9 OCTOBER 1964



The Spectator

R-SpIPECT FOR WINE Swi<. -Leslie Adrian's complete and dvastat.ing couidemnat tion of all British resta urateIrsS, with the exception of a mere 'dozen or so' in I ondon. for...


The Spectator

ELECTi ION ADDRElSSES SMiR May 1, thrllougl the CouIrCtesV ol your columns, appeal to your readers to send us election addresses arnd leaflets issued by candidates in thcir...


The Spectator


The Spectator

S'T. I'E'I'ER'S COLLEI'E SiR. - In my review of T/hc' Open Secret of A'IRA, in the Spectator of September 18. I used a phrase suggesting that the author. Mr. J. P. 'I...


New Brighton

The Spectator

New Brighton [here are already two excrescences attached to the Brighton coastline. They are the piers, and so far as I know nobody objects to them: they are hardly comely,...

Unhappy Anniversary

The Spectator

The Spiegel Case Unhappy Anniversary Froin SARAl GCAINI11AM BONN O NU night two years ago police entered the ollices ot a l-larnburg weekly newspaper, declared them...


The Spectator


The Spectator

Scoop? ''IS'illUtilig jUX1,tapOsitiol of' headlines over the f~c/./lLa' SlonIardys 'I ondfoner's liaitv' the other day: NIMR. NIACiIA 1OD) iANX : \ViL.S A WARM I 1.I I-. Y'(OUl...

The Battle of the Machines

The Spectator

h1be Batale of the Machines My own involvement in tle rigours of the 'tfanlpaign camine most engagingly this week, when a locl fiarmer presented himself on 1my doorst(.P...

Against Sin

The Spectator

4RgItillst Sill 1fhe American Presidential con1test hats naturl-ly failed to engage MUch attention in this :6ulltry while our own affair is in progress. PIeSlUfiably the...


The Martyred. By Richard E. Kim.

The Spectator

The Quality of Despair I[he MIartyred. 13v Richard E. Kim. (Hutchin- Son, I 8s.) IIIIS remarka ble novel is aboLut sainlthood but tile hero of the book is not an apostle of...

The Lost Lands. By Peter Vansittart. Indecision. By Colin Robinson. The Red Army. By Susan Lund. The Dalkey Archive. By Flann O'Brien.

The Spectator

NEW NOVELS Disturbing Times The lIst Lands. By Peter Vatitsittart. (N lac- ImilLin. 2Is.) Indecision. 13v Colin R obisoln. (C(ape, l 8s.) The Red Army. 13y SLusan Lund....


Just One More Heave...

The Spectator

View from the Left Just One More Heave . . . By l)[SNMIONl) l)ONNILLY Ir is now clear that the election is going to be decided in the sixty to seventy most marginal of the...

The Old Soapbox

The Spectator

Election TV The Old Soapbox Ity J. W. M. TH OM I'SON NONE of the partlies has discovered a new way of getting its message across in the election television programmes: and...


The Spectator

Tailpiecc The most effective way for a Tory to secure an audience at St. Flelens is to bawl through loudspeatkers at the crowd as they conme aWay fi-Orn W itching the Rugby...


More About Ostfront

The Spectator

BOOKS More About Ostfront By ALAN CLARK A [ThOUGH it is nearly twenty years since A the fall of Berlin there is still no definitive history of the Eastern Front. Of factual...


What Barry Did

The Spectator

What Barry Did FIr o m UI UA It A Y K E1 P'TO N NL.W YORK TIl. campaign at present still has nearly a Tlnonth to go, but it Seemfled cruel to our allies and an afiront to...


Company Notes

The Spectator

Company Notes By LOTHIBlJRY T AP AND DIE CORP'ORATION reports an T increasc in trading profits of I I per cent for the year ended May 31, 1964. This is welcome news after thie...


The Discovery of Britain. The English Tourists, 1540-1840. By Esther Moir. The Discovery of Scotland. By Maurice Lindsay. The Inner Hebrides and their Legends. By Otta F. Swire. Deserts of England. By Sean Jennett. England and Wales: A Traveller's Companion. By Arnold Fellows. Old English Towns. By F. R. Banks. Worcestershire. A Shell Guide. By J. LeesMilne.

The Spectator

Grand Tours The Discovcry of Britaini. The English Tourists, 1540-1840. IBy Esther Moir. (Rotlticcge and IKegan PIL%1, 30s.) The Discovery of Scotlatnd. By Maurice...


The Spectator



The Spectator


The Spectator

THE MOVEMENT AND THE G(ROUP SIR,-II your issuc of October 2, EIlizabethi Jennings -hose to contrast The Movement of t Ih 1950s With what has become known as the Group. Tn doing...



The Spectator


Vote for Omo

The Spectator

Vote for ()14o I I -in, sorry Mr. Edward Martell has nftl g()lCe ahead with his idea of securing television aind radio time by putting up fifty candidates,. the a greed...


The Spectator

Election Tactics

The Spectator

Election Tactics Said Mr. Tosh or Mr. Titch (I really can't remember which), 'My purpose in this fight has becn To keep it dignified and clean. I will be careful not to loose...

