The Archbishops And Bishops Gave A Really Creditable Vote On
the Duke of Cleveland's amendment for giving manses to the Catholics and Presbyterians, nine of them (Canterbury, York, Ely, Gloucester and Bristol, Lichfield, Oxford,......
"town" Has Been Delighted This Week With A " Row
" of the eighteenth-aentury kind. A journal called the Queen's Messenger has for some time past scandalized London by a series of utterly inexcusable attacks upon big people,......
News Of The Week.
TIRE number of signatures to the resolution introduced by the Tiers Parti into the Corps Legislatif, demanding Ministerial responsibility, is already 125, and the 30 members of......
The Lords Made A Fearful Mess Of The Amendments On
Friday week. That night was devoted to the great compromise under which the Episcopalians were to retain their manses and glebes, on condition that a house and ten acres were......
A Remarkable Feature Of This Debate Was That The Catholic
Peers voted against the grant to their own Church. It is to be regretted they have no very good spokesman in the House—indeed, they have a tendency to neglect public business,......
The " Row " Greatly Interests Society, But The Public
is more concerned with the discreditable incidents of the inquiry in Court. Mr. D'Eyncourt, the sitting Magistrate, whether awed by the rank of the defendant and his friends, or......
* * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In
any case.......