The Chronicle Publishes This Morning A Long Letter From Lord
Kin- naird to Mr. Sidney Smith, on the new agitation. The point of the communication lies in some facts respecting the cheapness of agricul- tural produce, which the writer......
Last Night's Gazette Contains A Notice From The Speaker Of
the House of Commons, that he will, in fourteen days from the 24th of November, issue a writ for the election of a Member of Parliament for the county of Caermarthen, in the......
Pressure On Our Space Obliges Us To Postpone Mr. Ilaydon's
Letter, and oiler matters of Fine Art.......
An "occasional Correspondent" Of The Morning Post At...
that the representatives of England, Austria, and Prussia, have for- mally declared to the French Cabinet that the commercial union be- tween France and Belgium would be......
A London Gazette Extraordinary, published on Wednesday, con- tained this formal announcement- " Foreign Office, 2341 November. "Despatches have been this morning received, at......
SATURDAY NIGHT. Intelligence from Madrid to the 20th, and from Barcelona to the 19th, show that the disturbance in the provincial city had assumed a very serious complexion ;......