25 NOVEMBER 1972, page 26

Capital Punishment

Sir: As one who supported the abolition of the death penalty, I must con g ratulate you on your well-reasoned and thou g htful article on crimes and punishment (November 18). I,......

Rhodesian Sanctions

Sir: The recent parliamentary decision to continue sanctions a g ainst Rhodesia is a throu g hly shameful one. When Harold Wilson, six years a g o, connived with forei g ners......

Why Integrate?

Sir: However many Asians we admit t) our country, is it not somewhat unrealistic to expect them to want to 'integrate ' with us? Supposin g Mr Heath suddenly expelled thousands......

The Best Man To Hand

Sir: The predominantly liberal press in the United States syste matically denies a hearin g to those who disa g ree with it. Its idea of objectivity is that everyone should......

Wines Of Alsace

Sir: I was impressed by the sound and unpretentious comments in the excerpt from Mr Amis's new book which appeared in your last issue However, I should like to take issue with......

Waugh Bash

Sir: I write to say how much I a g ree with Colonel's Skinner's letter (November 18). No one need buy Simon Raven's filth, but your unfortunate subscribers have no choice, when......

In The Westminster

Sir: I am sorry that Jennifer Hawley had such an unhappy time in Westminster Hospital (November 18). To balance the picture I would like to describe my own experience. Two weeks......


Sir: I am increasingly aware of tile value of John Rowan Wilson s column. I think we would symP,. thise more with his views on t°,` coronary because of his father s early tra g......