A Reasonable Faith. By John Baker Hopkins. (Longmans). Thoughtful Moments by One of the People.
The Spectator-1 Reusonwle FItith. By John Baker Hopkins. (Longlmans). T71hougit-. |id t oll nuilts l)// One of tame People. (Saund crs and Otley.)-.Wo have put these books together, as,...
Echoes of Many Voices from Many Lands. By "A. F."
The SpectatorEchoes of Mllany Voicesfrom M1fany Lands. By "A. F." (Mtlcillillall).- The leading idea of this collection of extracts in prose an(l verso, principally English, but with one...
(1) The Sutherlands. (2) Rutledge. (3) Christine; or, St. Philip's.
The SpectatorCURR.ENT Ii FEtR ATIJ UE. (1) Tle Suterl>ands. (2) Rutledye. (3) Christine; o0, St. Pliilip's. (Warne's Companion Library.)-These three stories of American life are really...
[There has also been published an analysis of the votes given at...]
The SpectatorI There has also been published an analysis of the votes given at Westminster for Mir. J. S. Mill, Captain Grosvenor, and Mr. W. H. Smith, which seems to show pretty...
[Mrs. Moore-Tom Moore's "Bessy"-is dead.]
The SpectatorMrs. Mloore-Toin AMoore's "Bessy "-is dead. She died on I tlhe 4th instant, at Slopperton Cottage, in the sixty -eighth v-ear of her age. Probably no poet ever had a better...
[An analysis has been published of Mr. Gladstone's and Mr....]
The SpectatorA An analysis has been published of -Mr. Gladstone's and Mr. Hardy's votes from- the different Oxford Colleges and Halls. It shows that, speaking generally, Mr. Gladstone got...
[Sir Roderick Murchison also delivered an able address to the...]
The Spectator
S&r Rolorick Murc'iis-m also l
[The Cutlers' Feast at Sheffield took place on Thursday, and Mr....]
The SpectatorThe Cutlers' Feast at Sheffield took place on Thursday, and Mr. I Roebuck made one of those heady speeches which always remind us of Mr. George Francis Train, and of what...
[Lord Stanley made a good speech,-he is the most equal of...]
The SpectatorLord Stanley made a good speech,-he is the most equal of speakers, never having made a speech either poor or brilliant,to the statistical section on the uses to be made and the...
["W.R.G." writes to the Pall Mall Gazette that a severe but...]
The SpectatorI "- . R. G." writes to the Pall Mall Gazette that a severe but just judgment which we passed upon a former letter of his, printed in that journal on the 21st April last, has...
[The Times, as usual at this season, after discussing all the...]
The SpectatorI Tile Times, as usual at this season, after discussing all the unsavoury subjects in the world, turns to the savoury, and discusses wIlie. Thle English. superstition...
[Dr. Fuller, writing to the Times, renews his attack upon the...]
The SpectatorDr. Fuller, writing to the Times, renews his attack upon the pes!ilential dustbin, and insists on the necessity for its daily clearaace by authority. The grievance of the...
[Captain Wirz's trial for starving, maltreating, and torturing...]
The SpectatorCaptain W\'irz's trial for starving, maltreating, and torturing the Federal prisoners under his care at Andersonville has began at Washington. The evidence for the prosecution...
[After spending millions of money upon drainage works, it is hard...]
The SpectatorAfter spending millions of money upon drainage works, it is hard I to be told that they are a most magnificent network and splendid apparatus, exquisitely designed to generate...
[Those who ask the London poor to wash in soap and water...]
The SpectatorThose who ask the London poor to wash in soap and water I might as well, it seems, ask them to wash in soap and eau-deCologne. So miserable is the water supply in the poorer...
[A curious charge of abduction, as it was called, but for all that...]
The SpectatorA curious charge of abduztion, as it was called, but for all that appears it might just as well have been called ablation, and of robbery was brought on Wednesday against...
The SpectatorIRISH PATRIOTISM AND UNITY. THE Irish members have found truth, and the blessings it brings with it, secreted in an odder place than the bottorn of a well,-in the penetralia of...
The SpectatorBEGGARS. W HAT are we to do with our beggars? Are we to leave W the really destitute to chance relief, and the professedly destitute to what, with their cleverness and...
The SpectatorTHE TEMPER OF THE SOUTH. [FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDEN-T.] New York, August 25, 1865. THEF Southern people, that is, those who are or who regard themselves as leaders among...
[There has been a terrible fire at Constantinople, which on Wed-...]
The SpectatorThere has been a terrible fire at Constantinople, which on WNred- nesday night had already destroyed 2,500 houses, mosques, and public buildings, and was not then extinguished....
[THE week has elapsed, and been discriminated by days and daily...]
The SpectatorNEWS OF TILE WEEK. THE week has elapsed, and been discriminated by days and daily papers, but the future historian of England, unless he should perchance make mention of the...
[But the heroes, or rather heroines, of the week have unquestion-...]
The SpectatorBut the heroes, or rather heroines, of the week have unquestion- I ably been Miss Burdett Coutts's and Lord Granville's late cows, which by their death have succeeded in the...
[Lord Russell is said to have written a despatch to Vienna ex-...]
The SpectatorLord Russell is said to have written a despatch to Vienna ex- pressing his satisfaction that the solution of the Schleswig-Ilolstein question "arrived at at Gastein is only of...
[The British Association met on Wednesday at Birmingham,...]
The SpectatorI The British Association met ol Wredlesday at Birmingham, when Professor Phillips gave an interesting address full of curious facts. The coal, he said, dug up in one year in...
[Lord Granville's cows at Golder's Green, on the Finchley road,...]
