12 MARCH 1864, page 3

The Intelligence Of The Week From America Is Important, As

con- taining the first official admission of weakness from the South. The Confederate Congress has risen, having first passed an address in which they affirm that continued "......

The Correspondent Of The Times Affirms That In The Entire

army in Alsen there is not a man who cannot read and write, and that the mails are broken down by the mass of letters sent and received by the army. Most of the men, it must be......

The Annual Vote For Flogging The British Soldier Was Carried

on Thursday by a majority of only one, Mr. Bright making a good speech against it too late for the division. The stock arguments were, of course, all repeated, but no one......

The Viennese Correspondent Of The Times, Usually Fairly...

accurate, announces that Austria and Prussia are now pledged to each other to stand together in the event of a general war, and that Austria and Russia have come to an......

Mr. Gladstone Made His Great Speech On The Insurance Clause

of his Annuity Bill on Monday night to a singularly attentive House. We have noticed it in another place, but we may mention here that we do not believe the opposition really......

The Albion Bank Is About To Be Forfiied To Meet

the require- ments of farmers, graziers, and cattle-dealers, who have hitherto to a great extent banked with private firms. The Company pro- pose to establish banks in the......

Mr. G. Grove, Secretary To The Crystal Palace Company, Has

written to the Times to expose a flagrant case of literary piracy. M. Emelte Pierotti, who, whatever his other merits, draws very badly, has published a large and costly volume......

Mr. Surtees (conservative) Was Yesterday Returned For...


Mr. T. B. Potter, Of Manchester, Has Ordered From Mr.

M Noble a bust of Cromwell, of which we have seen a photograph. It is a most beautiful work, with a power in the face and in the pose of the head seldom realized in sculpture.......

The Pasha Of Egypt Has Submitted The Question Of The

Suez Canal to the arbitration of the Emperor of the French, a proceed- ing as odd as it is complimentary. Has the Sultan whose rights are in question submitted it also P Smith......