[to Mum Editor Op The "spectator."]
Sin,—John Schorne, rector of this parish at the end of the thirteenth century, was not so famous as Thomas it Becket, but pilgrims came almost as numerously to his shrine from......
Have Been Much Interested In Reading The Article In The
Spectator of April 8th under the above heading. My father (Mr. Paget, of Ruddington Grange, Notts) solved the question for himself in a very practical way more than fifty years......
[to Tim Editor Op Tdb "spectator. " ] Sin,—an Earneht...
been made to the public by Lord Rosebery and the other officials of the University of London to avert a disaster to the advancement of women which would be brought about should......
[to Ter Editor Op The "spectator: 8 ] Sir, —the Story...
by Mr. Lionel Tollemache in your issue of April 8th was thus told by my father, the late Lord Cottesloe. Dr. Goodall, formerly Head-Master of Eton, but then a. Canon of Windsor,......
[to Viz Editor Op Thh " Srzerktor. - 1
Sin,—In reference to your article of last week, may I point out that the proposal to exempt lads of twelve from attend- ance at the elementary day-schools, subject to certain......
Spiritual Excellence And Critical Intelligence.
(TO TIM EDITOR Or TUE 'SPECTATOR:1 SIR, — Your correspondent " E. A. A." in the Spectator of April 1st does not apparently consider that St. Peter's expres- sion, " us, who did......