A Literary Censorship.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SFECTATOR."] Sin, — Many men of very divergent views are agreed that, in view of certain tendencies of modern literature, a censorship of books is......
[TO TRI EDITOR Or Tab " sewn-con."] Six,—I observe in the Spectator of October 31st the following editorial comment upon the letter of Mr. F. G. Montagu- Powell :—"It is indeed......
Socialism And Savagery.
[TO TER Boma ov vas " Sevorkvos. " ] Snt,—The unique position held by the Spictator secures for it readers of all shades of opinion, but for sheer divergence of views your last......
Compulsory Arbitration In New Zealand. [to Tim Editor Of Tsr
"SPECTATOR. " ] Sra,—Yon were good enough to publish an extract from the letter of a leading New Zealander referring to this subject in your impression of May 23rd. No......