9 AUGUST 1930


TRADE AND TARIFFS; [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

TRADE ANI) TARIFFS [To tle Editor of the SPE.XTATOIL.] Sin,-- Ini an intereStinlg article in your la t ilsuc you qtuote tie statciieint ol the Balfour Committee of Inquiry that...

JOHN BULL'S MOTHER; [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

JOHN BULL'S MOTHER [To the Editor of the SPEcTAToR.] Sin,-I have just been reading the Rev. Mr. Clayton's articles in the Spectator, emphasizing the urgent need for attracting...

LONDON'S GOLD MINE; [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

LONDON'S GOLD MINE I'To the Editor of the SPECTAToR.] SiR,-Aldernian Alfred C. B3ossoni's article headed ' London's Gold Minc," was very interesting, but I sbould be glad if...

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

['o the Editor of the SPECTIATOR.1 Smi.-Aii article in a recent numilber of the Spectator suggests that the lprintcil)les which made Free 'Trade advisable at the beginning of...



The Spectator

THE IOI)ERN HUMANITIES [To the Edifor of the Sl'i.:TxATo0.1 SiR,-AModern H-uimianists inavy wvell take fresh heart whea Nou join their crusade in an editorial article. While...


The Spectator

ENGLISH AND FOREIGN HOTELS [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR. I Sin,-I have been thinking over the kind letter signed ' T. C. M." (in your issue of July 19th) about my strictures...


The Spectator

POINTS FROM LETTERS MISQUOTATION. Delighted to see Rl. 11. L.'s of the - Rule Britannia ' Misquotation. There 'is only one other as widespread and as mnischievous, and that is...



The Spectator

China During the last w-cek the ' Red " armies have entered auld loote(d (hangsha SOLtlh of Ilankow, anld are flow stated to have been inlduee(l to cvaeuate it again hy a (ashi...

The Annual Military Training

The Spectator

The Annual Military Training IDuring the past fortnight thc South of England from Aldershot to the coast, East Aniglia, and the East Coast of Scotland have bcen the chief areas...

Trade with Russia

The Spectator

Trade with Russia On Saturday, August 2nd. a new Italo-Russian Trade Agreement was signled. Its terms have not yet hbecn disclosed, lut the news has apparently becn received...

An "S.O.S." from France

The Spectator

An " S.O.S." from France Nn article published by M. Jacques Kavser, editor of the RNpublique, onl Sunday, is perhaps tile most ncuouragjug Signl of thle timles that has colmie...

The Papal Coinage

The Spectator

The Papal Coinage The Vatican is taking another step that is a recognized indication of independence in a State. It is to issuc its own coinage. Until fifty years ago the Popes...


The Spectator

Obituary After holding offlee, nominally, for fifty-two yar's, Dr. J. \McGrath, Provost of Qiieen's College. Oxford. diiil last week, Ile ldi(l goodI -ork for the ln-iiv-er...


[Most travellers know something about Perthshire...]

The Spectator

3lost travcllers know something about Perthlishire. Its posi- tion is so central in Scotland that liost cveryonc visiting the Hlighlands nuist touch it at one pollit or...

[Mr. Clough Williams-Ellis is doing a real service to humanity...]

The Spectator

Mr. C'lotughi Williams-Ellis is doing a real service to humanity with his (Cautionary GCides published by the Design and Industries Association. The D.I.A. Caution)arq Guide to...

[The reappearance of Holland as an independent State when...]

The Spectator

The reappearance of Holland as an indenendent State when Napoleon's power began to crumble after Leipzig in 1813 is an interesting event that the text books take for granted....

[Liberia is The Land of the Pepper Bird, by Sidney de la...]

The Spectator

Liberia is The Land of the Pepper Bird, by Sidrncy de Ia Itue (Putnam, 15s.), the bird which in one interpretation or another calls all Africans to awake and to set about their...

[When a great scholar like the Provost of Eton publishes, in...]

The Spectator

Whiien a great scholar like the Provost of Etoit publiilhel, ill *SujolAk and ANorfblk (I)ent, 5s.), his eurimiients on - the niost 1beaitiful or the most curious remains of...

[THE new volume devoted to Canada and Newfoundland in...]

The Spectator

Some Books of the Week JIll:b new volumne devoted to Canada and Newfoundland in the great Cfamtbridge 11istory of the British Empire (Camibiridge I Prieelsitv Press, 3.5s....

