s. 6d.) Mr. E. V. Lucas...]
The SpectatorIni Otil of a (lear Sky (Miethiten, 3s. 6d.) Air. E. N'. Lucas has collected his writings on birds, as a little companion volumie to the charming and very popular book of Stray...
[Mr. E. V. Lucas provides us with much quiet pleasure in...]
The SpectatorAlr. 1'. V. Lucas provides us with much quiet pleasure in -et another volume of his essays. A1 Rover I would be (Methiuen, (is.) is, we gather from the dust cover, Alr. Lucas's...
The Anglo-French Compromise and America
The SpectatorThe Anglo-French Compromise and America rIHE Anglo-French agreement about naval limitation may be quite harmless-indeed may be thoroughly helpful-or may be charged with...
[THE discussions in the Trades Union Congress at Swan-...]
The SpectatorNews of the Week r HE discussions in the Trades Union Congress at Swansea which opened on Monday have gone flatteringly for those who hoped and expectea tnat tne new sj)1utL...
[On Tuesday the debate was much more vehement.]
The SpectatorOn Tuesdav the debate was much more vehement. The Railway Clerks' Association moved to instruct the General Council to inquire into the methods 6f the " disruptive elements "...
[The alternatives are simple and clear.]
The SpectatorThe alternatives are simple and clear. Either one lust believe with Mr. Cook and the other members o1 the Minority Movement that the only way to reach Socialism is at once to...
[The rest of Monday was remarkable for the breakaway...]
The SpectatorThe rest of 'Monday was renmarkable for the breakaway of MNr. Herbert Smith, tho President of the AMiners' Federation, from Mr. Cook, the Seceretary. It is legitimate to...
[This year is an auspicious one for trade unionism, as...]
The SpectatorThis year is all auspicious one for trade unionism, as .. I I. . ,. . I tile iirst LOongress tooK piace sixty years ago. It cannotl be said that MIr. Ben Turner in his...
The Spectator* * * * DOG RACIN-G FINANv5CE. Most of the shares of the greyhound racing track companies have experienced a considerable fall during recent months, and the figures published...
The SpectatorPROTECTION' AGATIN-ST FOREIGN CONTROL. I Certain changes in the articles of association are to be made and it is proposed that 25,000 of the present unissued shares s'iall be...
Memories and Reflections, 1852-1927. By the Earl of Oxford and Asquith, K.G.
The SpectatorLord Oxford and Asquith's Memoirs Memories and Reflections, 1852-1927. By the Earl of Oxford and Asquith, K.G. (Cassed. 2 vols. 42s.) IT was at Lord Balfour's suggestion,...
Europe. By Count Herman Keyserling. Translated by Maurice Samuel.
The SpectatorA Spectro-Analysis of Europe Europe. By Count Herman Key-erling. Translated by Maurice 9smuel. (Cape. 21s.) DURING the years he worked on this book, the author tells us; he...
Fiction and Lord Wellington
The SpectatorFiction and Lord Wellington l T E knowv the first I)uke of Wellington to have s V been one of the Nation's great meLn. As a witness of this you will find a beautiful Stevens...
Unhappy India. By Lajpat Rai.
The SpectatorMiss Mayo and the Lala Unhappy India. By Lajpat Rai. (Banna Publishing Company, Calcutta.) LALA LAJPAT RAI is a " bonny fechter." Setting out to trounce Miss Mayo for writing...
The SpectatorBRITISH RAILWAY CHARGES [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SiR.--Mr. E. R. B. Roberts lays stress on the average rate per ton-mile, here and abroad, but this statistic is an...
The SpectatorTHE POPULATION OF BENGAL [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SjR,-In a letter headed India's Calamities,' one of your correspond(lelts states that " the population of the...
The SpectatorIODINE FOR LIVESTOCK ITo the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,- Some few years ago I read an article by ' Crusader" on the exeeptional benefits obtained by using minute quantities...
The SpectatorAIR 1)EFENCE OF GREAT BRITAIN [T o t/c Editor of thc SPECTATOR.] SIR,-If it is lon-, foresight that distinguishes man from beast-and superior from inferior...
Training the Air Mechanic (2)
The SpectatorTraining the Air Mechanic (2) W HEN I Visited the three thousand boys who are NV being trained at Halton Camp to be mechanics and riggers, I experienced at first a baffled...
Self-Help Farming in New Zealand
The SpectatorSelf-Help Farming in New Zealand IHE suggestion appeared in the Spectatolr some little 1 time ago that successful farming might be found to deepend, in some considerable...
The Slums of Somers Town
The SpectatorThe Slums of Somers Town XNX e\xcclenit housirg schemes have bcni launched M- ~-'- bvar)X iolus Borotgh Couneils -which have beniefited the skilled worker. But so long as no...
The Evacuation of the Rhineland
The SpectatorThe Evacuation of the Rhineland \JIHIERE is no argument left cither in common sense I or in lhonour for the continued occupation of the RThineland. The last vestige of a formal...
Seaside Socialism
The SpectatorSeaside Socialism I 5HE holiday places on our coasts have during the 1 past ten years been entirely and expensively transformed as the result of being invaded by a new class of...
With the Foreign Legion in Syria. By John Harvey.
The SpectatorThe Legion With the Foreign Legion in Syria. By John Harvey. (Hutchinson. 12s. 6d.) "ADVENTURE, tragedy, comedy, romance, love, lust, glowing heroism and brutish degradation,"...
The Magazines
The SpectatorThe Magazines IN the first article of The Nineteenth Century, Lord Sydenliam asks " Quo Vadimus," and answers it in apparent despair" The Calamity of Modern Times " is set...
The Modern Cat: Her Mind and Manners. By Georgina Stickland Gates.
The SpectatorCats Ancient and Modern The Modern Cat: Her Mind and Manners. By Georgina r Stickland Gates. (Macmillan. Ss. 6d.) E'VERYONE has been impressed by the self-sufficiency of the...
The League of Nations
The SpectatorThe League of Nations Geneva's September Effervescence Nor miorc sturely, as a poetic Latinist would p1hrasc it, do the p)artri(lges fall to the sportsman's gun on September's...