In The Ice World Of Rimcilaya. By Fanny Bullock Workman
and William Hunter Workman. (T. Fisher Unwin. 6s.)—There is a great amount of what seems to us unnecessary grumbling in the story which these two distinguished mountaineers tell......
Who Killed Amy Robsart ? By Philip Sidney. (elliot Stock.
Is. 6d. net.)—Mr. Sidney puts together all that is known about the Amy Robsart affair. That "all" does not amount to much. There are the letters that passed between Dudley and......
The Fly - Wheel. By The Rev. Peter Anton. (alexander...
Anton is a not unworthy successor of "A. K. H. B." There is less of the not unengaging egotism of the " Country Parson," but the qualities of humour, wide reading, good sense,......
A Short History Of The English Colonies. By Agnes F.
Dodd. (J. M. Dent and Co. 2s. 6d.)—Miss Dodd has collected a con- siderable amount of information on her subject, and has arranged it in a fairly satisfactory way. Now and then......
In The " Lover's Library " (john Lane) Wo Hare
receivc d Love Poems of Landor, a collection of graceful verse put in an attractive form.......
The Jewish Year - Book. Edited By The Rev. Isidore...
and Co. 2s. 6d.)—This, the sixth yearly issue, covers the period from September 14th, 1901, to October 1st, 1902, or. to use the Hebrew numeration, 5662. (Science has made this......
Fame And Fiction. By E. A. Bennett. (grant Richards. 6...
Bennett's "Enquiry into Certain Popnlarities " will certainly repay perusal. He begins with an estimate of the "Average Reader," "an intelligent and reasonable being," "'neither......
How To Remember. By Eustace H. Miles, M.a. (f. Warne
and Co. 2s. 6d.)—Mr. Miles's readers can hardly fail to get some good out of his book. Pay attention—this is the upshot of his counsel —look all round the subject, think what it......
Essays, Descriplitta And Historical. By Lady Prestwich....
her Sister, Louisa E. Milne. (Blackwood and Sons. 10s. 6d.)—This is a very welcome volume. We have in it a well. written memoir, giving the picture of an attractive personality,......
We Have Noticed From Time To Time The Quarterly Numbers
of the Library (Regan Paul, Trench, and Co.), and have now to record the appearance of Vol. I. (New Series), edited by J. Y. W. Macalister in collaboration with Ldopold Delisle,......