[The life history of a grey fox is told in Silver Boy by Dr....]

The Spectator

The life historv of a arey fox is told in Siluer Boy by Dr. \anc Joseph lloyt ((C hspinan and Hall, 7s. 6d.). After his ecapture and p irtial domestication Silver Boy escapes...


Soldiers' Pay. By William Faulkner. The Great Crusade. By Col. J. C. Wise. Copse, 125. By Ernst Junger. War Books. By Cyril Falls.

The Spectator

Four War Books Soldiers' Pay. By WVilli-,jx F-alllk.-e. (( htto ,,0 XViuiduw. 7,i. Gd.) The Great Crusade. 13X . .1. C. (Vise. (T[ie Dial Preaa. S2.) Copse, 125. By EIrist...

Modern Physics. By Theodor Wulf, S.J.

The Spectator

Modern Physics Modern Physics. By Theocdor WlAVf, S.J. (Methluen. 35s.) THi: 1REV. FATIHR *UI.F'S masterly conspectus of modern physical science, competently translatc(t...


THE PARTY DRESS. By Joseph Hergesheimer.

The Spectator

Fiction T1, 1 .\1 'PA T 1)lD ISS. lIxr.JgsC1)hllerg llinier. (Kim pft'. s. (di.) The M, Hy Dress hlaes a ppareati littlt iin maotter to Ini jit vith The T'Jhree IBlack...

Company I Have Kept. By H. S. Salt.

The Spectator

A Vegetarian Tea Company I Have Kept. By H. S. Salt. (Allei anld I ,. I s. Lid.) IT is very pleasant to spend an evening ontwardly in on0cs armchair, but able to imagine...



The Spectator

Letters to the Editor GREAT BRITAIN AND INDIA [To the Editor of tht SPEC'TATOR.] Smr.,-Most old-fashioned Administrators in Aladras wha took Sir Thomas Munro as their model...

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,-It cannot be too frequently stated that the turning point in the British Empire in its treatment of colonies was w.llhen Lord D)urlham...

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sisi,-With refercnce to the letter of Mr. T. S. IRamanujam qn G Great Britain and India," which appeared in your issue of July 26th, I think...

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

| To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sii,,--Mlr. Yustif \li riites very lucidly in your issue of .Jilv 2Gth on the Pox iincial Autonomy ' proposals of the Sinioll Commission,...


[Much of the latest information goes to show that in regard...]

The Spectator

Much of the latest information goes to show that in rear(l lo some of the greater timber areas, such as Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, the yearly growth is even...


The Spectator

PARENTAL JE.A.01MsY. A quaint and quarrelsome illiitration of the lerrjitrial sense of birds was witnessed tile otier davy bv two observers on another Norfolk Broad. Travelling...

[This summer in the neighbourhood of Alderfen I have seen...]

The Spectator

This summer in the ncighbourhood of.Alderfen I have seen the bittern sitting on her nest, heard the famous boom, seen the bearded tit feeding their young, and marvelled at the...


The Spectator

A BROAD SANCTUARY. Hickling Broad, the most perfect bird sanctuary in the world, is to have a lesser Model that ^vill possess some extra virtues. For it will bc preserved in...


The Spectator

A NV'.si'isiI SE.ASON. It seens likely that we are on the eve tf a seasil of sluperablundant wtasps. Already they arc populouS It the breaki.l1st table, cvOn before the...


The Spectator

DEFENCE AGAINST EARWvzGS. L ist year one eorresl)midelnt to the Sj)Cctal mnc nkiiililtd tlhait the ountry llolidlay was entirely spoiled by tie ubiquity of the unlovely earwig....


The Spectator

IRIN(;I') IRim)S. In reference to a deall pigeon picked up in Cornwall I an1 asked to broadeast th)is iniformation! anldl lela. Wouml any1-one w110 finds a ringed pigeon senIld...

[We may hope that the threat of timber starvation is a...]

The Spectator

W'e may hope that the threat of timbher starvation is a bogy anld some sort of trees seem almost indestructible. 'Ihat amazing tree, the American redwood, will produce fromi...


The Spectator

Country Life WOOD STARVATION. A very warm controversy is in full flood both on the Pacific Coast and in New Zealand on the subject of trees. In most ountries, including our...


International Co-operation

The Spectator

International Co-operation At a time when financiers as well as industrialists are, willy-nilly, beiug brought into the dusty political arena, there is a special wvelcome for...