The SpectatorI Lord Granville's cows at Golder's Green, on the FinchIcy road, wvere not more fortunate, but their fate waas more checkered. In two sheds, containing respectively 48 and 35...
[A disease has appeared in Donegal which the graziers fear may...]
The SpectatorA disease has appeared in Donegal which the graziers fear may be the Rinderpest, but there seems as yet no proof of it. To Ireland, just recovering by grazing the wealth she...
The SpectatorB OK S. CLXRISSA.*' Ii is almost as mucli a chauge of air to turn from the lively rattle of our railway novels to the solemn coach-and-six of Richardson's full-dress genius,...
Sea Bathing and Sea Air. By Le Docteur Brochard. Translated by W. Strange, M.D.
The SpectatorI Sea Bathlinq and Sea Air. By La Docteur Brochard. Translated by W. Strauga, M.D. (Longman.)-Sea bathing in the opinion of our author is too powerful an agent to be left...
A Selection of Psalms and Hymns. By Rev. C. Kemble;
The SpectatorA Selection of Psalms and Hymns. By Rev. C. Kemble; with music selected, arranged, and partly composed by S. S. Wesley. (Shaw.)There are two editions of this hymnbook, price...
The Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. Lectures by Charles West, M.D.
The SpectatorI The Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. Lectures by Charles West, AI.D. (Longman).-It is sufficent to announce the publication of this new (fifth) and enlarged edition of...
The Boy Crusaders. By J. G. Edgar. With illustrations by R. Dudley.
The SpectatorThe hy Clrusaders. By J. G. Edgar. With illustrations by R. } Dudley. (Cassell.)-This is one of poor Mr. Edgar's well-known books for boys. We are afraid that it is the last...
A Short History of the English Church, from its first Establishment to I the End of the Anglo-Saxon Period.
The SpectatorA Short History of the Enylish ChurcA, from its first Establishment to I the End of the Anglo-Saxon Period. (Parker, Lcrndon and Oxford).-I This little volume will please the...
The Poetical Annual for 1865.
The SpectatorThe Poetical Annlualfor 1865. (Pitman).-The editors of this volume I hit upon the happy idea of laying under contribution the vanity of the Terse-makers of the United Kingdom....
Christian Companionship for Retired Hours.
The SpectatorChristian Companionshipo for Retired flours. (Strahan.)-The writer of this volume belongs to that sect of Christians who consider that there is no true religion apart from the...
Shakspeare's Tragedy of Hamlet. Adapted for the use of schools. By Rev. John Hunter, M.A.
The Spectator7 ] Shlakspeare's Tragedy ofHamlet. Adapted for the use of schools. Bv | Rev. John Hunter, M.A. (Longmaus.)-This is a useful school book, edited by a former Vice-Principal of...
Songs and Poems. By James Netherby.
The Spectator|Sngs andPoems. By James Netherby. (Ward, Lock, and Tyler.)- We cannot say much for this volume of verse.-The author has a knack of stringing words together which have a...
The SpectatorRAILWAY PROXIES. RAILWAY Directors are probably the most mighty and 1R irresponsible potentates of the modern world-certainly of modern England. Nominally elected by the...
The SpectatorNURENIBERG. THERE are but few cities abroal where it is given to an Englishman to feel at once charmed with novel effects and also thoroughly at home. What first catches the...
The SpectatorLAD)Y FLAVIA.* ONE more of the thrilling, nonsensical, impossible stories which Miss Braddon brought into fashion. One more heroine who is a prodigy of beauty and wickedness,...
The SpectatorTHE GORDONS OF HUNTLY (CONTINUED). EARL GEORGE was succeeded as third Earl of Huntly by his eldest son (by his Royal match), Alexander, who in 1489 had risen in rebellion with...
The SpectatorBIBLICAL CRITICISM.* TrIE appearance of the fifth part of the Bishop of Natal's work marks an epoch in his researchez, partly by the completeness in itself of the matter...
The SpectatorCOUNT EULENBU1RG AND M. VON BISMARK'S POLICY. FRANCE and England have been waiting patiently to see 1what measures would be taken with the cowardly and brutal officer who drew...
The SpectatorVISCOUNNT MILTON AND DR. CHEADLE'S TRAVELS.* Tiii modern facilities for locomotion are gradually restricting the limits within which the perilous poetry of travel in the older...
The SpectatorCREMORNE. FFROM A CORRESPONDENT.! IN one of Paul de Kock's novels the hero, a French provincial, X conics Up to Paris in search of his own wife, or somebody else's wife.-which...
The SpectatorTOPICS OF ' THE DAY. -4 - THE BOSTON MEN ON RECONSTRUCTION. (NE of the ablest State papers which the American war has t 0 yet produced has been put forth by a Committee- c...
The SpectatorAlt. MR. MACLISE'S IVALL-PAINTINGS AT WESTMINSTER. I MR. MACLISE was fortunate in the choice of his subjects for the Royal Gallery at Westminster. Waterloo and Trafalgar are...
The SpectatorTIHE BISHOP OF NATAL. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTASTOR.'] SIR,-I am a constant reader of your journal, and a great admirer of it. I find in it profound thought and true piety,...
The SpectatorTHE REGULAR SWISS ROUND.* L ... . .~~~~~~~~~~I WE can cordially recommend Mr. Jones's book-to his parishion- a ers. Is not this a great deal to be able to say? There are many...
The SpectatorMAURICE JOLY'S ;'MALCIIIAVEL ET MIONrESQUIEU."* M. MSAURICE JOLY is a writer who has succeeded so well in hiding the merits of his work, that they have scarcely been discovered...