'tention. By George Manville Fenn. (w. And R. Chambers'...
Fenn has constructed this story with no little skill, giving it the dramatic unity which goes so far towards effectiveness. The two heroes, a private of gentle birth who has......
The Bottom Of The Bread Pan. By Eleanore H. Stooks.
(R.T.S. 3s. 6d.)—Miss Stooks deals with a theme which never fails to interest. A mother and four daughters, left penniless by the death of the head of the house, resolve to earn......
The Flower Fairy - Tale Book. By Isabella C. Blackwood....
Os )—Miss Blackwood has made a very creditable effort to write new fairy-stories. She has, of course, to use the old machinery—the fairy, benevolent or malevolent, the......
A Sailor's Garland. Selected And Edited By John...
and Co. 3s. 6d.)—Though this volume hardly comes into the class of "gift-books," yet we gladly take this occasion of mentioning it as distinctly qualified for a book which......
Cassell's Saturday Journal. (cassell And Co. '75....
of useful and entertaining literature" gives a supply as varied and as copious as we have been for many years accus- tomed to find in it. The chief items are " Some Personal......