14 SEPTEMBER 1878, page 3

The Growing Wealth Of France, Displayed In The Readiness...

which all requests for loans are met, has tempted the Republicans to recommence the Napoleonic policy of enormous public works. The Minister of the Department, M. de Freycinet,......

The Obelisk On The Thames Embankment, Which Has, For Some

weeks past, been slowly lifted day by day in a horizontal attitude from the boat which brought it over to England, was dropped without a hitch into a vertical position over its......

Nothing Further Has Transpired As To The Accident To The

'Prin- cess Alice,' except that it was more disastrous than was believed last week. No less than 623 bodies have passed through the hands of the police, and the total of the......

Accidents Come In Groups. The Railway Collision At...

and the steam-boat disaster on the Thames were supple- mented on Wednesday last by a colliery explosion, in which 280 men and boys have lost their lives. The scene of the......

The Scandinavian Jurists Have Been Holding A Congress At...

and the principal question brought before them was the advisability of trial by jury. Most Englishmen will be sur- prised to hear that this institution is unknown in......

Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Speaking To The East Cumberland...

on Tuesday, made rather a happy mot. He thought that the speakers who were so perpetually repeating that Lord Beaconsfield and Lord Salisbury had obtained peace with honour were......

A Rumour, Officially Described As Premature, Is Mentioned...

papers, that the Portuguese have agreed to cede to the British their claims on Delagoa Bay, the great harbour in South Africa recently surrendered to them under an arbitrator's......

The Municipal Authorities Of Coblentz, Treves, And...

a police regulation forbidding boys under the age of sixteen to smoke in the streets. Similar rules used to be enforced in our University towns, so far as undergraduates were......

Consols Were On Friday 94! To 941.
