The Question Of " It "
Sm,—With reference to the mild controversy on the subject of IT, surely the credit for IT'S invention (though he might not have coveted it) belongs to Rudyard Kipling? I quote......
Log Fire
In view, perhaps, of possible difficulties about coal, one or two cor- respondents have asked me to include here a note about woods for burning. The log fire is a romantic......
Ste,—in Your Note In "news Of The Week " In
the issue of January 3rd on " The Burned City Churches " you remark that no restoration can give us back Wren. This seems to me quite untrue. One cannot recover a picture from......
Worst Casualties
Mr. Lockley's list of those birds which suffered most is also interesting, and again, I think, a little surprising. One would expect to find among them such fragile creatures as......
The New Great Fire
Sm,—To praise The Spectator would too often be to gild the lily : and neither task does any moderately sensible man take in hand. With that premise, may I express a feeling of......
Wykehamist Deportee
SIR, —On July 26th you published a letter from me concerning a Winchester College boy, a German Jew refugee, who had been seized by the Hants police and subsequently deported to......
Some readers have searched in vain for The Gardeners' Calendar, which I mentioned here a week or two ago. It is not very surprising that they have been unable to find it, and I......
Country Life
Expert Report That birds are very little affected by air-raids, and that they " get used to anything which does not directly interfere with their move- ment," is the expert......
Important Notice
Readers are again reminded of the necessity of ordering " The Spectator " regularly, since newsagents can no longer be supplied on sale-or-return terms.......