Fine Arts.
NEW WATBR COLOUR SOCIETY. TAB New Society of Water-colour Painters, being fairly established in public favour, have improved their Exhibition-rooms in Pall Mall by throwing them......
Portrait Of Sir Thomas Gresham, Gresham College Has Just...
enriched by a valuable and appropriate ornament—a full-length portrait of its illustrious founder, at the age of twenty-six: It has been presented throagh Professor Taylor, by......
Military Gazette.
Anuraarre, April 17.—Corps of Royal Marines—Sec. Lieut. S. R. Little to be First Lieut. vice F. J. White, placed on half-pay. WAR-OFFICE. April 25.-6th Drag, Guards—Lieut. H.......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, April 22. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. D'Usayerand Co. Regent Street, professors of languages—Clifford and Co. Liverpool. commission-merchants—Davie and Pitcher, Ipswich,......