The Nonconformists And The Spectator. [to The Editor Of The
"SPECTATOR. ") SIR,—In your article on the "Religious Captiousness of the Day," . you add some new charges to the indictment the Spectator never seems to weary in drawing up......
Archbishop Ma N N I Ng's Quotation From The Apocalypse.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—You will not refuse, I hope, to let me take exception to one passage in your article, " The Roman Catholics on their Defence," which......
The " Month " On The Pilgrimage. [to The Editor
OF THB " SPECTATOR. "] "But,—The courteous tone of the article in your number of the 13th inst., " The Roman Catholics on their Defence," emboldens me to 'beg to be allowed a......
The Education Question.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—The formation of School Boards in country districts, in' order to bring men of all creeds and classes to discuss and settle the best way......