Personal Immortality
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR:] have just read the excellent article on Personal Immortality " by Dr. Albert Peel in your issue for Janu- ary 11th, in which he maintains that......
A Protest
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Only once before, during my long—perhaps too long— literary, life, have I written to an editor to protest against what I ,held to be......
The Social Value Of Advertising
[To the Editor of the SrEeTATon.] SIR,—The article by " Omega " in your issue of March 1 st suggests what appears to be a very easy way out of cur industrial troubles, but it is......
Wild Birds Protection (scotland) Bill
' [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—The interest which the Spectator has always shown in the protection of birds, leads me to draw the attention-of your readerS to the Wild......