Office8 . : 99 Gower St., London, W.c. 1. Tel. : Museum
1721. Entered as second-class Mail Matter at the New York, N.Y. Post Office, Dec. 23rd, 1890. Postal subscription 308. per annum, to any part of the world. Postage on this issue......
Italy And The World If The Council Of The League
behaves weakly, it will , achieve nothing. If the representative of Great Britain . is not insistent, nobody will be insistent. If, on the other hand, the League behaves with......
News Of The Week
T HE centres' of news in regard to the Italian-Abys- sinian dispute have shifted in the last few days between Addis Ababa, Rome, Tokyo, Paris and London. The Emperor 'of......
France, Torn Between Her Desire To Maintain Her...
Italy and her interest in the system of treaties based upon the League, has been wavering, but, all else failing, now inclines towards acceptance of the formally correct......