Country Life
DIVERGENT LAND OWNERS. In the country itself events arc happening that exactly mirror the debate in the House of Commons on Regional Planning. Some owners are asking to have......
The Arrival Of Three Migrants At Any Rate Interests Every
class in the population : of the swallow tribe (who twit with the spring " .the sweated worker), the cuckoo and the nightingale ; and nowadays we may not only watch the arrival......
Lynn Phtlistines.
In the battle for preservation a local storm is raging in King's Lynn, a town full of historic buildings eloquent of its past. Mr. Guy Dawber, to whom the whole movement for......
Harvest Of Twenty-five Years Of Close Observation, Not...
even by his life in the trenches during the War. He has made his little discoveries. The marital fidelity of Mon- tagu's Harriers over a series of years is one; and perhaps......
A Number Of Instances Have Come Before Me Lately Where
building land for cottages was unprocurable in parishes where land was almost valueless. The faintest suggestion, even from the poorest, that he wants to build, mysteriously and......
A Most Surprising Complaint About The Destructive Habits...
birds has been given publicity lately in The Times and elsewhere. The missel thrush, earliest of nesters, lustiest of singers, most salient in form, has been put down among the......
We Are At A Date In The Year When It
is difficult not to think of birds. Though the cult of birds, opening with Gilbert White a hundred and fifty years ago, has galloped into popularity of late, our most rural......
Saxon And Lynx.
A very whole-hearted tribute to British delight in Nature lore is paid by two French novelists in a letter to M. Delamain, who is the most charming, and charmed, of all living......