Citizen's Vote

The Spectator

Citizen's Vote As the campaign mounts to a climax, questionnaires pour in on the candidate. Some of them, a very few, are genuine unprompted inquiries from local bodies: I...

How to Win

The Spectator

HoWi to W;il I I have a cast-iron plaln to ensure a 'lo>iy \FVc1 tory. In all seats that are even remotely close the lories will be in the lead at 7.30 p.m. Ihe labour vote...


Status Quarrel

The Spectator

Status Quarrel Nii, r(,( ANANT It.Iites fivin Karachi: President Ayub Khan of Pakistan and the Indiain Prime Minister, Mr. 1al Bahadur Shastri, will meet briefly here for the...

Mr. Wilson's Blinkers

The Spectator

Mr. Wilson's Blinkers 111. (v is only one fundamental foreignl policy T]for this country and both major parties more or less subscribe to it. This is to achievc the closest...

All Racialists

The Spectator

All Racialists [.1I3) BARON rit'es fromi Bulaiwlvo : Sir Roy Welensky's crushing by-election defeft was no surprise. His qualifications to lead the country at this time are...



The Spectator

TH1E FUITJURE OF STEEL Snm,- United Steel's correction last week of' Mr. Macleod's suggcstion that Shelton was the first continluoUS casting plant was incomplete. The Barrow...


The Spectator

SCHOOLS AND INTEGRATION SIR,----Murray Kempton usually confines himself to misrepresenting what is happening in the United States, but in his article of September 25 he makes...


The Spectator

SPACE FOR NEWS SIR--A--s there any truth in thc rtimour that one of the 'heavy' Sunday newspapers is intending to issue a supplemcent containing news? S. G. F. LVlll!: 4.) A...


The Spectator

COLOUR AND) THEI ELECTION 11 Siu,--- As a British citizen resident in South Africa I amn observing the present British political scene with great interest. In both British and...


The Spectator

T'IHE SCHOOL OF BRILLIANCE t SIR,--- ln his articlc on Sartirc, A. Alvarez reviews Sartrc's autobiography, saying that the book 'is WlittCfl in a positiVe ftiry of wit,...


The Spectator

RAILWAY CLOSURES SIR,-The general public does not really care if freight traffic goes by rail or road, or even whether British Railways makes a profit or loss. What the...

[SIR,-Allow me to reply to Mr. Churchill's com-...]

The Spectator

ISii,---Allow ImC to reply to Mr. Churchill's com- menits in his article last week. Because the Sun and the Spectator depend on the same facts of advertising revenue and...


The Spectator

LOST WEEKENDS Siiz,--- -Anyone reading Mr. Randolph S. Chliurchill's colunin in your last issue mlight assume that the Observer's ovcrscas distribution was in corn plete chaos....



The Spectator


The Spectator



The Spectator

Liberalism By ELIE KEDOURIEt T:1 record of Liberal politicians and governmients is, when all is said and done, not gveatly different from that of other governments and...


Journey from Obscurity: Wilfred Owen 1893-1918. Memoirs of the Owen Family: II. Youth. By Harold Owen.

The Spectator

Shadow of the Poet Journey from Obscurity: Wilfred Owen 1893-1918. Mlemoirs of the Owen Fanmilv: It. Y-th. fiv Harold Owen. (O.UlP.. 35s.) I-i becomes icreasintlI apparcnt....

Once is too Seldom

The Spectator

Once is too Seldom to evaluate what you cannot touch, or reach where you cannot mean. A sky that is full of wind, and blowing cyes, and creaks, and shrill cries, is impossible...



The Spectator


The Spectator


The Press

The Spectator

The Press By RANI)OLPII S. CHURCHILL N oT surprisingly, Si r H ugh Fraser has resigned N from the board of Outram's, the Scottish newspaper group which publishes the Glasgow...

Strikes and the Election

The Spectator

Strikes and the Election By FRIC JACOB TIIE political side-effects of the Hardy Spicer strike, everyone now agrees, cancelled each other out. However many middle-class...



The Spectator



The Spectator


Portrait of the Week

The Spectator

I-Portrait of the Week-, 1'1I SnI-SAW 01: 111 iOL.IS kept politicians' nerves on edge: Gallup found a Labour lead of 4.5 per ecnt and the NOP said the Tories led by (.9 per...

The Modernisers

The Spectator

The Modernisers LAST week in a Iclader 'Forward 1ron Beveridge' I wrote: 'In this. as in so many fields, the case flor the Tories is that they are prepared not only to preach...


Investment Notes

The Spectator

Investment Notes fly (LUSITOS T1I11 sharp) setback in equities at the begin ring of lthe week showed how polilt al the mrklletkcs had become. In recent notes I have been...


The Spectator


A Minister Under Pressure-II

The Spectator

Marginal Reports A Minister Under Pressure-Il BY ALAN WATKINS E WVANR itinerant nlewspI perlin xvlo ihnles his E way to the offlice of NMr. Frank Atkin, tile Conservative...


The Spectator