The Palestine Mandate
Sm,—Dr. Maude Royden Shaw is of the opinion that the contention in my letter on the Palestine Mandate can be refuted by facts, but she omits to explain what these'refuting facts......
Our Young Scientists
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR sw,—With some eight years' experience as a chemist in smaller industrial firms, I feel able to endorse many of the views of "Young Chemist" on the attitude......
A Lost Leader
Stn,—For months it has steadily become clearer what a tragic loss Poland sustained through the death of General Sikorski in July, 1943. Today, in view of the Yalta decisions,......
Snt,—In his review of Professor Irwin Schrodinger's recent book, What is Life? Mr. W. J. Turner complains that the writer's science is not clear in his section on Entropy. This......