11 MARCH 1960, page 19

Critical Quarterly

SIR--1 think it would be a pity if your Critical Quar- terly correspondence ended on Mr. Gomme's note. It is admirable that Mr. Gomme should be so zealous for the high standard......

Sta.—mr. Cairns's Sepulchral Conundrums Are Not As...

that to answer if names arc sub- stituted for numbers of successful alumni from the London conservatoires. From the Royal College of Music, which is the institution I know best,......

Rhyming Slang

SIR,--.Like Julian Franklyn. whose Dictionary of Rhyming Slang Stephen Potter reviews and quotes, I used to think that 'to scarper,' meaning to beat it, or clear out, derived......

Joyce's Letters

am editing the second volume of James Joyce's Letters for publication by Faber and Faber and the Viking Press; I should be most grateful if anyone having letters from Joyce, or......


Genuine Cannibals By ALAN BRIEN of the British theatre today that no one is even faintly surprised that the first three names in the Penguin vol- ume of New English Play-......

Unnatural Childbirth

Stn. - -Isabel Quigly has missed the point of my article on childbirth. Of course the experience may be one of enormous happiness, but my argument is that this is diminished......