The King's Speech

The Spectator

The King's Speech The Kinlg's Speech at the end of the session would seenm a long record of work done if it is not compared wsith the rather bombastic programme of the...

[We trust that India will ponder upon the King-...]

The Spectator

Wec trust that India will mondcr Io)oln the King- Emnperor's words abouit the colutiiog Conference :- I earliestly pray thlat a spirit of ...t a- tr-st andfriendslhip may...

Summer Schools

The Spectator

Summer Schools The interest in Summer Schools which supplies the chief material for the " off " season of thc Press has been equally divided this year between the Liberal...


The Spectator

Parliament (O1 Thlursday, Joly 31st, the House of Commons receivedl tlie ll(port from the Committee of Privileges u1pon11 Mr. Saolliani's wild and wicked libel upon his...

[On Saturday, August 2nd, the King's Speech was read...]

The Spectator

On Sattirdav, August 2nd, the King s Spucell was read in the Upper House and the Commission proroguing Parlialment until October 28th. The Appropriation Bill was received and...


The Magazines

The Spectator

The Magazines Tlne Contemporary Review for August opens, like most of the other monthly perio(licals, with the supreme question of this year-India. Lord Meston here expounds...


The Spectator

STiIANGF COMBAT. 1B S:ai-. Salt. (Gollanez. ,s. Or].)- Al.ss ,S lts third novel preseiits in :lmost overpowering teiopt ition to the reviewer to idopt the narrowest and most...

BYSTANDER. By Maxim Gorki. Translated from the Russian by B. G. Guernsey.

The Spectator

BYSTAND)E'I. By Maxim Gorki. Translated from the 1111"o'i'm I)v 13. G. Guernsey. (Jonathan Cape. 1Os. 6id.)-- It is a quarter of a century since Alaxim Gorki reached the...

THE ROSICRUCIAN. By Temple Thurston.

The Spectator

TIlE, ROSICRUCIAN. By Temple Thurston. (PUttliam. 7.s. (;d.)-The title-story of MIr. Thuirston's collection' of short tales is much the longest and, in some ways, the most...


[Another clash between police and Congress passive...]

The Spectator

Another clash l)between police and Congress pi \e resisters is reporte(l frons Bombay. On Frlday, 'August 1st, in spite of a P'olice (Cinmissioner's ordcr, . patriotie...

Great Britain and India

The Spectator

Great Britain and India Biefore Parliamentl was prorogued the Prime Minister nhade it clear that the Government must stand its ground on the question of participation in the...

Imperial Trade

The Spectator

I r * * * Imperial Trade In the House of Commns last week the Prime Alinister announced the Agenda of the Imperial Conlferenice. The items which wvere originally the raiwsons...

August 4th

The Spectator

News of the Week August 4th \5EITHE1R the peaceful temper of these times, nor L9 thankfulness for victory and peace vouchsafed to us should let us forget the anniversary of...


[The recent articles by Dr. Edward Thompson, poet and...]

The Spectator

'Thle recent articles bw- D)r. Edward nThonimpson, poet and iovelist and letturer iii Bengali at Oxford, ha e now been reprinted from thc 7'imcs under the heading America and...

[The fall in Waring and Gillow, too, was another shock...]

The Spectator

The fall in Waring and Gillow, too, was another shock to the market. for it was only in June last that official assurances were given as to the profits and maintenance of the...

[In view of the Federal constitution proposed by the Simon...]

The Spectator

More Books of the Week (Continued from page I94.) In xlew of the Federal (onstitlti4tUi proposed by the Sinion (oilmnission for India, the appearance of an able book onl T'he...


The Spectator

Tinl: FItENcIIr MONEY MARKET. Thre consistently favourable exchange enjoyed by France, notwithstanding the heavy movement of gold towards Paris prohluce(l thereby, has been a...

[Outside of the gilt-edged section markets have shown...]

The Spectator

Outside of the gilt-edged section markets have shown a little irregularity in places, but most of the new foreign stocks keel) steady. The Austrian Loan has slipped back,...

[In a recent notice of The King Against Anne Bickerton...]

The Spectator

it, a recent notice of The King Agaitist Anne Iticleelan (lIarrap. Ts. (A.), by Sydney Fowler, the reviexer stated that Anne Bickerton, in thie hook, carries upstairs a...


