28 MARCH 1829, page 8

Dr. Chalmers.

Jr is RACINE, we believe, who remarks that distance of place offers the same advantage to poetry as distance of time. It was on this rule, we presume, that the Morning- Journal......

King's College.

THERE seems to exist something like a wish in its high Tory friends to put clown this incipient institution. Why they should not only abandon it themselves, but endeavour to......


WHY is it that, though accidents from vessels fouling each other at night in our rivers and on our coast are of frequent occurrence, no regulation is attempted for the......

Italian Opera.

THE French Stage has its little paces de circonstance, which are full of spirit and gaiety : our Italian Opera has also its pieces of circumstances, but they are pieces of......

Revolving Masts.

LIEUTENANT SHULDHAM, of the Royal Navy, has lately introduced to public notice an invention which, should it answer his expecta- tions, will effect a complete alteration in the......