Sophy Of Sravonia. By Anthony Hope. (j. W. Arrowsmith,...
6s.)—Whethor the public will think " Kravonia" as interesting a kingdom as " Ruritania " is doubtful, but it is quite certain that readers of " The Prisoner of Zemin, " will......
Some Books Of Tile Week.
[Tinder this heading tee notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Thoughts on Imperial and Social Subjects. By the Right Ron. the Earl......
The Dumpling. By Coulson Kernahan. (cassell And Co. 6s.)—...
Dumpling is an excellent melodrama. It cannot be said to be anything more serious, for the Socialistic preaching in it is the work of a madman. Mr. Coulson Kernahan, however,......
The British Trade Year - Book, 1906. By John Holt...
Murray. 10s. 8d. net.)—Mr. Schooling gives us here the figures for the twenty-six years 1880-1905. He prints two hundred and twenty-one tables, in which the trade figures are......
Current Literatur.e.
THE QUARTERLIES. The place of honour in the new Edinburgh Review is given to a very able paper on " Socialism in the House of Commons," one of the best statements we have read......