The Spectator

Finance-Public & Private Financial Notes IN%-ESTMIEN'T MARtETS STEADY. ALTHOucat business has naturally been small in volume, ais a result of the holiday season, the...

[In the industrial market there has been rather a setback...]

The Spectator

In the indnstrial market there has been rather a setback in iiiost of the shares which are affected by transatlantic influeuces, the Gramophone group in particular being weak,...

[Francis Place, the Charing Cross tailor and Radical organizer...]

The Spectator

F'rancii Pilace. the (CharinL, Cross tailor and Radical organizer o.r tihe lieforui Bill ra, w aS a pionicer of birth-control, which lie advocated, cauitioisly hbut (lerlyr, in...


With the 'Italia' to the North Pole. By Umberto Nobile

The Spectator

The Story of the 'Italia' With the I Italia ' to the North Pole. By Njfiberto bojile. (Allen and Un-in. 15s.) "Ai-CE a Bailie and aye My Lord," says the Scots prover). We may,...

Edward Martyn (1859-1924) and the Irish Revival. By Denis Gwynn.

The Spectator

A Crank of Genius Edward Martyn (1859-1924) and the Irish Revival. Bag Deris G-ynn. (Cape. 12s. 6d.) A LONG time ago I remember Mr. George Moore coming into a Chelsea...


IRAQ; [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

IRAQ [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin--I have just returned from the Mosul vilayel where I was able to sec for myself the actual conditions in which the Minorities,...

THE PARTY SYSTEM; [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

THE PARTY SYSTEM [To the Editor of the SrsErr.ATol.] Sin,-Everyone, however staunch an admirer of our Parliament, will admit that the party systcns has become an absolute...


The Problems of Unemployment

The Spectator

The Problems of Unemployment riiHE end of the Session, and the simultaneous public cation of sevcral inmportant books on the sublject, afford us the opportunity of again...


The Forgotten Countries-II

The Spectator

The Forgotten Countries-II [This is tlic Becol(1 of t, o arti(ICs on tite S(alatinaiI eouotries. The first appeared ill the Spectator , tte t Jully 26th.-Ei. .Spcct afar.]...



The Spectator

RUBBEI RE.STRICTION. After protracted conversations, the English and Dutelh It ib)b)er Producers have agreed upion the principk les xwich sbiould govern any seheme devised to...


The Spectator

A I'Ros.P1Ro(- Trit-sr. The figures of tle Continental aini Indiustrial Trust, wvliieh is closely i9sswiijatedi with Mlessrs. ,J. hlenrv Sehroder & Co.. make an excellent...

[Any scheme for restriction, it will be seen, is likely to take...]

The Spectator

Anv schene for restrietion. it wsill be seen, is likel- to take I Sona(, (olsiil(crable title to come into operation, 1(1d SinCe thei ainiio(i...eiiient of tire ideas ot tile...


Great Britain and India

The Spectator

Great Britain and India The pIrpose of this page is to Ventilate that mnoderate Indian opinion which, recognizing all the difficulties, let believes in the continued...


International Cultural Relations

The Spectator

International Cultural Relations H OW is the future peace of the world to be ensured to future generations ? That, in a nutshell, is the problem which is faecd by the League of...


The Highland Exhibition

The Spectator

The Highland Exhibition [The Writer of this article, Miss F. Grant, is the author of E.zeryduly Life r.. .O.. od llighlh-d Fl-1fl, wai Thlc Sociatl eu eOtIo/llie Dew clopten.....



The Spectator

Agriculture II E (oloilntry as a %vliolc so 1u1(ch I)i(f(lS being left u allone th'at there are no great rcgrcts that the ing's Speeh on1 the prorogation of Parliament, which...


A Hundred Years Ago

The Spectator

A Hundred Years Ago TIiE "SPEC'TATOL," AUGUST 7TII, 1830. POLICE. It is quite obvious that the people that fill the chairs of Polie Magistrates are afraid to thwart the...

In Praise of Charwomen

The Spectator

In Praise of Charwomen IF one might add a word to the praise whielh is at last I wNon bv those dear ladies whom we call Charwomen, then life would not be quite vain. There was...


Rents and Profiteering

The Spectator

Rents and Profiteering H11E Buoilders' F'e(d(rationl 1i\.-( *orliiall cXpl si"t 1 their opiniionL that what rluliaills of tihe lte i IRestrictionis Acts dloes niothing to keep...