The SpectatorAN ECONOMICAL SUGGESTION. 1. these days of Income-taxes, every thing that promises to diminishi the public expenditure without diminishing the efficiency of government deserves...
The SpectatorTIHE IIUNC'IIHIACKS. SOMrE years ago, a piece with this title had a considerable run at one of the Minior Theatres. If' w had a 1iANMES GILLRAY now, such a hint wvould be...
The SpectatorAIEN OF PLEASURE. A MAN of pleasure ' does not nmea anl idlc man. On the contrary, it appears from the revelations upon a recent trial to mean a very busy man-a man engrossed...
[Mrs. Fox, the widow of Charles James Fox, expired yesterday morn-...]
The SpectatorMrs. Fox, the widow of Charles James Fox, expired yesterday morn-f ing, at her seat at St. Anne's Hill, near Chertsey, in the ninety-seventh Xear of her age. The death of...
[BOUFFE has spoiled us for enjoying-we had almost said enduring-...]
The SpectatorTIHE THEATRES. I BOUFFE has spoiled us for enjoying-we had almost said enduring- English acting: after his real personations and finished art, it appears little else than...
[The French season at the St. James's concluded last night.]
The SpectatorI The French season at the St. James's concluded last night. The speculator, the company, and the subscribers have all reason to be satisfied-the audience with their...
[The Commons have occupied three nights in discussing resolu-...]
The SpectatorThe Commons have occupied three nights in di;cussing resolu- .2 tions which declare the country to be in a state of distress, and 3 recommend that Parliamcnt should not be...
[As time goes on, the "state of the country" grows more urgent:]
The SpectatorAs time goes on, the " state of the country " grows more urgent: I d inalcations that it is really alarming meet the eye at every turn,- t in the Revenue-accounts, in...
[THE ink was scarcely dry in the papers of Saturday evening and...]
The SpectatorNEWS OF THE WEEK. THE ink was scarcely dry in the papers of Saturday evening and I Sunday morning, which announced that the Royal mercy had-been extended to FRANCIS, before...
[There has not been much to interest in the proceedings of Par-...]
The SpectatorI There has not been much to interest in the proceedings of Par- liament, except the debates on the state of the country; but they did so more than the triteness of the subject...
The Court.
The SpectatorZI br Crourt. THE utmost astonishment and indignation were excited on Monday, by a report that a third attempt had been made on the life of Queen Victoria, as she was going...
[The Times publishes the following as the report of the Belfast Elec-...]
The SpectatorI The Tinics pulishes the following as the report of the Belfast Elec- tion Committee, agreed to yesterda, and to be presented to the House on Alonday' That it had been proved...
[The new Tariff is now the law of the land.]
The SpectatorI The new Tariff is now the law of the land. Both Houses of Parlia- ment assembled at noon today; and the Commons having been summoned to the House of Lords, the Roval assent...
[The Deputation of Anti-Corn-law Delegates waited on the Duke of...]
The Spectator- The Deputation of Anti-Corn-law Delegates waited on the Duke of Sussex yesterday, and were graciously received. The Dake promised, if they wished it, to convey a memorial to...
[A great deal is made by two Whig papers of the historical fact, pro-...]
The SpectatorI A great deal is made by two Whig papers of the historical fact, pro- claimed to the world with sound of trumpet by Lord Palmerston, that Lord Auckland was asked to continue...
[A private letter, lately received from a friend in Paris, who is...]
The SpectatorI A private letter, lately received from a friend in Paris. who is thoroughly acquainted with the politics and parties of France, wellaffected to England, and more impartial...
[The Leeds Mercury of this day explains the reports respecting the...]
The SpectatorI The Leeds Mercury of this day explains the reports respecting the German duties on British woollens: " The proposition to raise the Tariff of the German League on certain...
[There was a riot in Paris on Thursday.]
The SpectatorI There was a riot in Paris on Thursday. An inflammatory-funeral- oration, delivered over the body of B. Bauny, a physician, at the Cemetery of Mlount Parnasse, attracted the...
[In the House of Lords last night, the Customs-Duties Bill was...]
The SpectatorPOSTSCRIPTP . SATURDAY Nw10 IT. In the House of I,,rb last nj :l t. , (l sCtoonsD)uties Bill was read a third time, and pjnssed. I Or' S';'ANfOEl' divided the House against...
The Metropolis.
The SpectatorZbc St£1tOpoolis. A Court of Aldermen was held on 'Wednesuay, for the despatch of business. A report of the Gaol Committee, reoelwntilcniig D)r. Reid's plan of ventilating the...
The SpectatorLEIGH[ HUNT'S PALFREY. TIiE subject of this "Love-Story of Old Times" is taken from one of the French narrative pocems that preceded CHAUCER, the scene and manners being...
The Provinces.
The SpectatorZ', ch -obincts. The Duke of Northumberland was installed Chancellor of the University of Cambric re, on Monday, vith the usual ceremonies. The chief attraction of the day was...
The SpectatorIi REL A ND. The Marchioness of Waterford is recovering from the effects of the late aecident which she suffered wn ith the -Marquis; though she remained fu)r several days in a...
The Spectatori-Mn is tt IIant o us. A hoaxing report was circulated on Wednesday night, that Sir Robert Ped had 1teen shot at on his way homne from the House of (oninions. [By one of thie...
The SpectatorPUNISHMENTS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Southiampton, 5th Jutil 1842. 'Sit-M~v attention was more than ordinarilv attracted to a quotation from the Spectator by your...
The SpectatorSPECTATOR'S LIBRARY. IBiosRAurny. T1h, B3iographical Dictionary of the Societv for the Diffusion cf Usefil knowlede ol. .............................................. Llmrnrnu...
[The English people may not know it, but it appears very likely...]
The SpectatorTh'e En1:nildl people mlav not know it, but it appears very likely I tiat t hev ! cat war just no\ in S ria. We ;cer at war iu SN ria a little \%lIIIU .1_(, fighltill',...
[The news from India and China, barely indicated in our last...]
The SpectatorTh Le lnuwS front India and China. ba'elv in(licated in our last I Postscript, is more cheerful than usual. The Klhvber Pass is not only l[Lttratcd by General Pol.L ocK, but is...
Debates and Proceedings in Parliament.
The SpectatorI Bcbatts antb lrocEtbinas in Varlianunt. THE ATTACK ON THE QOEEN. In the House of Lords, on Alonday, the Duke of RIcttMtOND asked, whether the reports which he heard in...
The SpectatorTOPICS OF THE DAY. ; EFFECTIVE PUNISHMENT FOR GREAT OFFENCES. CRIMINAL jurisprudence, in one quarter of its province, seems to have come to a dead lock: successive punishments...
The SpectatorEDMUND) PEEL S CHRISTIAN PILGRIM. IF Ar. ED)MiuSD PEEL of Bonchurch is himself the Christian Pilgrim, of his poem, he has versified the narrative of a religious journey made...
[THE University of Oxford has been fortunate in securing for her new...]
The SpectatorFINE ARTS. TrnE University of Oxford has been fortunate in securing for her new I galleries of art the last precious relics of the LAWRENCE collection of drawings by the great...