News Of The Week.
A GRAVE and wholly unnecessary disturbance has been caused in the progress of the Irish negotiations, which could not have been very placid in any case, by a message sent by Mr.......
To Our Readers.
Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the -' Spectator " regularly and promptly through the aboli- tion of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly......
Mr. Do Valera's Message To The Pope Was As Follows
:- " The people of Ireland have read tho message sent by your Holiness to the King of Great Britain, and appreciate your kindly interest in their welfare and the paternal regard......
There Is Reason To Believe That The Committee Of Four
has already approached the subject of Ulster. Whether it comes sooner or later, that is bound to be the crux. It is supposed that the Sinn Fein delegates are at the very least......
The Untimeliness And Provocativeness Of This Message Are...
De Valera simply " butted in " with a comment, and he did so at a time when custom, not to say decency and fairness, should have kept him silent, because Irish affairs are now......
The Ex-emperor Charles Last Week Made A Second Bid For
his lost Hungarian throne and failed again. He had promised to give the Swiss Government three days' notice whenever he intended to leave Switzerland. He broke his word, for ho......
The Irish Bulletin Says: Those Who Drafted King George's...
to his Holiness knew well that the phrase ` the troubles in Ireland' was a dishonest description of the British war on Irish liberties. The phrase suggested that the troubles in......